(Tuve que quitar algunas palabras para el titulo del post)
Resumen en español:
Un tio descubre en el 2008 la manera de dupear (duplicar) objetos, lo reporta a Blizzard y hasta el 2010 el metodo no se arregla. Cuando piensa que ya esta arreglado acaba descubriendo un metodo mas rapido y que por causas misteriosas no funciona en servers privados, singleplayer ni battle.net abierto. Es un metodo que solo funciona en los servidores de Blizzard.
En octubre del 2010 esta persona reporta el metodo de dupear, el empleado correspondiente le confirma que efectivamente existe el fallo pero a dia de hoy, un año mas tarde sigue funcionando.
A partir de aqui el tio saca la teoria de que quien lee esos emails tiene informacion muy poderosa y que para esa persona es tan facil como borrar el email y hacer negocio en la industria. Se preocupa tambien por la de chanchullos parecidos que puedan ocurrir en diablo3 con la auction house de dinero real.
Leo esto en reddit, ojo no hay pruebas, cada uno que piense lo que queira:
Hi friends,
Anyone who has joined a public Diablo 2 game recently has seen their game flooded with bots that join and spam messages promoting third party websites that sell various equipment. All games have to deal with third party shops, but Diablo 2 is different. For most games, the third party shops get their items from either Chinese farmers or sophisticated farming bots. In Diablo 2, shops rely on 'dupers' that exploit flaws in the game's code to duplicate items.
Most players think dupers are still around in Diablo 2 because Blizzard is lazy and simply does not care about the game anymore. The truth is worse. Dupers are still around because certain Blizzard employees WANT dupers to be around. There is a lot of money involved with Diablo 2 item sales, so this news may not come as a huge surprise to some people.
I personally hate to see the shops and dupers destroy one of my all time favorite games. I've made an effort to determine how the dupers are duplicating items so the flaws could be patched. Unfortunately, reporting flaws does not do much good when someone on Blizzard's legacy team apparently has a vested interest in keeping dupe flaws in the game. Hopefully this post will receive enough attention for Blizzard to actually root out and fix the real problem; corrupt employees.
In September of 2008, I was finally able to figure out the dupe method that shops had been using for many years and the method was promptly reported to Blizzard. The flaw was not fixed until March of 2010 when patch 1.13 was released. It took a YEAR AND A HALF for the flaw to finally get fixed, but at least they took care of the problem, right? WRONG.
Along with the patch of the original dupe method, Rethek and his fellow legacy coders ADDED an even faster dupe method to the game. The new faulty code is COMPLETELY illogical and entirely inexplicable. In fact, the new dupe method they added to the game doesn't even work on single player or open battle.net. It won't work on any of the private realms that players run either. That's because the new bogus code is only on their servers. That's right, the dupe method they added ONLY works on the official battle.net servers.
I was lucky enough to stumble upon this new dupe method, although it took me longer than certain shops which apparently were immediately made aware of the method. Sites like lewt.com immediately had a huge selection of items, making it clear that they had access to the dupe method. Whether they are ran by a Blizzard employee or simply affiliated with one, I'm not sure (though I suspect the latter). Once again, I promptly reported the dupe method and provided a description of how to fix the problem. Rethek responded saying that he was able to reproduce the method I transcribed and he confirmed that the method worked. This happened in the beginning of October 2010. Since then, ladder has been reset and an ENTIRE YEAR has passed. The method remains unfixed.
Part of the problem is that there is not a real good way to submit exploits worth millions of dollars. Whoever receives the email of the report ([email protected] in this most recent case) can decide to keep the information from the other Blizzard employees. Even if the information does reach others, the one man in charge of the patch can simply add a new flaw to the game. A Blizzard employee can easily make 10x his official salary each year just by not patching stuff.
Now, some of you may be saying that Diablo 2 is dead and that this is a dead issue. I completely disagree. Diablo 3 is on the horizon and it will feature a real money auction house. Not only will a secure economy be even more important, but the temptation that Blizzard employees face will be even greater. Other game companies have faced similar issues. The truth is, it doesn't matter how many security experts you have if some of them are corrupt. Hopefully Blizzard can clean up Diablo 2 before its successor is released.
TLDR: Someone on Blizzard's legacy coding team is corrupt and helping third party item selling shops by adding dupe methods to the game.
Edit: The CEO of one of the largest Diablo 2 item selling websites has vouched most of what I've had to say: http://jesse.forthewin.com/ (ahora en cuanto pueda resumo tambien el articulo de este blog)
Resumen del segundo texto:
El director de la web de items "Lewt" afirma que en numerosas ocasiones han reportado fallos que han tardado años en ser arreglados. Confirma que con el parche 1.13 se arreglo un dupe y se introdujo uno tan ridiculo que parecia intencionado, y sigue comentando el posible negocio que se puede hacer