#881 te lo he pulsado
Dejo los mios aquí
EOS- https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/9wjf4s53 2/4 Disponibles
XLM- https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/3f94hqxv 1/4 Disponibles
Si alguien puede echarme una manita, estaré eternamente agradecido
#881 te lo he pulsado
Dejo los mios aquí
EOS- https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/9wjf4s53 2/4 Disponibles
XLM- https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/3f94hqxv 1/4 Disponibles
Si alguien puede echarme una manita, estaré eternamente agradecido
EOS: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/tns3pmv2 2 disponibles
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
XLM: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/q17rdcx5 3 disponibles
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
Orchid: https://coinbase.com/earn/oxt/invite/1zxrg0sj 3 disponibles
1: Orchid is a new peer-to-peer privacy tool
2: Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet.
3: Multihop configurations between bandwidth providers
Orchid - https://coinbase.com/earn/oxt/invite/1jdqzy48 2/4 disponibles
Answer - Orchid is a new peer-to-peer privacy tool
Answer - Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet.
Answer - multihop configurations between bandwidth providers.
#899 esos airdrop son fake, te hacen unir a un grupo de telegram donde te piden un email y una cartera ETH, luego tienes que referir a x cantidad de personas para retirar, pero en realidad es solo para ganar gente en el grupo, no dan un carajo
#905 de hecho luego te piden X cantidad de ETH para "desbloquear" lo que has ganado. Exit scam, cambiar nombre y repetir.
Vuelvo a dejar los míos aquí porque lo necesito
EOS- https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/9wjf4s53 2/4 Disponibles
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
XLM- https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/3f94hqxv 1/4 Disponibles
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transaction
Yo también vuelvo a dejar las invis, qué aún nadie las ha usado
Enlace XLM: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/8pgq4jsn Quedan: 4/4
Respuestas a las preguntas test:
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
Enlace EOS: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/2bcyzm4j Quedan: 4/4
Respuestas a las preguntas test:
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
Para quien interese Obtener $52 en OTX aqui dejo invitaciones!!
1: Orchid is a new peer-to-peer privacy tool
2: Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet.
3: Multihop configurations between bandwidth providers
Mis invitaciones de OTX:
4/4 disponibles.
1.Orchid is a new peer to peer privacy tool
2.Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet
3.Multihop configurations between bandwidth provider
Y el refer de coinbase (10€ creo?) si a alguien le interesa:
XLM 1/4 disponibles
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transaction
EOS 1/4 disponibles
1 A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2 Delegated proof of stake
3 Fast, free transfers
4 Stake EOS tokens
5 Upgradeable smart contracts
ORCHID 1/4 disponibles
1: Orchid is a new peer-to-peer privacy tool
2: Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet.
3: Multihop configurations between bandwidth providers
XLM : https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/rwm9tk34 4 DISPONIBLES
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
EOS: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/c3g17f2w 3 DISPONIBLES
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
OXT: https://coinbase.com/earn/oxt/invite/0d9hvxrt 4 DISPONIBLES
1: Orchid is a new peer-to-peer privacy tool
2: Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet.
3: Multihop configurations between bandwidth providers
EOS 2/4 disponibles
1 A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2 Delegated proof of stake
3 Fast, free transfers
4 Stake EOS tokens
5 Upgradeable smart contracts
Pongo por aqui mis invis, por si alguien se anima
XLM 4/4 disponibles
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transaction
EOS 4/4 disponibles
1 A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2 Delegated proof of stake
3 Fast, free transfers
4 Stake EOS tokens
5 Upgradeable smart contracts
ORCHID 4/4 disponibles
1: Orchid is a new peer-to-peer privacy tool
2: Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet.
3: Multihop configurations between bandwidth providers
Trading212 es uno de los brokers de CFDs con mayor presencia internacional, lleva muchos años de funcionamiento por detrás.
También se ha unido al mercado mundial de trading de acciones reales con su nueva filial Trading212 Invest.
Han sacado una promo, en las que nos regalan una acción aleatoria de una empresa americana (la acción puede valer de 10 a 100 euros, es aleatorio).
Para llevarte la acción gratuita, pongo los pasos a seguir.
1: Registrarse desde el link ...IMPORTANTE.. abre una cuenta INVEST ( NO CFD )
solo te pedirán un correo , nada de verificaciones con selfies ni DNI ni mierdas de esas.
2: Ingresar una cantidad (con el mínimo vale, que es 1 euro, totalmente retirable junto con el valor de la acción).
3: Esperar 3 días para que se desbloquee la acción y se pueda vender a euros. A los 30 días se desbloquean los euros y se pueden retirar.
4: La acción te la dan en un plazo máximo de 24 horas.
5: Ambos hemos ganado 1 acción gratuita y podrás invitar a más gente para ganar con tu código de referido (Max. 20 personas)
Orchid 3/4 Disponibles -> https://coinbase.com/earn/oxt/invite/31zmj82v
1: Orchid is a new peer-to-peer privacy tool
2: Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet.
3: Multihop configurations between bandwidth providers
Hay alguna forma de saltarte la lista de espera de coinbase??? Me uni a OXT hace más de 1 mes y nada
Dejo por aqui EOS
EOS: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/wyzx4fk5 4/4 disponible
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
EOS: https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/tns3pmv2 2 disponibles
1: A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2: Delegated proof of stake
3: Fast, free transfers
4: Stake EOS tokens
5: Upgradeable smart contracts
XLM: https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/q17rdcx5 3 disponibles
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
Orchid: https://coinbase.com/earn/oxt/invite/1zxrg0sj 3 disponibles
1: Orchid is a new peer-to-peer privacy tool
2: Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet.
3: Multihop configurations between bandwidth providers
#924 Como se retira el dinero, paypal? Igual lo hago a la tarde cuando le eche un vistazo
SI hubiese forma de saltarsela, ¿no creeis que se habría publicado? Tengo gente que lleva 3 meses esperando para los tezos.
Orchid - https://coinbase.com/earn/oxt/invite/1jdqzy48 3/4 disponibles
Answer - Orchid is a new peer-to-peer privacy tool
Answer - Orchid’s Ethereum token, OXT, as well as the Orchid app and a Web3 wallet.
Answer - multihop configurations between bandwidth providers.
https://coinbase.com/earn/eos/invite/rckwg82h EOS 4/4 disponibles
1-A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2-Delegated proof of stake
3- Fast, free transfers
4-Stake EOS tokens
5- Upgradeable smart contracts
https://coinbase.com/earn/xlm/invite/4m83kybd XLM 4/4 disponibles
1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions
30 euros en bitwala retirables y transferibles ya que es un banco aleman y tendremos iban europeo, al pasar el proceso de verificacion, (sera en inglés videollamado) y al abriros una wallet de btc o eth, en este paso aseguraros de anotar las palabras de seguridad en una hoja ya que os las pediran mas adelante.
PD: Los 30 euros los recibimos en 1 o 15 dias
#928 You need to sign up until the 11th of January 2020. After that you will need to verify your account and create your Ethereum wallet until the 15th of January 2020.
ya paso la fecha limite :C
#929 Acabo de intentar registrarme poniendo datos falsos y me deja tio jajaj, tiene que funcionar porque yo lo hice el 16 o 17 recuerdo