y me he presentado a equipos, pero sabes que? las chicas no podemos, no nos admiten por que solo hay masculino...
? Dime que ligas/torneos prohiben jugar a una chica en un equipo "masculino". Ya te respondo yo, ninguno.
If your issue is not being able to play on the main stage like the "male" teams, then join the main tournament; no one is stopping you.
If you have a problem with the female tournament prize pot being lower than the main tournament, then join the main tournament; (again) no one is stopping you.
There is the growing misconception that CS is divided by gender. Tournaments are not divided by male and female, and they have never been. In fact, females are given the privilege to choose which of the two tournaments they would rather participate in (double-standard? I think so). Guess which option of the two is traditionally favored...
The documentary claims they want equality, claims they want to compete with everyone else just like everyone else, yet these female players choose to separate themselves from the scene by playing on female teams in female tournaments over open tournaments/leagues.
For what reasons? One excuse is that female players and teams need a sanctuary that keeps them away from harassment and sexist behavior, yet internet prejudices have no boundaries regarding race, sex, skill, or sexual orientation.
Others claim that hosting these female tournaments are to increase the female demographic of the game. Whether the game is 90% male or 10% female, or 50% male and 50% female, balanced demographics does not necessarily mean equality or lead to equal treatment because you are trying to increase the # of females for its sake rather than solving the real issues at hand. Stats are just a number, the people themselves (male & especially female) are the problem here.
Since 2003, ESWC has been hosting female tournaments, and in those 11 years, nothing has changed. Viewers still see several of the same faces STILL competing in these tournaments year after year, and the vast majority of female players begin and end their career in these tournaments. When will it ever lead to integration? Female tournaments are not the answer, and it is the female players attitudes that must change. They are the ones that decide whether they want to play in the same leagues and tournaments as everyone else, and they are the ones that decide how much effort they truly want to invest in the game; (again) no one is stopping them.
Why is the legitimacy of female esports always being questioned? It's because female tournaments employ gender, rather than skill, as a prerequisite for participation. When you bar entry to males in a male-dominated competitive scene, the legitimacy of competition within the female scene has a right to be questioned (just as an amateur league would, or even a local tournament simply because they do not feature the top-ranked competitors). Until players within the female scene prove otherwise, their skill (just like any player in the scene who is new or has yet to prove themselves) will always be questioned.
There also seems to be a growing trend that closely resembles affirmative action, and it involves inviting female teams to play in tournaments of high stature (such as Hitbox Arena Championship and Fragbite Masters), rather than letting them qualify on their own accord. Do not buy into whatever “altruistic” reasons the tournament organizers use to justify this action (e.g. to integrate the “male” and female scene)—it’s all a marketing ploy. Why should it take an invite to get a female team competing against other non-female teams in leagues and tournaments? It shouldn't. The female players themselves are responsible for what tournaments/leagues they choose to sign up or qualify for, and if they deserve a spot or a title, they will earn it just like any other team would and has done in the past. This only serves as a slap in the face to other teams who have put in the effort and would have qualified over the invited female teams, but weren’t simply because they were male.
I'll end with this,
If you are a female player that is looking for a pat on the back for your efforts (despite not being able to compete among the best), then female tournaments are for you. If your only goal is to have fun and play with other girls, then by all means have fun. However, do not expect any real respect in the competitive scene because you are segregating yourself from the main competitive community.
If you are a female player that takes criticism and failure appropriately, will continue to be motivated to play in open leagues/tournaments to gain the necessary experiences (despite not winning, or receiving prize money initially because your rather not take the easy route and exploit your gender), and genuinely wants to be the best among the best at all costs, then carry on in your efforts, because that attitude will make you a better player than any female tournament could ever produce.
Referencing an Equal Gaming Documentary