Problema CPLgui


Buenas gente de mv.
Pues mi problema es que desde que instale el nuevo cpl gui y ejecute el .reg de Video Registry no me deja poner el modo OpenGL a 16 bits, tengo que tenerlo a 32, y claro las fps me bajan, antes aguantaba 1 y 2 humos facilmente pero ahora parece que me explote el pc. Si alguien sabe como suprimir o como volver a como lo tenia antes que lo ponga please.

Quiero mi OpenGL a 16 :(


1 de las normas de CPL es usar 32Bits en sus competiciones de Counter-Strike


asi #2? no lo sabia xd , eso porque¿?


Punto 5.

5.00 Computer Client Setup

5.00a Computers will be provided by Intel for tournament servers and clients. All tournament computers will be identical in hardware and default peripherals, and have ample processing power and 3D video acceleration. Players may not use their own computers in the tournament and may not use the tournament computers to practice.

5.00b Players can use their own keyboard, mouse and other controlling device, provided they submitted a driver request through the official CPL forums prior to June 1, 2005 at 6pm CDT. Driver installation and functionality of such devices are the sole responsibility of the player. No software or storage device is allowed to be brought into the tournament area.

5.00c A standard keyboard and mouse will be supplied to players who do not bring their own.

5.00d Players must provide their own headphones. Speakers may not be used in the tournament.

5.00e Video card gamma and brightness settings in Windows may be changed to a maximum allowable of 1.2. Monitor brightness is allowed to be changed if reasonable values are maintained. The tournament director/manager will warn players if settings are deemed too high. The following video settings may be modified. Vsync may be turned on or off through the display applet. Digital vibrance may be adjusted in Windows to a setting of medium. Individuals who are unsure of allowable video settings should request assistance from a tournament official. Only 32-bit graphic settings will be used in the tournament, 16-bit graphic settings will not be allowed.

5.00f All binds are handled through a custom GUI (Graphical User Interface) designed specifically for the CPL. This GUI will be pre-loaded on all tournament machines and can be downloaded at this URL:

Players are required to utilize the CPL GUI for all configuration of the game. Players are not allowed to open any configuration files manually for any reason or to enable/access the console. Any player caught with any configuration or registry file manually opened will be immediately removed from the tournament area. If teams do not have a substitute player on the roster, they will then forfeit the match for lack of players. The GUI is subject to change based on the needs of the most current version of Counter-Strike 1.6 being used.

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