En el d3, se podra montar guilds? como en el wow, tener un chat para ti, y el nombre de la guild encima de tu nick por ejemplo, o cualquier otro sitio
#1262 La verdad es que al menos, a los que tienen juegos de la misma saga de hace ya muchos años como tu, y como yo que tambien me incluyo, nada mas que por seguir la saga durante taaaantos años nos deberian de dejar probar la beta, tener como 2 tipos de betas, para los que han seguido el juego de X años, hasta el dia de hoy y por otro lado sorteandolas a gente que o bien no han jugado tanto como los anteriores o no han tocado nunca el d2.
La verdad los veteranos podriamos testear mejor la beta del d3 que otros jugadores que no lo han tocado nunca, y podriamos incluso sacar algun que otro fallo para que lo arreglasen, pero bueno, ya se daran cuenta de estas cosas supongo, las cosas de palacio van despacio xd
Ellos no tienen en cuenta si un jugador tiene experiencia en el Diablo 2 ni nada por el estilo, no os hagáis ilusiones, que con la beta del SC2 no tuvieron en cuenta a la gente que tenía el SC y el Broodwar adquiridos en la cuenta. Sólo les preocupa dar la beta a ciertos tipos de configuraciones de pc's y si se la dan a gente "nueva" que enganchar, mejor. New Blizzard style.
Resumiendo, no te van a tratar mejor por ser un veterano con ellos. Si, es una mierda.
#1264 Pero es que la beta de D3 realmente esta pensada para probar la capacidad de los servidores (y de paso hacerse una increiblemente barata campaña de publicidad)
El tema de testear el juego ya esta hecho internamente con sus beta testers.
solo os digo que no os creais si ois algun mal comentario del juego porque mola mazooooooooooooooooooo
proof xd
#1261 De Guilds no sé, pero el real ID ya funciona y el tema de hablar y chatear funciona como el wow... /p party /w para whispers... no he podido meterle mucha caña pero espero estar más viciada esta semana.
Anda funciona el login!!
Bueno, solo decir q lo poco que se puede ver en la beta promete mucho. Aunq realmente la beta lo unico que hace es ponerte los dientes mas largos aun si cabe xD
El Heal de monk esta OP
Los graficos,animaciones y fisicas estan muy guapas, lagente q se quejaba de graficos/atmosfera, que se olvide, el juego cumple perfectamente
Dejo el articulo de un blog de alguien que ya ha probado todas las clases, dando su opinion y comentarios sobre cada una:
You've read about them, obsessed over them, theorycrafted over them. But how do they play?
Here are my thoughts and feelings on the different classes, given the limited time and information at hand.
Barbarian - by far my favorite, and the best raw damage dealer I've seen so far. By level 11 when you get your passive leech skill, you're dominating wholes packs of enemies in seconds while keeping pretty much topped off on health at all times. The leaping attack, while not all that great for actual damage yet, provides a good opener and rage generator, and is the ultimate ability to move around the environment. Unlike the monk's dashing strike, it can skip up and down and even through most terrain height variations etc. Its only downside is the cooldown time. The barbarian's weapon choices are expansive among melee weapons, though 2 hand anything seems to dominate dual wield, no matter what you do. By level 11, with a 2 hand mace I am dealing about 56~ normal and cleave damage, 60-65 Hammer of the ancients damage, and 160+ crit. No other class has been able to match this at this level.
Monk - The monk is right behind the Barbarian in combat effectiveness. What he lacks in raw damage (And it isn't much) is made up for in his support skills like healing wave, which already restores 33-50% of your health and has no cooldown on it. His spirit generating combos are powerful and have plenty of utility - by level 11 you already have crippling wave which is in a huge 180 degree arc of damage: a veritable cleave of its own. His spirit spending skills are a little weak thus far. His kick is fairly powerful and sends enemies flying, which is useful, but it comes with a hefty 10 second cooldown which is annoying. On the other hand, dashing strike has no spirit cost or cooldown, and get you out (or into ) danger quickly. Once again, the monk's best weapons seem to be 2 hand staves or polearms as opposed to dual wielding fist weapons. The weapon dmg % tied to all his offensive skills almost necessitates this. I guess we'll see if this changes with patching or leveling up.
Wizard - The wizard is somewhere in between the monk and the barbarian in ability to cause damage, but more than makes up for this in the ability to do it from range. At level 6 you obtain Electrocute, which is basically a channeled ability that jumps to 3 targets, and deals a moderate amount of damage in quick succession. It would be my guess that if a DPS meter were put on a barbarian and a Wizard, the wizard would deal more up front, but eventually be cut off as his/her Arcane meter bottomed out, while the Barbarian continued cleaving the crap out of the enemies. Either way, they're both effective. The Wave of Force is also pretty explosively powerful, and knocks everything back a huge distance. Between that and Ice nova, the Wizard quickly has a large amount of very effective crowd control abilities. The wizard is a little soft when taking damage but it isn't too annoying, at least not yet. Careful play should negate this weakness entirely.
Demon Hunter - As I've stated before, this class needs some reworking, particularly in the resource department, which they've already stated they're working on. It plays like a long range nuke class, but the quick depletion of the resource orb makes it unable to fulfill that role effectively. The Demon Hunter also seems to need a general overhaul and increase to raw damage across the board. It basically attacks slower, runs out of resources, and does less damage than every other class. A triple threat of ineffectiveness. Other than that, there are some cool skills here, just needs some buffs.
Witch Doctor - I find this to be the least interesting of all the classes. However, I am also thoroughly convinced that it will get better with the upper tiered skills. That being said, the lower leveled skills of this class feel extremely gimmicky. The plague of toads is pretty worthless, the zombie "charger" is more like a drunken walk, etc. The class seems to be designed as a ranged class with pets, but has no real ranged skills that deal a lot of damage. Haunt is good, but lacks damage at this level, grasp of the dead is useful but deals next to no damage, and firebats provides pretty respectable damage, but isn't true ranged, like Diablo II's Inferno spell. The resources are great, and mana regenerates almost more quickly than you can use it, so that's nice.
#1274 el unico que tiene demasiadas criticas negativas es el WD y era un pj que me gustaba pero por lo visto es un poco useles comparado con los demas a ese lvl,como bien dice no se sabe si a lvls altos estara igualada la cosa pero me a decepcionado :S
Estan jugando Ocelote ,HotShotGG y Athene ahora mismo.
les estaran dando betas a jugadores de lol que hacen stream, menuda publicidad, les ven miles de personas, y es el cliente que quiere blizard precisamente.
Y yo con tropecientos juegos registrados, entre ellos el WoW y a seguir esperando la beta, me da a mi que seguire esperando, hasta que salga -.-.
#1284 Que suerte tienen algunos, con un poco de "enchufe" verdad? xD