EOS https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/38gdqsx0 1/4
XLM https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/hsknwtpr 1/4
Free cryptos!! gooogoogogog
enlace eos: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/0bhjyxqc quedan 3
1-A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2-Delegated proof of stake
3- Fast, free transfers
4-Stake EOS tokens
5- Upgradeable smart contracts
enlace xlm: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/rg1ym9ft quedan 3
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
EOS (2/4 disponibles...)
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
eos: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/sy0453zh quedan 4
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
xlm: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/w7mnq03c quedan 4
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
Actualizo las invitaciones!
Quedan 1/4 de XLM: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/bdfvzpjx
Quedan 2/4 de EOS: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/zdg98fn6
Go go!
EOS: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/tns3pmv2 3/4 disponibles
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
XLM: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/q17rdcx5 4/4 disponibles
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
XLM (3 Restantes):
- A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
- Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
- Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
- To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
- It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
EOS (3 Restantes):
- A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
- Delegated proof of stake
- Fast, free transfers
- Stake EOS tokens
- Upgradeable smart contracts
Actualizo mis enlaces!
EOS: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/z1m93dck quedan: 3/4
XLM: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/w4ygnk3z quedan 4/4
Buenas gente, tengo una pregunta: mi hermano se creó la cuenta hace meses (creo que por mayo/abril) cuando daban los 40 pavos o 50 no recuerdo, la semana pasada reclamó las invitaciones de XLM, EOS, DAI etc y durante los siguientes 4/5 dias consecutivos le fueron mandando las respectivas invitaciones.
Yo me creé la cuenta en coinbase a principios de esta semana y no me han mandado aun ninguna invitación.. mi pregunta es: ¿las cuentas nuevas reciben invitación en algún momento, alguien lo sabe? o quizá supongo que tardaran muchisimo mas... o directamente no les mandan invitacion nunca o como va esto?
Realmente tiene su lógica que a las cuentas nuevas tarden mas en mandarle las invis, pero me gustaría que alguien que sepa del tema o que tambien lo hiciese con cuenta nueva, me explicase un poco como funciona, gracias.
EOS (2/4 disponibles...)
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
Free cryptos!! gooogoogogog
enlace eos: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/0bhjyxqc quedan 3
1-A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2-Delegated proof of stake
3- Fast, free transfers
4-Stake EOS tokens
5- Upgradeable smart contracts
enlace xlm: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/rg1ym9ft quedan 3
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
De momento no me dejan poner los EOS, no estoy habilitado aun:
Orchid - https://coinbase.com/earn/oxt/invite/y3gfshpz 1/4 disponibles
Answer - Orchid is a new peer-to-peer privacy tool
Answer - Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet.
Answer - multihop configurations between bandwidth providers.
https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/rckwg82h EOS 4/4 disponibles
1-A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2-Delegated proof of stake
3- Fast, free transfers
4-Stake EOS tokens
5- Upgradeable smart contracts
https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/4m83kybd XLM 4/4 disponibles
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
Os dejo mis enlaces por aqui:
EOS (3/4) usadas https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/wpq15tsk
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
XLM (1/4) usadas https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/kc6dvhwq
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
Aqui va el mio
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
5 invitaciones me quedan!
enlace eos: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/0bhjyxqc quedan 3
1-A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2-Delegated proof of stake
3- Fast, free transfers
4-Stake EOS tokens
5- Upgradeable smart contracts
enlace xlm: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/rg1ym9ft quedan 2
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
XLM (0/4)
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
EOS (0/4)
1-A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2-Delegated proof of stake
3- Fast, free transfers
4-Stake EOS tokens
5- Upgradeable smart contracts
Todavia quedan plazas de sobra en ambas!
Le das te apuntas ves los videos y te acreditan el saldo, facil y rapido!
A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
Delegated proof of stake
Fast, free transfers
Stake EOS tokens
Upgradable smart contracts
Q1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
Q2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
Q3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
Q4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently.
Q5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions.
A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
Delegated proof of stake
Fast, free transfers
Stake EOS tokens
Upgradeable smart contracts
Actualizo enlaces!
XLM 4/4 disponibles
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transaction
EOS 3/4 disponibles
1 A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2 Delegated proof of stake
3 Fast, free transfers
4 Stake EOS tokens
5 Upgradeable smart contracts
Os dejo el link para EOS: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/rz9fh5j8
Y aquí el link para XLM: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/4j1kvmtr
Os dejo los mios:
EOS (0/4)
1-A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications.
2-Delegated proof of stake.
3-Fast, free transfers.
4-Stake EOS tokens.
5-Upgradeable smart contracts.
Stellar Lumens · XLM (0/4)
1- A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2- Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3- Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4- To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently.
5- It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions.
eos 0/4
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
· XLM 0/4
1- A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2- Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3- Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4- To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently.
5- It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions.
#849 os funciona el cusro de BAT? yo tengo el curso abierto, veo el video pero no me sale luego el quiz para ganar $
4 invitaciones me quedan!
enlace eos: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/0bhjyxqc quedan 2
1-A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2-Delegated proof of stake
3- Fast, free transfers
4-Stake EOS tokens
5- Upgradeable smart contracts
enlace xlm: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/rg1ym9ft quedan 2
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
EOS: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/tns3pmv2 3/4 disponibles
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
XLM: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/q17rdcx5 4/4 disponibles
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions