天使小南に拾われる そこで弥彦とも出会う
弥彦の夢は 世界征服 
長門 わぁ神様みたいだね~
小南 チビが><
弥彦 こんな所で戦争かよ と誰が戦ってるのか覗きにいく
   あれは 才蔵と木の葉の忍びか(ジライヤ・ツナデ・大蛇丸)
弥彦 くそっ俺が神様になってこの戦争のない世界を作ってやる~
長門 (弥彦の夢が 次第に自分の夢にもなっていった…)
で終了(背表紙はナルト タイトル・扉絵は忘れました…)
Well then, simply put
Nagato stands in front of his parents' grave, he has turned to begging
On his way, he picks up a dog named Chibi
No-one pays attention to the people who collaps and die on the streets
He picks up Angel Konan and after that comes across Yahiko as well
(In order to survive, the three live together, stealing and such)
Yahiko's dream is world conquest¹
But he just died²
Because he cannot apologise to his dead parents, he'll survive with all his might and
when he stands at the top of the world, he'll create a world without war~
Nagato: "Wah, like a god"
The three and chibi walk in the rain
From the sky above comes a kunai with an exploding tag
The three and Chibi are blown away in the blast
Konan: "Chibi is ><"
Yahiko: "There's fighting in a place like this?" he goes to see who is doing the fighting
There: "Saizou³ and Konoha shinobi?" (Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru)
"If we stay here we'll get involved. Let's go somewhere safe"
Chibi dies in Nagato's arms
Yahiko says something like "Dammit! I'll turn into a god and create a world without war"
Nagato: (Yahiko's dream... gradually became my dream as well...)
The end (The spine has Naruto - Forgot the title/cover...)
If i understand it correctly, Nagato's pain comes from the death of his parents and his dog ><
¹ I know they're twins and all, but seriously? Could he more blatantly rip off 666 Satan? Oh well, Seishi does the same with Naruto, so it evens out I guess
² Not completely sure about this sentence
³ It really says Saizou (才蔵 and not Hanzou (半蔵
Vamos k ahora Nagato se cabrea pork muere su perro, no me jodas, se tira kishi meses pensando pa eso, bueno como se esperaba empieza la etapa de remember tipica