e-mail de Godaddy - ICANN Notice


El caso, es que hace unos dias recibi un e-mail, pidiendome que comprobase unos datos y lo confirmase, inicie sesión en mi panel de GoDaddy, eché un vistazo pero no encontre nada (tampoco apuré mucho).

Hoy he vuelto a recibir el correo y me gustaria saber si algún otro cliente de Godaddy lo ha recibido:

Important ICANN Notice Regarding Your Domain Name(s)

Dear Dani L.,

It's that time of year again. ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) annually requires that all accredited registrars (like Go Daddy(R)) ask their domain administrators/registrants to review domain name contact data, and make any changes necessary to ensure accuracy.

To review/update your contact data, simply:
+ Go to www.godaddy.com/?isc=ICANN06a
+ Click on the "ICANN Domain Confirmation" icon at the top of the page
+ You will be taken to a landing page and asked to enter your Domain Information Key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+ Enter your key and click "Go."

Next, simply review the contact information for each domain name. To make a correction, log in to "My Account" with your customer number or log in name and password. Click "Manage Domains" and then "Contacts." If you find that your domain contact data is accurate, there's no need to take action.

If, however, your domain contact information is inaccurate, you must correct it. (Under ICANN rules and the terms of your registration agreement, providing false contact information can be grounds for domain name cancellation.) To review the ICANN policy, visit: http://www.icann.org/whois/wdrp-registrant-faq.htm

Should you have any questions, please email us at mailto:[email protected] or call our customer support line at (480) 505-8877.

Thanks for your attention and thank you for being a GoDaddy.com customer.

GoDaddy.com Domain Support

If you are the domain administrator of more than one GoDaddy.com domain account, you may receive this notice multiple times.

Copyright 2006 GoDaddy.com. All rights reserved.[/i]


PQ no escribes a godady o les llames directamente y preguntas lo que te interesa.


Porque quiero saber si alguien mas lo ha recibido.


yo he recibido ese email tmb


yo tb lo recibí la semana pasada


pues yo lo recibí ayer a la noche..


yo lo he recibido hoy...


He estado buscando y al parecer no es obligatorio hacer nada. Yo he ido a hacerlo por 2º vez, pero estaré torpe o algo y no encuentro nada de ICANN en la web, ni en el panel general ni en el del dominio :\


No tienes que hacer nada. Están obligados a mandarte ese email para recordarte que debes actualizar tu información de contacto, nada más.

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