Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.



I think a good test would be substituting "of his wife" for "of me" and "of his wife's" for "of mine" and it makes total sense xd
thank you :********


#2303 Thanks por posting that, appriciate it. I'll be also doing the exam on July.
Do you guys know/remember if you get any time to prepare the oral presentation or the topic is given to you and you just need to start talking?

edit: Nevermind, I just read on one of the PDF's that you get 10 minutes to prepare :)

13 días después

this post is dead, isn't it?
Next week i will* finish this english academy year, and next year, i mean in september, i'll start FCE year.

i think that im not prepared, i see myself green (xDDD).

  • should i say will or going to? i finish it yes or yes, there's no possibility to end other day I mean, and will is for probability too, isnt it? i haven't been paying attention when 'Will' was explained..

ps. i dont understand this:

  • The supermarket is trying to encourgage its customers to try something new.

Why its? why dont use 'their'? you wanna say their customers, but why its? i've seen it some times at other sentences, but i dont understand why.

#2314 Thank you so much, I understood all (or should I say everything? I have doubts with this too)

2 respuestas

#2313 When you see its, it's because it's referring to a single entity. The supermarket is one single thing, and not a group of people that run it.

Change the supermarket for James.

James is trying to encourage its costumers to try something new.

Now change it for James and Leah.

James and leah are trying to encourage their costumers to try something new.

About will vs going to... You want to use will, when you know it will happen without giving any evidence.
Going to works when you are doing a prediction based on evidence, or after making a decission.

ex. I'll call James to make sure he knows. I'm going to call him now.

Edit: To me it sounds better:
I understood it all or I understood everything ^^
I understood all is wrong unless it goes with a (complemento directo creo? xD). I have no fucking idea about syntaxis lol.
For example:
I understood all the conference.
I understood all that.
I understood all the things he said.

1 1 respuesta
8 días después

It's time to bring this thread to life again!
#2313 I hope it isn't :) .
"Myself green" XDDD Nice gameplay!

About will and going to, you should say "will" if your plans or future events aren't totally sure, as for example: Today I'll go to the supermarked with my mum (but you haven't fixed an hour yet, for example)
You should say "going to" if the event is totally sure to happen; for example, "Today I'm going to the supermarket with my mum at 5 o'clock". In this case, if you have arranged with your academy to study there next year, or if you you are already enrolled there, then you should use "going to".


Hello ladies and gentlemen.
I just received my qualifications of my last FCE practise exam before the official one (around 26th July)

Reading: 75%
Writing: 60%
Use of English: 64%
Listening: 87%
Speaking: 72%

TOTAL: 72%

The "writing" part was the weakest because in the Part 1 I used some formal vocabulary when it was already an informal letter, so I have to keep an eye on that.
Secondly, I think I can improve the "use of English" as I had really stupid mistakes that I could have corrected easily, but yeah...

In general I think I can get really nice qualifications in the official if my nerves don't betray me...
I'm really proud about the "Listening" part since I have had really strong training watching TV series (Once Upon a Time and Castle, mostly) , and almost anything that I do on internet is in English.

So, in general, I think if I keep practising my weaknesses I can get decent qualification in the official one :DD Let's see what happen :D


Hello! Im finalishing my Last Degree Project (Trabajo Fin de Grado). I have to write an abstract in both english and spanish, and i would like to ask you for some help! I copy here the spanish abstract.

Durante los últimos años, hemos sido testigos del surgimiento y expansión de una crisis económica a nivel mundial. Han pasado ya cinco años, y muchos países, entre ellos España, sigue sufriendo las consecuencias. Utilizando la revisión bibliográfica, este artículo pretende ser un repaso de la situación actual en España, centrado especialmente en el estado de la red de apoyo (tanto pública como privada) y haciendo especial mención a la comunidad autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha. Por otro lado, se estudia la evolución del perfil de la pobreza durante este periodo. El artículo finaliza con una entrevista abierta a la responsable del único comedor social de la ciudad de Albacete, que nos mostrará la creciente demanda del servicio y la evolución del perfil del usuario medio.

I traslated half of the text, i guess i have commited some mistakes, so i would appreciate some help and tips :) Thanks in advance!!

During last years, we presenced the emergence and expansion of a global economic depression. Five years later, a lot of countries (including Spain) still suffer the consequences. This article pretends to be a current situation revision, focusing in the support network (public and private) status, and referring to Castilla-La Mancha.

1 respuesta

#2317 Hi, I'll correct you few mistakes that you've made in the text, though it is not very bad.

First, it's necessary to take into account that, if you are expressing a fact that is happening now, or that is still happening, you should use continuos tenses, in order to express the continuity of the action. For example, you are expressing that the depression is still present. So it would be better to say "we are presencing" instead "we presenced", because you are not talking about a past event, but a present one that is still happening. Also, you should write "are still suffering" instead "suffer".

Moreover, the verb "pretend" does not mean "pretender", this verb mean "fingir", so you should change the verb pretend into an accurate one, as for example "aim". The correct sentence would be "this article aims to be an evaluation of the current situation", or "this article will evaluate the current situation".

Regarding the last sentence, in order to put emphasis in the concrete situation of Castilla la Mancha, probably it would be better to say "specially referring to Castilla La Mancha".

I think that's all, as soon as you continue translating the text, you can come here to obtain more help or revision, and I'll help you if you need it :) .

1 respuesta

"Presence" doesn't exist as a verb, it's only a noun. I think you meant "to see"
#2318 a few mistakes

1 respuesta

#2319 This is not a mistake, it's possible as well to use "few" to mean "pocos". In fact, they are different determinants: "few" and "a few" both exist, and the difference between them is that "a few" means "unos cuantos" and "few" means "pocos". I have used "few" because I wanted to mean "pocos".

1 respuesta

#2320 "Te corrigiré pocos errores que cometiste" vs "Te corregiré unos pocos errores que cometiste".
In my opinion the second one sounds much better than the first one does.
Secondly, "I wanted to mean" doesnt sound right to me I would say I meant instead.

1 2 respuestas

#2321 You're right. "I meant something" to say "quería decir ...". To want to mean is forbidden! :P

But the lady is right on the other one ^^ Few means almost none, and a few means a hand of, or some.

Few= unos pocos
a few= unos cuantos.

I have few things to bring home tonight.
I have a few things to bring home tonight. (In this case, you might need a van :P)

Few of my cousins are getting married in the next years.
A few of my cousins are getting married in the next years. (Be careful with the alcohol and the cigars)

Still, I would've said "a few" since those were not few mistakes but a few xD

1 respuesta

#2321 You shouldn't translate into Spanish the sentences if you're trying to understand it, because not all the languages follow the same rules, and what is not logic in Spanish can be logic in another language. I'm aware that in Spanish this sounds weird, but in English it has sense, and it's completely acceptable to use "few errors", because the point is, precisely, to distinguish "few" from "a few" by means of an "a".

I'd recommend you not to translate directly into your language English sentences, because many of them have sense in English but not in Spanish.

#2322 I think this guy has made few mistakes because, taking a general look at his text and taking into account that he is writing about an academic issue, the text and the mistakes are not so bad.


I really appreciate your recommendation but that's a thing I know very well after having lived in Scotland for about 1 year. I only intended to clear up that concept under my opinion.
I'm sorry if I bothered you it wasn't deliberate (/my intention)


I believe "few" means (among others) you found fewer mistakes than you expected, "a few" in my opinion expresses a non defining range of "some" without specify that much... instead you may use little mistakes to emphasize.

every speaker has its own preferences... as long as it is right and fits in your way, go ahead.

12 días después

Hey guys, can someone tell me what the hell is this guy saying between 6:59 and 7:01? I don't understand any freaking word from those. Can you do it?

What I can hear (exactly): "Mituleitulait"
What I kinda associate with... "mid to late July" ???? But the "July" doesn't much at all with what I'm hearing so I hope you can help me xD

1 respuesta

#2326 He's saying exactly that

I don't think the way he says it is weird or anything, that's how I've always heard english speakers pronunciate it


can i say?
what is your age?

1 respuesta

#2328 Yeah it's a more formal way of saying "how old are you?"

La traducción en español vendría a ser como preguntarle la edad a alguien, en vez de preguntarle cuantos años tiene

1 respuesta

#2329 thanks dude


Hi, I am new in this threat, would I like know how is Brian?

1 respuesta

#2331 Hi, I am new in this thread(threat means amenaza), would I like know how is Brian? (this makes no sense at all, I'm not sure if it's a joke or you're just writing really bad)

1 1 respuesta

Hello gentlemen. In 7 days from now I'm doing the FCE. I think that, with all the work that I have done so far I can get pretty decent results in the end. I think that my weakest part will be "Use of English" :(


#2332 jaja yes I write wrong because I'm learning english, I wanted to say (me gustaría saber quien es Brian?) and I thought it was written well.
threat = amenazas thread = hilo, ok thank Mirtor.

1 respuesta

#2334 La frase sería "I would like to know who's/who is Bryan", mucha gente al principio traduce las palabras a ingles sin cambiar la posición, pero en la mayoría de casos en ingles no funciona esto XD.

En este caso "Would I" sería mas bien como una pregunta (¿Me gustaría saber quien es Bryan?) en vez de una afirmación "I Would" (Me gustaría saber quien es Bryan)

Also, how means "como", so your phrase would mean more or less "Me gustaria saber como está Bryan", the word you need to use is "who"

1 1 respuesta

In the case you were asking yourself about Bryan it'd be Would I like to know how Brian is?


#2335 In truth I wanted do a question, Thank dadito for the explication between who and how, I Known it but I wrote it wrong. Good thread for practice is great.


The game


Pretty sure he means I would like to know how Brian is

1 respuesta

#2237 In truth I wanted do a question, Thank dadito for the explication between who and how, I Known it but I wrote it wrong. Good thread for practice is great.

Trully I wanted to ask a question. Thanks dadito for the explanation between who and how, I know but wrote it wrong. Good thread for praticising.
It's great

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