sEaRcH cLaN | g00d LvL | g00d TEaM pLaY | g00d AiM | g00d eX-cLaNeŽZ | cLaN WiTH sErvEr & sp0nSoR | DisPoNiBiLiDaD 99% | 300k | 20piNg 100fps 0loss 0choke | 3,4 yEaRs pLaY | +info /qMe n0 hAy ningun puto clan serio
sEaRcH cLaN | g00d LvL | g00d TEaM pLaY | g00d AiM | g00d eX-cLaNeŽZ | cLaN WiTH sErvEr & sp0nSoR | DisPoNiBiLiDaD 99% | 300k | 20piNg 100fps 0loss 0choke | 3,4 yEaRs pLaY | +info /qMe n0 hAy ningun puto clan serio