Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


hello people, I am jomateix, I am 18 and I am very happy because I think that this forum is very interesting to learn english, my level is A2, is someone of you like practise you only have callme.

If do mistakes I will thank for helpme. Thank you so mach.

A Cordial greeting machines!

3 respuestas

#691 ''If someone likes to practice you just have to call me'' That would be a proper way to write it.
Meta-correct me if I'm wrong ^^


#691 "If I make mistakes, I will like to be corrected. Thank you so much"

1 respuesta

#693 oh thanks so much, I am remembering now the first condicional which I learnt in bachillerato. :)

1 respuesta

#691 You write quite well although your level is only A2. I think if you practise a lot, you will improve very fast ;) .

1 respuesta

I would like to speak something in english but I have no friends

#705 can you be one ? =( or your editing skills are so far superior to my knowledge than you can't aford our friendship.. please don't be so hard on me ;(

#699 I want to think it's the first one

2 respuestas

i haven't idea about speak english in public (is true) :(


Hey, does somebody know a web to practise listening with exercises?I've been working with Mansioninglé, but i have done all the listening exercises :/

2 respuestas

#696 You have no friends to speak english with, or you don't have any friends?

1 respuesta

#698 the only web I know is busuu but the listening stuff is for premium users only :\

Edit: omfg, "the only web I know" ?? wth it sounds really weird or its me? xD

2 respuestas

"the only web I know" is fine :)

Also, you should say "it sounds really weird or is it me"


oops, thx bro! =)


#700 :( I don't know what to do, i am not a premium user :/
Your phrase is right, don't worry :) .

1 respuesta

#694 I saw u wrote "remembering", its a bit weird (in English) to use an stative verb in a continuous form (although u may hear it in very concrete situations). If you'd like to learn more about stative verbs check this

In your sentence, I would have said "I remember now..."

#703 Are u sure u dont have listening exercises there ? I think I took some in German the day I registered to busuu...

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#696 we know u had no friends man, dont care about.

1 respuesta

Hey mates, I'm quite wasted, so.... Even if I thought I wanted to share something with y'all, I think I won't. That's it.


#698 I think ESL Podcast is really good. Well, they're not exercises but you can practise the listening pretty good. They're from Los Angeles but the accent is very neutral and they also teach you some expressions.

1 respuesta

#704 Ok, i'll take a look :) .

#707 It sounds quite interesting!Thank you!^^


Today's funny sentence:
Lick my balls under my ass

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#709 Sometimes I think that some of you have learnt English only from porn movies/videos :P .

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#710 I learned English by playing "Command & Conquer"


#710 Sometimes the plot is very interesting xD.

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#712 Do they actually ever talk? ;)

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#712 Yes...sometimes... ;)

#713 Hahaha


my favourite colour is yellow.


#713 Actually... They even have math problems in some of the videos!

Darwin = Crackpot xDDD


I`m going to do an exam about programming in two hours... I am a bit nervous xD

#719 thank you :D

1 respuesta

#695 Yes, I think that if I practise speak english with people I could be better.

#704 thank you, I will take into account for the next time.

1 respuesta

#717 an* exam. Good luck by the way!

2 respuestas

#718 Be careful dude, you skipped the object in your sentence "I will take <?> into account <2?> for the next time." You gotta take something into account. So you may say : "I will take it into account..." or "I will take into account your advice..." a transitive verb needs his object to be right...

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