Es un poco off-topic, pero se disfrutará mejor por estas tierras:
Consejos para que sólo tú puedas mantener tu código y no te echen de la empresa
Yo me quedo con:
Exploit Java's Redundancy
: Java insists you specify the type of every variable twice. Java programmers are so used to this redundancy they won't notice if you make the two types slightly different, as in this example:
// note subtle spelling change
Bubblegum b = new Bubblegom();
con éste:
Look Busy
: use define statements to make made up functions that simply comment out their arguments, e.g.:
#define fastcopy(x,y,z) /*xyz*/
fastcopy(array1, array2, size); /* does nothing */
y con éste:
: Use trailing if's and unless's especially at the end of really long lines.