Paranoid Android 4.0 con KitKat


voy a probarlo hoy con mi nexus 7 (2012), a ver como va, le tengo ganas


Le puedo poner esta ROM a mi G2 o es solo para gama nexus?


Beta 3
First off we'd like to give credits to +espen olsen and +Leonard Leijenhorst for the new boot animation. In the end we combined the two we submitted for votes earlier this week.
On that note we'd like to thank everyone that submitted new animations for consideration. Thank you for your time and creativity.
New boot animation - ParanoidAndroid 4+ Official bootanimation

With this release we've introduced a new UI element that may be used for some of those preferences that you set once and forget about. Instead of adding more layers under settings, we've created a new global "on-the-spot" preference dialog that we can plug into to manage such options. The first preference to take advantage of this feature is the quick setting pull down we added to the status bar last week.

As we're on the topic of quick settings, quick settings 3.0 introduces dual tiles. Tiles which have dual modes will contain an indicative icon in the top right corner, which will swap modes with a simple tap. You can also decide which side shows as the default view for the tile.

Immersive mode can now toggle between full immersive, navigation bar only and status bar only.
The brightness tile (via long press) can now turn auto-brightness on/off.

A note on the Google dialer, as we noted in the previous release, using the Google dialer conflicts with some custom implementations. As such, we've added a dialer check which will remove those features that conflict. This means you are free to install without issue. The AOSP dialer has also been updated to reflect the look of the Google dialer.

Full change logs @

1 respuesta

#33 No me parece normal el tiempo que se están pegando con kit kat, a este paso saldrá Android 5.0 y estos aun en Beta...

1 respuesta

#34 Yo también confiaba en que iban a tardar menos, y me parece que ellos también.


yo lo tengo puesto desde este finde. buscaba una rom que mantuviera el hdr+ en la camara de fotos del N5 y cyanogenmod se la ventilaba.

la unica pega que le pongo, es que el updater interno esta loco y funciona como el culo.

por lo demas estoy contento a la espera de que implementen todas las cosillas que nunca he probado. halo y todas las gaitas custom.

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#36 A mi la primera vez también me iba loco. Cada mañana me levantaba ilusionado. xD

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#37 a mi me pasa a diario con las google apps. me dice que tengo actualizacion disponible.

el script de actualizacion no tira bien tampoco, y cuando arranca el recovery tengo que flashear yo a mano la imagen.

tendran que pulir un poco supongo, peor cyano en este aspecto era perfecto.

1 respuesta

#38 Yo tampoco entiendo porque no dejan el HDR en la cámara los developers, lo veo un poco absurdo el dejarlo fuera, prueba si quieres la Rom Dirty Unicorns (sin HDR)
para mí bastante mejor que la Cataclysm que es la que todo el mundo tiene puesta pero que no le veo nada especial, esta por lo menos lleva Halo y par de mariconadas útiles hasta que los de Paranoid saquen la release


Una pregunta de noob. Si haces root, instalas una rom y luego haces unroot; pierdes la garantía?

1 respuesta

#40 nop.


Beta 4

Pequeña actualización para arreglar bugs. Ningún añadido importante.


19 días después

¿Cuantas betas llegarán a sacar?

1 respuesta

#43 Hoy justo han sacado la Beta 6.

Minor update to incorporate recent AOSP update to KVT49L (4.4.2_r2)


Pues nada, pasará como con CyanogenMod y sacarán la estable dos semanas antes del próximo Android 4.5 (o cual sea).


Me parece absurdisimo el tiempo que están tardando, que ya van para 4 meses..


Me jode porque a mi me va perfecto desde la primera beta. xD


Halo is dead.

1 respuesta

#48 Lo dudo mucho, se ve que es un comentario para dar por culo en xda, y más sabiendo que Halo lo habían rediseñado
Yo con que metan Pie de una vez seré feliz, es la forma más rápida de manejar un smartphone a mi modo de ver

1 respuesta

#49 Halo está muerto. Van a meter otra cosa nueva, a saber qué.


Otro miembro de PA ha dicho que van a sustituir Halo por otro sistema que parece ser mejor:

If you loved Halo you will love whatever will come to your phones.

Remember that most of the team used Halo daily and really understood its benefits!

Seguramente por eso tardan tanto en sacar la ROM.

1 respuesta

#51 Vamos que ha "evolucionado" Halo, no está muerto ni mucho menos, pero que saquen ya algo estos mamones xDD


Ahora han colgado en g+ con #NotALeak

Vale ninjaedito y Hexan tenía razón, Halo ha muerto, a ver que coño viene ahora y que se dejen de tanta beta ya


Sorry folks, no release this week. Also, apologies on the late update. -

En fin...


Han escrito un tocho informando de como está la situación y porque tardan tanto, también el nombre del nuevo Halo ha sido revelado... Hover

The dissemination of information isn't always an easy task. Controlling the spread of that information is at times even more difficult. Rumors seem to spread while facts are ultimately buried ...

Based on recent interactions, it's apparent that some users aren't fully aware of what's taking place with regards to Paranoid Android and the Android 4.4 release.
It has been stated previously, some time before the release of KitKat, that we intended to rework/rewrite the core features of the ROM. The following are some of the main points from that post.

We will re-do PA from scratch. The focus is on modular design and clean features. Features will be polished and integrated when stable

We will reduce kanging to a minimum. We never did that much but even essential things like Cyanogen's Quick toggles will be dropped. Instead we will write them again, but in "Googly" way. Our goal is to stay closer to stock, things must be nice to look at, simple, uncluttered and easy to modify (like not having to sift through hundreds of system settings to add a toggle). Other essential things that have that polish we can kang if there's demand

Another thing that is of great importance to us is steering things away from that of the "common" ROM scene. Unix types and crackflashers are welcome, but we want normal Android users as well, those that enjoy stock but want more without having to study command line tools, reading endless how-tos from dubious sources

In short: Features from PA 3.99 will not simply be ported to PA 4.0. Instead they will be reviewed, re-thought and in some instances re-written, providing a cleaner UI that maintains a stock feel with useful enhancements.

At the present state of development, a few of those points have already been covered.
Quick toggles has been re-implemented to not only reduce the number of tiles displayed, but also remove the need to sift through hundreds of system settings to add a toggle
Basic custom ROM features have been added to more native places within stock settings. Some non-intrusive enhancements have been integrated without any optional settings.
The "on-the-spot" dialog, which made it's first appearance via the quick toggle quick pull down prompt, has been created to handle those enhancements which affect UI elements but only need to be configured once.

In regards to developing/reintroducing original Paranoid Android features, these are ALL currently being worked on. Updates will be provided as time progresses.

Hybrid Engine, Pie Controls and Halo Hover are confirmed...


PA 4.1 Beta ahora con PIE

With the release of KitKat, not only did a few icons and applications change, the entire environment shifted. Android is becoming easier to use; something that “just works.” As previously mentioned, we’ve decided to take a new approach to the ParanoidAndroid ecosystem due to these changes. One of the “flagship” features of PA has been Pie, a simple, straight-forward replacement of the navigation bar that optimizes the screen space available to the user. Due to the introduction of immersive mode, we were faced with a challenge. The soul of what Pie was in Jellybean didn’t belong in a KitKat world. So, we decided to redesign both the functionality and style of Pie while maintaining a familiar feel. After countless late nights and internal debate, we are happy to announce the following.

  • Pie has been redesigned to match the KitKat design philosophies, with new typography and cleaner animations.
  • Pie is now fully integrated into the core user experience with the introduction of on-the-spot preferences. Gone are the days of sorting through endless settings, it can now all be configured on the fly.
  • Pie gives you all your status information at a glance, when your status bar is hidden, allowing you to get the full immersive experience without missing out on important information.
  • Pie now integrates the stock google now gesture. Your cards are never more than just a quick swipe away.
  • Pie no longer features access to the notifications and quick settings panel. Immersive mode means there is always quick access to the status bar.

We hope these changes improve the pa experience you know and love.

So... care for a slice? Nom nom nom


Pie, justo lo que menos me interesa xD

¡Quiero Hybrid joder! Y poner la interfaz estilo phablet.


Chavales los que rondáis por aquí es que tenéis roms supongo y os pasáis el dia trasteando como yo.
Que combo lleváis y cuanto de pantalla os da la batería?
Yo me estoy volviendo loco con esto xDD

Tengo ahora mismo PA 4.1 con Franco Kernel R34 y normalmente me quedo en 4-4.5 horas de pantalla y unas 24/48 horas de uso, no está mal pero me gustaría llegar a las 5-6 como muchos en XDA, he probado a hacer UC's, UV's y no es que mejore considerablemente la duración de la batería asi que...
También he probado Cataclysm y Dirty Unicorns y no noto diferencia ninguna

1 respuesta

#58 Pues eso deberías preguntarlo en el hilo del móvil que uses.

1 respuesta

#59 No es la primera vez que lo pregunto alli y es como si a muchos les hablaras en chino, además que la mayoría del hilo del nexus 5 es gente preguntando si vale la pena comprarse el móvil , veo mas indicado este hilo

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