Silent Hill: La pelicula


Por cierto, el policía le insinúa al padre que puede que la esposa y la hija huyesen de él, a lo que él se queda algo inquieto. Veremos en la 2 un lado escuro del padre con alguna sorpresa a lo James? xD Tendrá el padre pecados también?

Silent Hill ha llegado a la ciudad, o el espíritu dentro de la niña símplemente pasa de abrir la puerta de SH para que la madre vuelva al pueblo?

Cómo irá evolucionando la madre, sabiendo que el mal va convirtiendo también en apariencia? Veremos un contraste Mary/María con la madre y un personaje espejismo en la 2?

#120 Sí. O también puede tener que ver con el orfanato de Silent Hill 4 y sus niños ;P No murieron todos?

Dicen que no se basaron en el 4. Pero ya que el 4 sólo se enlaza con el 1 por lo del orfanato... Y hay que recordar que SH4 es el primero en que vemos enemigos bebés (en el 1 vemos niños, pero no son bebés. Estos eran como bebés algo grandes y amorfos).


No he jugado al juego pero la película no ha estado nada mal ... estoy de acuerdo con #104 sin pedazo de escena dios, acabo de llegar de verla ahora mismito y se lo comentaba a mis colegas ...


Me han dado ganas de jugar a Silent Hill. La peli me ha encantado, sobre todo la mejor conversion Juego - Peli k he visto (Doom, los Res.Evil, y la demas pelis mierda de grandes videojuegos, ya de por si malas, kedan a la altura del betun con esta!!).

Las 2 horas de peli se me han hecho cortas. Simplemente GENIAL. Lo unico una duda que tengo.. pero necesito el codigo xa insertar los spoilers (Como lo escribo?)

Y otra cosa, los juegos de SH, en plan "atmosfera" se asemejan a Doom3 o dan mas o menos "canguelo" .. jeje. Es k con doom 3 lo pase mal mas k nada x el sonido y el ambiente (Iluminacion deficiente). Y eso k nunca me acojono ni con pelis ni nada.. xD xo doom3, a las 3 de la mañana con cascos a toda potencia me supera jeje.

PD.. El codigo que puse no funciona asi que no leais mas abajo xq vienen spoilers. Avisados kedais (Y que alguien me diga cual es el comando xa spoilers!)





Spoilers abajo no leer




<spoiler> La "alessa" es decir la del hospital.. Esta muerta ? O sigue "viva" dentro de SH? Me refiero k si llego a palmarla -debido a kemaduras, parto dificil.. etc.. o sigue viva en la cama pero en el mundo de SH.

Otra cosa, de quien decia k la "enfermera tenia los ovulos reventados" dnd ves tu eso? Yo no lo vi :S Solo me fije en su cara llena de cortes, y con ojos en blanco </spoiler>





Se Acabo El Spoiler






#123 Pero luego enfocan al cuerpo y hay más sangre. Igual los ojos con sangre de la niña mala los ponen para que los relaciones con los ojos de la enfermera de alguna manera xD Piensa en que no salen con sangre hasta esa escena, algo deben tratar de decir. Cuando la ve en el piso del almacén derruido está intacta, sin sangre.

Y lo de si alessa sigue viva dentro de SH es una buena pregunta a la que no sé responder xD Piensa que en SH no sólo hay muertos (con eso han confundido a mucha peña). Tú puedes entrar y salir de SH, pero si SH te deja. Igual ella está viva ahí. O igual está muerta y lo de la habitación es como un flashback para presentarle el que fue el panorama... Igual alessa está dentro de la niña, y por eso tiene su apariencia. Eso tendría coherencia con lo de que al final pasa lo que hay dentro de la niña mala a lo que hay dentro de la buena... Que algo hay dentro de la nueva es obvio. Tal vez sea alessa, y continúe todo con la historia de SH3.


#124 no te comes demasiado la cabeza? XD


No xD Comida de cabeza es la historia de Silent Hill 2 xD Esta está bastante clara realmente.


si clarisima por eso llevamos 500 posts con preguntas ... ¿ y si aquel de alli ...? ¿ y si la sangre que tiene en el dedo meñike del pie es de cuando... ? ¿ y si cuando tropieza en el escalon kiere decir que.... ? ¿ y si la madre de alessa se duchara y se pusiera un tanga y un sujetador y sepusiera a correr pos las calles de Sh estaria buena realmente ( PUES SI ) ? pues eso esta clarisimo todo



dios vengo del cine y... madre mia... COJONUDA, se han metio de puta madre en el juego, si señor, una de las mejores versiones de juego a gran pantalla ke he visto (por no decir la mejor).


Lla mejor conversion Video Juego -> Pelicula es Steet Figther..

La pelicula la verdad que se me ha hecho algo pesada y no me ha dado terror alguno... sera quizá por que no la he visto en el cine (de todas formas no veo muchas en el cine y hay algunas que si que me dan miedo). Destacaría la ambientacion, la musica y el efecto de cuando comienza la oscuridad, bastante trabajado.

Quiza no me haya gustado porque creo que han puesto a la madre quiza de superheroina y la verdad me hacen mucha gracia las pelis asi


The Complete Idiots Guide to Silent Hill…The Movie

First let me start by saying I just don’t understand how there can be such conflicting views about this movie. Half the negative reviews claim they couldn’t understand the story or it was too complicated, while the other half claims there was no story. Make up your mind people, which is it…..well I will tell you, NIETHER! This film has quite a bit of story to it, and they come right out and explain it at one point incase you were not paying attention the first 1.5 hours of the movie. Well at any rate, I offer to you the complete idiots guide to understanding at least the very basics of this movie:


  1. History of the town -
    30 years before the time in the film, Silent Hill (a mining town) was a normal town like any other, but it was hiding a dark secret. The town was originally founded by religious fanatics (occultists) who believed anyone un-pure to be the work of a demon and they must be destroyed along with anyone aiding the demon (witches). They believed burning demons and witches would keep the town pure and protect it from the apocalypse. The fanatics were now only a small part of the towns’ inhabitants, but they still followed their old ways. Dahlia, a member of this occult, had a child and nobody knew who the father was. After years of trying to get Dahlia to release the name of the father (if their ever was one, but they never elaborate on this point) the group finally labels Alessa as a witch, and eventually a demon since she had no father. So the occult does what they always do, they attempt to burn her alive. However Dahlia intervenes and gets help from the normal citizens of Silent Hill who come to rescue Alessa. Before they can rescue her though the burning begins and in the process Alessa’s bindings partially break and the coal fire under her gets knocked over starting a fire that will eventually consume much of the town and spread to underground coal veins. This in turn will force the eventual evacuation of the town since the underground coal fire will continue to burn for as long as coal is present and the fumes are dangerous.

  2. Alessa/Sharon and the occultists –
    It’s safe to say anyone who saw the movie realizes that the fire Alessa was burned over never actually killed her; instead she lived with horrible burns over her entire body, kept alive in the hospital with constant care. We can only assume that during this time the town has not yet been evacuated (they are probably attempting to extinguish the underground fire at this point). At any rate, after years of ridicule and hate in her direction, this last attack on Alessa put her over the edge and her severe pain and anguish taints her good heart. While Alessa is in the hospital she starts gaining an immense hatred for all the occult members except her mother since her mother was always good to her and didn’t take part in the burning. This hatred attracts a demon, the very thing the occult fears the most, and Alessa strikes a deal with the demon. Now this is part that is open for interpretation and you will see why I believe what I do after I explain the ending of the movie…the deal although never stated I think is that the demon will keep her alive and help Alessa get revenge on all the people who did wrong to her and throw them into her worst nightmares, and in return the demon gets Alessa’s soul (and possibly those of all the occultists she kills). When Alessa strikes this deal all the people she wants revenge on are shifted over into an alternate reality of the town itself. They are in a sense still in Silent Hill, however they are in a misty deserted version of the town which I believe symbolizes purgatory…their souls are awaiting judgment by Alessa. There is one thing however the demon didn’t count on, the faith of the occultists. It has been said that when a religion is formed, everything the religion believes in becomes inherently true (Catholics believe they go straight to hell if the commit suicide for example), and the occultists believe that the Church of their faith is a safe haven to which the demon cannot enter. Since they have strong faith in this it becomes true, meaning the demon can only help Alessa get the revenge she promised her when the occultists are outside the church (when she turns the town into dark Silent Hill with monsters). Many years later (at this point the real Silent Hill has been abandoned) when it becomes apparent that the occultists are too smart to get caught in the dark Silent Hill a new plan is formulated; the Demon takes all the goodness and kindness left in Alessa and puts that into the body of a baby (Sharon) which is then left at the orphanage one town over. The idea is that when this child grows up the Demon can call to her and get her to come back to Silent Hill but with her parents. See the Demon needs someone strong and determined to use as a vessel to get into the church in order to cast judgment on the remaining occult members, and who is more determined than a mother trying to rescue her daughter?

  3. Rose, Silent Hill, and the Demon
    The Demon’s plan now starts to take affect. She starts calling out to the now older Sharon (the reincarnated version of Alessa’s goodness) and drawing her toward Silent Hill. Rose, a loving mother to Sharon, decides to take Sharon to Silent Hill after months of doctors and medicine not helping with sleepwalking, night terrors, and calling out the town name in her nightmares. Once Rose gets to the now deserted Silent Hill the Demon immediately opens the doors to the purgatory version of the town sucking in anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby at the time (Cybill Bennett). While Rose is unconscious the Demon calls out to Sharon and puts her somewhere she knows she will be safe…with Dahlia who will see Sharon almost as if she were Alessa and hide her from the occultists (Dahlia I don’t believe knows this is the Demons’ plan however). This does two things for the Demon and Alessa…it keeps Sharon Alive and safe (since the occultists believe burning a demon or witch destroys them, then burning Sharon would destroy the Demon and Alessa), and it ensures Rose (the future vessel for the Demon) will continue to search for her daughter and not just give up like she would it Sharon was dead. The Demon now starts the next part of their plan…get Rose to feel pity and sorry for what happened to Alessa in order to persuade her to make a deal with the Demon later on. So the Demon leaves clues for Rose to follow, bringing her to all the places Alessa was hurt and ridiculed (being called a witch in the classroom, getting raped in the bathroom, being burned in the hotel). However during the course of these events the purgatory Silent Hill goes through several transformations into Dark Silent Hill, and I believe there are 2 reasons for this. The first one is obvious….the occult members leave the Church periodically to search for supplies in the town and the Demon tries to take advantage of this by turning the town to the dark version hoping the monsters can kill any stragglers who don’t make it back to the church in time, but also I believe it serves as a test to Rose to make sure she is a strong enough person, with a strong conviction, so the Demon can use her will to save Sharon to get into the church.

  4. The rest of the story –
    Now you know all the background needed to understand the rest of the story. The Demon gets Rose to pass all her tests so far, Sharon is still hidden, and Rose makes it to the Church where she meets Christabella. Christabella tells Rose where to find the Demon not knowing she is Sharon’s mother yet, however she finds out right before Rose escapes down the elevator by looking at the locket. Now Christabella knows who Sharon is and that they must burn her before Rose gets to the Demon. Christabella also gets a hunch that Dahlia has the child since Sharon is so like Alessa and Dahlia has so much love for Alessa (I also believe the Demon was the one who clues Christabella in, explained a few sentences down). Skip ahead and the occult members get Sharon and start preparing to “purify” her. During this time however Rose makes it to the Demon who then goes through a 15 minute explanation of the events so far (reason why I don’t get why so many people didn’t understand the film) which serves the purpose of updating moviegoers with no deductive reasoning, and filling in the blanks for Rose to cement some sympathy for Alessa into her heart. Once the Demon knows she has won Rose over with her sad story of Alessa’s torment and the evil occultists she sends a hint to Christabella as to where Sharon is being hid. I believe this because the Demon tells Rose the occult members will soon find Sharon and burn her (how would she know if she hadn’t clued them in :P). This is the final piece the Demon needs in order to gain the services of Rose, and also another point that is up for different interpretation. However going from my original idea of the deal between Alessa and the Demon (Alessa’s soul for the Demons help) I believe Rose made a similar deal. Rose made a deal with the Demon that in exchange for Rose’s soul and her help, the Demon will help Rose get Sharon back, which just so happens to also help the Demon get into the Church. So Rose takes the deal and the Demon hitches a ride in Roses body in order to get into the Church. Now some people might ask at this point “well why didn’t the Demon just get into the body of one of the occult members to get in?” Well I believe in order for the Demon to use someone, they need to accept the Demon and ask for their help (as was the case with Alessa). So now skip ahead again and we get to the final battle between the occultists and the Demon. This part everyone should understand, basically Rose brings the Demon into the church and when she gets stabbed the Demon comes out. This allows the Demon to enter the Church and bring Alessa in so the can exact her revenge.

  5. The Ending –
    After the final battle is over Rose thinks everything is going to be ok, and she takes Sharon and heads home. Now this part is completely open for interpretation, but again I will follow the general plot I have led you on thus far. Remember I told you Rose made the same deal with the Demon as Alessa had….her soul for the Demons help in saving and getting Sharon back? Now I have 2 theories here, either one could work:

a. Rose doesn’t realize that her Soul immediately becomes property of the Demon and doesn’t know she is still in the purgatory version of the world. So she takes Sharon and heads home none the wiser. We can only assume that eventually she will realize her predicament. Now also Sharon is still with her because part of the deal was Rose gets Sharon back in return for her help…so Sharon too gets stuck with Rose
b. Similar to the first one Rose doesn’t know she is stuck in the purgatory realm, but remember that scene where the Demon gets really close to Sharon after the battle? Well I think maybe the Demon put Sharon back with Alessa now that Alessa’s revenge is complete, and the Demon took over the body of Sharon in order to stay close to Rose for future endeavors (Silent Hill sequel anyone?)

  1. The monsters –
    This one I think people were thinking too hard on. The Demon told us that the Dark Silent Hill was a world of Alessa’s nightmares…so can’t we simply assume like all children her nightmares included crazy monsters? If you really wish to find meaning in it I guess you could say the grey children were her nightmares of the kids at school who picked on her, the janitor Demon was her nightmare of the guy who raped her, the Acid spitting one burned things with it’s acid so maybe it corresponds to her fears of burning due to actually being burned (questionable on that one), the cockroaches may represent her view of the occultists themselves, and Pyramid Head is just the ringleader of the Monsters? I really am unsure on this one but I don’t think it matters as they are not that important to the story, we only need to know that they are Alessa’s nightmares.


So who wins you ask? The Demon! That’s right; Alessa was a good girl but allowed herself to be tainted by the Demons promises of revenge, making Alessa no better than the Occultists themselves. The occultists obviously lose since they all die. Now Rose is in the same predicament as Alessa…she sold her soul to a Demon and therefore her soul is damned, even though she did it for a good cause. So…the true winner in all of this is in fact the Demon!


#123 y 124 yo creo que sigue viva, si no no tendria sentido sacarla con un cuerpo de adulta.


#132 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD cuanta comedura de cabeza

Creo que voy a ponerme a jugar al SH4 a ver lo que duro :S


Pues durarás muchísimo, ya que es casi imposible morir en ese juego, es el más fácil de la saga.

Por cierto, ese juego no tiene nada reflejado en la peli, la peli pilla del 1 al 3.


No me referia a k me mataran sino k a me pongo to nervioso con la ambientaciony las camaras :S xdd


Pero si es el único Silent Hill sin oscuridad ni linterna xD Es el que menos miedo da!

Por cierto, la explicación de imdb está muy bien, pero comentan lo obvio que sacamos casi todos en claro. Vamos, sólo comenta la peli, y poco se moja con las teorías xD Aún así, recomendable leerlo.


pues yo me cago igual con o sin linterna asi k ya me diras XDDDDDDD


nunca jugue al SH, esta para pc?


si por lo menos el 3 y el 4 si


Están todos menos el 1.

El 2 es port de la versión Xbox, y te trae extra la misión de María. Lo mejor es que comiences por este.

Para cambiarle el idioma al español tienes que toquetear un archivo y cambiarle el valor 1 por 4 o 5. Los listos no trajeron selección de idioma de serie...


cuanto dura la peli? me la acabo d bajar y son casi 2 horas , alguien me puede confirmar si dura eso esq escuxe por ai q ai una version mas corta...


si k dura eso



Pues para mi es el peor de todos, en el sentido de acojone. Toda la parte en primera persona dentro del apartamento me pone de los nervios. "¡Anda, hurga el cadáver crucificado de Walter Sullivan!", "¡Mira, la mirilla tiene sangre, vamos a mirar a través a ver!", "¡Me voy a asomar a la nevera, que parece que hace un ruido raro!" xDDDD

Por no hablar de los puñeteros espíritus inmortales y esa cara gigante de Eileen en el hospital. Diossss, de los putos nervios me dejó ese juego xDDDD

Lo único que me cortó un poco el rollo eran las enfermeras gigantes que eructaban cuando les metías de palos, jejejeje.

Saludos! :)


la pelicula esta bastante bien.

Solo me quedó la duda del final :
se supone q la madre y la "hija" llegan a su casa pero en la "otra" dimension no? por eso no ven al padre o como va la cosa?
.fin de spoiler xDDDDDDDDDDD..
.para el que haya jugao a los juegos es algo chocante ver:

la historia mas o menos del SH 1
el malo del SH 2 (piramide)
y la protagonista parece la del SH 3

xDDDD es un pack 3 en 1


#144 sin spoiler basto XD

pues se supone k si k o estan muertas o no han salido del submundo de SH yo me di cuenta ensegida al ver k la niebla segia al salir de la iglesia supongo k la niña aprobecho y dejo k la madre saliese con el coche del pueblo pk al salir con el coche parece como k la carretera sige sin estar y derrpente al pasar aparece y asi la niña expande su poder fuera del pueblo

PD: no he puesto ninguna coma y q? XD


pyramid...sin acojone :!


el 1 tb esta para pc, usando un emulador de ps eso si


Los que se han pasao los juegos, ¿pueden contarnos algo mas acerca de los monstros? por ejemplo del pyramid o de los escarabajos esos, porque en la pelicula se ve cuando pasa uno que se cae de espaldas y se le ve una cara humana al bicho.


normal, paranolla :S
