La salida oficial del scpromod cuando es?


que subnormal es la gente de este subforo no? y no va por #1



siguen terminandolo, hasta que os compreis el hl2 y abandonen el proyecto y os tengais que pasar a source.



yo creo que nunca lo van a terminar, además de que ya han incumplido varias fechas que prometieron como la de lanzamiento de nuevas versiones de los mapas y la beta oficial.

#5 lo de subforo es en tono despectivo? porque lo parece.


En inet se es asi de fuerte


a algunos se les va la fuerza por la boca...


#2==>Bajito chillon


como dice gecko, pal cspromod necesitais el hl2, vosotros comprarlo con la esperanza de jugar al csp.... k cuando haya habido suficientes ventas abandonaran el proyecto ^^


Si al final se dará la razón a las múltiples discursiones de qué mod es mejor, todos a Source y punto!!


Parece ser que ciertos usuarios no se dignan a leerse las normas del foro. Se les dara aviso y se pasara la correspondiente sancion.

Resecto al CS Promod, es ya una realidad. Como dice el comunicado oficial estan terminando el script de armas de 1.6 para adaptarlo al motor del source habiendo completado 2/3 del total de rifles y gran parte de las pistolas. No se habla de fecha oficial.

Aqui tenemos la noticia oficial de la web de CS Promod:

Development Progress, Map Updates Soon
This past week has seen a great amount of progress the development side of the project. With arQon at the development helm, things are moving along very smoothly, as we are now well into weapon development for the mod. The past week has been spent tirelessly rehashing, researching, and finalizing 1.6 gun behavior values, which were then plugged into the CSP weapon scripts for testing. I'm very pleased to announce that we're now finished constructing "spread" (bullet deviation) for all of the pistols, and are well on our way with 2/3 of the rifles completed as well. This means that we now have the deagle and glock (single-shot and burst-fire) completed. We've also already moved into testing "kick" (recoil) for the usp, and all rifles.

Movement is, as of this moment, 2/3 completed, with cl_backspeed being the only remaining unfinished aspect. David Sanghera, one of our staff programmers responsible for handling movement, hopes to finish cl_backspeed in a few days. Game logic is also very close to completion. Janek, the head developer of HL2DM-Pro, has very generously lent us a helping hand, and has completed all round logic (i.e., the game rules that make Counter-Strike what it is). He's now working on buy zones, and other related aspects of game logic.

Our mapper, aTam, has been hard at work fixing all of the bugs that you, the community, worked hard to report to us on our forums. The maps have been extremely successful thus far, with 100,000+ downloads worldwide, and have already been adopted by North America and Europe's top respective online leagues, CEVO and ESL. We aim to have bug-free beta 2 versions of the CSP maps released within the next week.

Thanks for the continued support - we will continue to work hard and make CSPromod a success. More updates to come soon.

Alex Garfield
Executive Director
Saturday January 20th 1:01AM PST



como puedes leer al final, esa noticia es del 20 de enero :S

"We aim to have bug-free beta 2 versions of the CSP maps released within the next week."





No es "owned", es que el desarrollo del juego requiere tiempo, por lo general meses. Por lo tanto, esto puede ser para verano. No he mirado el foro, en cualquier caso, leer bien la pagina web.

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