ESL Pro League confirma sus 24 equipos para la temporada 11


Flashpoint de momento:

  • Mad Lions.
  • MIBR.
  • Cloud9.
  • C0ntact (ex-cr4zy).
  • Dignitas.
  • Gen.G

Temporada 11

Partner teamsSeason 10 finalsMDLESL Ranking
AstralisHeroicForzeFuria Esports
Evil GeniusesSharks
FaZe ClanTyloo
G2 Esports
Natus Vincere
Ninjas in Pyjamas
Team Liquid
Team Vitality
100 Thieves

Temporada 12

Partner teamsMDLESL World RankingRegional Distribution
AstralisESEA Global ChallengeGanador Temporada 11 / ESL WRSA Qualifier
ComplexityESEA Global ChallengeESL World RankingAsia Qualifier
EnceESEA Global ChallengeESL World RankingOceania Qualifier
Evil GeniusesNA Qualifier
FaZe ClanEU Qualifier
G2 Esports
Natus Vincere
Ninjas in Pyjamas
Team Liquid
Team Vitality
100 Thieves

The Louvre Agreement

Louvre Agreement’ creates new framework for CS:GO ecosystem with long-term league slots for teams and revenue and profit sharing which extends to other ESL Pro Tour competitions

A groundbreaking new agreement between leading CS:GO teams, ESL and DreamHack will govern the setup of Pro League and share of revenues and profits from ESL’s Pro Tour competitions. The teams, representing the top level of professional CS:GO, will also become majority stakeholders in the league with a long-term slot for participation. By partnering with the leading CS:GO teams, the new agreement further establishes the ESL Pro Tour as one of the most valuable properties in the global business of esports.

The new agreement - informally dubbed ‘The Louvre Agreement’ - was signed by Astralis, Complexity, Evil Geniuses, ENCE, FaZe Clan, Fnatic, G2 Esports, Mousesports, Natus Vincere, Ninjas in Pyjamas, Team Liquid, Team Vitality, 100 Thieves and ESL following a meeting in Paris in January 2020. Between them, the signatories of the agreement have won 28 ESL and DreamHack Masters-level competitions and two Intel® Grand Slams in the last four years and represent all of the top 10 ranked teams in the world.

The agreement establishes a deep partnership between ESL, DreamHack and the partner teams, and introduces teams as key stakeholders in the transformed ESL Pro League running with a singe global division of 24 teams.

The founding teams will retain a long-term slot in the league similar to other sports, with remaining teams qualifying on the basis of their world ranking or directly through the Mountain Dew League, the ESL Pro League’s gateway competition.

The agreement will also mean partner teams earn a share of revenues from all competitions in the ESL Pro Tour - including marque tournaments such as IEM Katowice and ESL One Cologne. Beyond that, partner teams which are ranked top 20 are also eligible to select slots in ESL Pro Tour events in a draft pick.


We’re doing away with regions to provide the ultimate global battleground. The 24 teams will be split into four groups of six teams featuring a round-robin best of three formats. Group winners will play for a direct slot to the semi finals and Round 3 respectively. Second and third-placed teams are seeded into a single-elimination bracket and will meet the group winners along the way. All matches starting in the Round 3 will be played in an arena location where the season champion is crowned in a best of five grand final.



Se han comprometido a 3 años o algo asi no? Si es asi lo de Flashpoint pinta mal


Entrevista a Michal 'CARMAC' Blicharz, Vicepresidente de ESL Pro Gaming:

FLASHPOINT has publicly stated that its founding teams will face fines if they don't maintain a top-20 ranked team. How will ESL Pro League incentivize member teams to remain competitive?

Blicharz: It is in the best interest of the teams that all the partners deliver value to the ESL Pro League. The arrangement will only be successful if the teams work hard enough. Teams that fail to do that are likely to see their partner status reviewed by the other teams and could face losing their member status.

Are these founder teams able to drop out at any point or have they committed to a set number of years?

Blicharz: The permanent slot shall be subject to review if one of the partner teams places last in their group in 3 out of 4 seasons. New partner teams can be added by two-thirds majority voting of existing partner teams.

Many MDL teams/players have criticized the way that they have seemingly become an afterthought in all of this, will there be any changes to that system? What can you do to get them back onside?

Blicharz: We have redesigned the qualification for the ESL Pro League Season 12, giving the teams affected by the reduction of the league extended opportunities to get in. We are also planning to upgrade MDL and bolster its prestige. If the ESL Pro League is a narrowed field of teams, MDL automatically becomes more relevant and we want to amplify that.

How will promotion and relegation work?

Blicharz: There will be no relegation to speak of. The two ESL Pro League tournaments will be about five months apart from each other and we think there are better ways to determine which of the non-partner teams should play than based on a single 5-month-old result.

We will invite the partner teams to each edition of the ESL Pro League along with the highest-ranked teams in the world who happen to not be members. There are also going to be spots in the league to be won via the Mountain Dew League Global Challenge. This ensures that there’s a very clear and objective route that teams can follow to climb up from ESEA all the way up to the ESL Pro League.

Can non-founder teams eventually earn a stake in the league?

Blicharz: The idea is to make sure that the world’s best teams can be partners of the league. The list of member teams is dynamic by design and a process for that is installed and depends on the group of the partner teams.

Will there be sanctions for teams that decline invites to events?

Blicharz: There will not be sanctions for teams, but partner teams are aware that by declining too many invitations to competitions, they are giving up their share of the revenue from the ESL Pro Tour (but not ESL Pro League specifically).

Will founding teams be allowed to compete in other leagues like BLAST Premier?

Blicharz: There are no restrictions on what tournaments teams play in.

Will teams outside of the ESL Pro League still be invited to events like ESL One Cologne or IEM Katowice or will Pro League teams always get priority?

Blicharz: There are a number of invitations at every Masters-level tournament in the ESL Pro Tour, but the world’s best teams will still be invited as well. That’s regardless of their participation in the ESL Pro League or not.

To clarify: there will be no invitations into ESL One and IEM Katowice’s main competitions. Those are Masters Championships and you get into them via the ESL Pro Tour ranking, so by doing well in Challenger, Masters competitions as well as CSGO Majors.

It is clear that the ESL Pro League’s team lineup is currently superior to FLASHPOINT’s but they have made some bold claims about their broadcasting talent and plans for original content. How do you plan on stepping up your production game? Do you have any tricks up your sleeves?

Blicharz: Looking at IEM Katowice Major and ESL One it is fair to say that our productions are at the industry standard level and help raise it. We’ve managed to get there by staying curious and hungry and assembling the right team in charge of this topic. Nothing changes in this department - we will keep trying to improve with every event we do.

Are there plans to increase the number of Pro League teams in the future?

Blicharz: At this stage we will keep the tournament at 24 teams. Let’s see how that works and iterate in the future if it is required.


Bueno varias cosas.
Primero los invitados para intentar clasificarse PARA LA TEMPORADA 12 son: (recordemos que el hilo trata sobre la 11)

Pero bueno eso no es el tema que quería comentar. Quería ver que opináis sobre esta parte de un artículo de hltv:

After the league was cut down to 24 teams for the upcoming Season 11 and onwards — a decision that was met with much criticism —, ESL introduced a special qualifying process for Season 12. That will offer teams who were cut from the league as a result of the changes a second chance (coupled with MDL Season 33) to make it back to the league. This will change from Season 13, as the main avenue to qualify will be via the ESL World Ranking.

La parte en negrita entiendo que, además de los equipos franquicia, la clasificación para la 13ª temporada de la ESL Pro League ¿va a ser exclusivamente por el ranking de ESL?

¿Qué os parece el ranking de ESL comparado con el de HLTV? Sinceramente solo he escuchado la opinión de Lucas en el Llamas y obviamente objetivo no es, y yo no conozco las diferencias reales entre ambos rankings.

1 respuesta

Ranking ESL

Ranking HLTV

Compara tú mismo. Yo soy de la opinión de Lucas, el de ESL es un despropósito.

1 respuesta

#7 He estado mirando ambos antes de publicar el post, y la importancia que da a las competiciones cada uno. Pero como tampoco sé muy bien que torneo es más importante que cual realmente (es decir sin tener en cuenta lo que digan los rankings), pues he decidido preguntar ya que ponía lo de la noticia.

1 respuesta

Lo del ranking ESL es un puto despropósito, pero como bien se dice, es su producto, se lo van a follar como quieran, lo que leí, es que los equipos que se han ido a la FLASHPOINT, para poder entrar en una ESL One o una IEM van a tener que hacer malabares, y que los socios fundadores pueden cambiar, todo depende del rendimiento, y que para la season 12, solo los fundadores tienen plaza segura, el resto tienen que pegarse, eso implica que si Riders gana la MDL, ya no tendría que jugarla mas, porque no hay relegation, simplemente tendría que pegarse con el resto xD

1 respuesta


eso implica que si Riders gana la MDL, ya no tendría que jugarla mas, porque no hay relegation, simplemente tendría que pegarse con el resto

Tendría que ir a la Global Challenge y conseguir entrar entre los tres primeros para conseguir el ascenso a Pro League.

Y respecto a los fundadores, según la entrevista a Carmac, también podrían perder su plaza si quedan últimos de grupo 3 temporadas de las 4 que tienen firmadas.

1 respuesta

#10 Me refiero si gana el GC, que no tendría que volver a jugar MDL, mejplique mal xD

2 respuestas

#11 Sí tendrían que jugarlo. Consiguen la plaza para esa temporada. Justamente lo que he puesto en #6 es eso, que pone que a partir de la 13 parece que se van a centrar solo en el ranking de ESL.
Del mismo artículo:

The deal sees ESL Pro League transform to a vastly different competition compared to previous seasons, which will have a single global division and no longer feature a relegation system. Instead, it will comprise the 13 member teams and 11 others who will need to qualify every season.

Los 11 que no sean de la franquicia tendrán que clasificarse de alguna forma cada temporada.

Es lo que estoy entendiendo yo vamos.

1 respuesta

#8 El principal fallo del ranking de ESL es que dan los puntos a los jugadores en función de su resultado en las distintas competiciones individualmente sin tener en cuenta quien le acompañó, es decir no tienen en cuenta lo conseguido por un bloque de 3 como sí hace HLTV. Esto provoca que se vean algunos disparates o situaciones curiosas como que si mañana dev1ce hace un equipo con 4 de sus primos sea invitado mínimo al cerrado de cualquier evento que realice ESL.

1 respuesta

#12 No hay relegations, lo confirmó ayer Carmac, no tendrían que jugarla obligatoriamente

Es un puto lío explicarlo porque ni yo lo entiendo bien xdd


#11 Entiendo que la GC funcionará como Relegations y la tendrán que jugar siempre todos los que lleguen a través de MDL si no tienen un buen ranking ESL que les asegure plaza para la siguiente temporada. Mira el cuadro de @Curius para la siguiente temporada.

Aunque esto son conjeturas mías. Dentro de unos días darán más información de la reforma de la MDL que quieren hacer para darle más caché.


De todas formas es que cambiar la forma de clasificarse entre temporada 11 y 12; y entre la 12 y la 13 es un jaleo importante.

#13 Entiendo también que tendrán en cuenta más sus propios eventos que los de los demás.


Y a todo esto, salió el CEO de Astralis a ponerle fino a Thorin, bastante disfrutable la verdad lo que soltó xD

1 respuesta

#17 Eso da para hilo, guiño, guiño, codazo, patada voladora.

1 respuesta

#18 Espera a que haya mas noticias de punto aturdidor, que para 3 tuits de mierda...


Las finales en Denver, y las finales de MDL serán ahí también, quieren darle a los equipos de MDL un ambiente igual que los de EPL


Un twist mas, se está viendo a ciertos casters de FLASHPOINT echar mierda a ESL, va a quedarse una scene suuuper sana xD


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