Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#3060 I think so now too

to go sightseeing = para ir a hacer turismo?

to sightseeing = para hacer turismo?

to go sightseeing best

Thanks a lot

Jaén becomes the ideal place to go sightseeing, have a break and, of course, practise different sports
Jaén el lugar ideal para hacer turismo

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#3061 although sightsee is a verb, I've always heard to go sightseeing meaning to go around the city visiting its monuments


#3059 #3060 You're both right, replaced Actually with 'in fact'

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#3063 ey, it was not bad but I wouldn't have put it at the beginning.

I wanted to create a debate because I agree with a user on the other page, this should be a thread to practise English not a "correct me" thread.
I'm not saying that we can't have and discuss doubts, but let's try and have conversations ^^
What do you think?

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#3064 Yeah dude, that's the sense of the thread.

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#3065 With an answer that short, it's not encouraging enough to have a proper conversation :<


Regarding me, just waiting the results of my FCE exam. 1 week left, the anxiety is real.

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#3066 let's have a proper conversation, then!
what do you think about the topic we were talking about?
eeuu - guns - ban

"by my side?"

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#3066 Posted an answer on topic in #3054 :P


#3067 You corrected me, it was a bait just to check that you'd keep doing it (just kidding lmao, a very long long day, my brain is fried already).

To be honest with you, I don't give a fuck about those topics, but if I had to give my opinion, I would like to quote something I saw on Facebook few days ago. It was something like this:

"You allow guns to protect ourselves, yet EEUU is the most dangerous country so far"

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#3069 wow, so savage ¬¬
no need to be rude, mate (jk)

about what topics do you care about?

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#3070 Not much actually, as long as it doesn't affect me.

I can't bear animal abuse tho, I feel so powerless against it. I like to speak about IT as well, specially about networking and security which are my current fields.

What's your current job position?

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#3071 J2EE developer, probably becoming analyst next year, though. Besides, I'm studying Unity development and 3D modeling on my free time.



To sightseeing isn't correct, use go sightseeing or to sightsee, go sightseeing would be my choice.

Thank you very much for your concern and for always being so kind is a more natural iteration in my opinion.


You are right.

I will preface this by saying that I'm in favor of extremely more restrictive gun control but I don't think pushing for a total gun ban would go anywhere, at this point guns and the right to keep and own one is much more than just a business, it's a pretty important piece of identity for a large part of the population.

For a lot of Americans owning a gun is more than having a cool toy, it's the ability to defend yourself, your home and family in case things go South. And this doesn't limit to the burglar who breaks in your house in the middle of the night, something like being able to overthrow the government thanks to civilian guns may seem ridiculous for us but many think of it as a fundamental right, we need to remember that USA is huge, the way of life of someone born in NY and a Kansas farmer is fundamentally different. Trying to create statewide laws is complex.

There are a lot of arguments that we just have no exposure to from here making the pro-guns position seem baseless, kinda like what we are seeing with BREXIT by the way. We don't know that suicides with firearms are included in gun violence stats, ease of access to guns changes completely in states so does open carry an other legislation or how statistically insignificant are mass shootings compared to other death causes.

Did you know that only 3/4 people need to be injured for it to constitute a mass shooting? How would you ban weapons when there is no national registry of guns and some people will actively resist? What would stop an armed thief from robbing a Oklahoman family with police response time 30 minutes away?

I think it's too easy to think that banning guns is the obvious solution to the problem and anyone that says otherwise is a redneck inbred but is a highly complex question. In Spain, and that includes me, we have no idea what we are talking about. And again, I'm in favor of extremely restrictive gun control laws and more exhaustive background checks.

Edit: Every time I try to write an actual message that goes beyond a prefab expression I end up doubting everything and being tempted to just wipe it all, in Reddit people haven't told me to shut up and learn english yet but then again like 40% of the website has english as a second language too..

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#3071 I'm an English teacher.
that's why I can't stop correcting.


#3073 I thought that in order to be declared as a mass shooting there had to be at least four deaths, I didn't know it was four injured people.
Of course it's not the same situation for some farmer in the middle of nowhere trying to protect his entire life from a robber than someone who is just angry because no-one dates him and decides to go on a rampage at a university.
I'm also talking about this.

But yeah, we really don't know what we are talking about, we just state our opinion, put some facts and decide whether or not they should do something, because in our society that hasn't been a problem yet. (and I hope it won't be one)

Damn boy, your post is so beautifully written!

Edit: about the reddit thing... I always refrain myself from posting because I have this self doubt and I see mistakes everywhere xD

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#3074 We suffer the other side of the problem, the lack of self defense. For example, someone breaks into your house while you're asleep, you wake up, get into a fight with the intruder, things go south and you kill him, man.. you just fucked it really hard.



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I only want improve my english's level at the same that I give my opinion.
Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

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#3077 State your opinion, then :)

#3076 thanks, I see your point.
But the thing is, whether or not you can shoot to death someone with that guy, he bought it legally.
If he wants to shoot, he should be accompanied with a supervisor and they have to make sure the firearm at the house is inside a safe or something like that.
Really, are they that stereotyped? Like, they want to be the American hero and all that.

Well lads, they voted yes to the Brexit.

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#3076 Why would a 13 years old have to use his father's gun?

#3078 Winter is coming to Europe.

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#3079 For self-defense, obviusly

Second one is most interesting thread now

We can speak about that

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There you have an example of a kid learning to shoot a gun. Do you want to learn to shoot? Okay, go to a shooting gallery and pay for it. Or maybe people who like weapons should join the army, or play airsoft.

I think normal human beings who aren't police officers, soldiers, etc.. shouldn't be able to buy guns anywhere. Do you think it's normal to go to the supermarket and by buying over, for example, $50, you get ammo magazines? Madness.

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Hey guys!
Just saw this topic checking this sub-forum. It has 103 pages but i'd never seen it lol

Right now, I'm taking a look to my grammar and vocabulary book, because I got my FCE exam tomorrow at 9:30 >.< Shit, I'm really really nervous. I got a score of 80 (old system, I know) in mock exam but still... Last Wednesday I did speaking part of the exam, and well, I think it was ok, at least I could do it with a classmate and we understand all the stuff and answer the questions in time.

It would be fantastic if I could get C1 mention, we'll see.

About the trending-topic today: Brexit, all people in my office is talking about that. I'm working in a cross-border healthcare project, mostly for EU and other countries which got agreements in healthcare matters like Switzerland.

We got a lot of requests of information and other stuff from British people and organisms, because, as you probably know, many British citizens lives here in Spain, mostly retired people, and some Spanish (about 200k if newspaper doesn't lie) works there.
We're expecting a lot of work to do these (fixed :P) next months, good news for us, I think, in some months project will finish, and always is good to be more neccessary for the client when they need to decide about renewing it or not.

We'll see what happens in the next months. Here, specially interested in future international agreements.

PS: Numbers girl, you're free to correct me if your teacher soul needs to do it haha ^^

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#3080 so what are your thoughts on it?

#3082 Don't be nervous! you did the hard part already, so relax.
What I'm most worried about is the Erasmus program. That program helped me a lot (and also drained me economically), and if they finally exit the EU, those agreements will probably disappear.

PS: You have a few minor mistakes but overall is good :)

#3081 it depends, maybe the family of the 13yo likes hunting and it's their tradition to initiate the kids in that from an early age.

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#3083 First of all, I'm totally against hunting for sport / fun. However, it's not the same case we were talking about.

Even for hunting, you should have a regulation. Here in Spain, you can't even fire a weapon if you're under 14yo, plus you have to pass certain tests in order to acquire a license. We have much more restrictions, you can't carry a weapon in sight and you can't use it in any way unless you're hunting.

My point is, guns are dangerous and only people whose job requires it should bear them.

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#3084 I was referring to this


Why would a 13 years old have to use his father's gun?

and I exemplified that scenario.
I totally see your point here and I strongly agree with you ^^

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#3083 I've just found one of that minor mistakes :P thanks for reading my message!

Everybody is saying to me that Speaking is the hardest part. I'm more worried about Listening, some people in the records got strange accents >.< but I hope to pass it ^^

About Erasmus... Not only EU countries participate in the program. Switzerland, Norway and Iceland are attached to Erasmus programs too. Maybe UK signs agreements similar to these ones. I don't think UK is going to be isolated from the rest of Europe, at least in education or health matters. Anyways, in short-term, anything won't happen. Changes can't be done in days. We'll see in the future.

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#3085 #3086 I think they have 2 years to negotiate the conditions of the divorce, am I right?

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#3087 Yes, you're right. But I don't think they leave all for the last day. In the next months we'll start to see stuff.

Oh, just read a message from the Brexit topic from a guy that says it's extendable.

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#3088 extendable? Like Germany or other countries may do the same?

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#3089 They have 2 years to negotiate, and then they can extend in time the negotiations, although far-right parties from countries like France or Italy have already asked for referendums.

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