#10 En indiegala si compras el bundle la prrimera semana, luego vuelves cuando esta activa la happy hour y por cada bundle adicional que compras te regalan otros 3, pero como ya ha dicho viper con los weekly no funciona-
faq happy hour (ingles)During the happy hour HIGH TIER gift purchases are discounted ( gifts are purchases made with the "Is it a gift" checkbox selected ) You have to do a NEW gift purchase during HappyHour time to take advantage of this offer ( even if you previously bought the current IG bundle ). Happy Hour is a moment during the bundle in which when you buy a HIGH TIER* gift, you have bonus (read as free) HIGH TIER* gift(s) whose numbers depend on when you ( and if you ) ALREADY purchased the bundle HIGH TIER* . If you purchased the HIGH TIER* bundle during the 1st week, during an Happy Hour you'll be able to purchase 1 gift and receive 1 + 3 gifts. If you purchased the HIGH TIER* bundle after the 1st week, you'd receive 1+2 HIGH TIER* gifts. If you didn't purchase yet the HIGH TIER* bundle, you'd get 1+1 HIGH TIER* gifts. Remember to check the GIFT checkbox to get advantage of HappyHour. * If the sale has 2 Tiers HIGH TIER is Tier 2. If the sale has 3 Tiers HIGH TIER is Tier 3. Weekly bundles does NOT have HappyHour
#11 Si, ademas Condemor tiene un hilo en el que se encarga de comprar los pack y irselos pasando a la gente que se apunta