Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2460 Philosophal degree or Philosophal Doctor

1 respuesta

#2460 You had better checking it on Google. PHD is known as "Doctor of Philosophy"

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#2461 #2462 not i am talking about like a next level after master degree


How see you this writting? it will has a lot mistakes but I am beginning.

I am going to write about the latest show that I saw. This it was the last summer in my city, Seville. I was walking for the street of Seville, from the Jerez Gate to Plaza New, and to middle of road I saw a performer group that their show dealt about dance. The performers were everyone very younger and they danced break-dance, this is a modern dance, where the dancer do some moves unique besides dificult to do it. The people, when the show finished, gave them some money and another didn't give them. In conclusion, I liked the show that they did and this form the performers won some money for their things and to go for the world showing their skills.

1 respuesta

#2464 some mistakes:
How see you this writting? How do you see this writing? (te falta el auxiliar para formular la pregunta)
it will has a lot mistakes It will have a lot of mistakes (aunque sea tercera persona, con el futuro se pone el infinitivo del verbo, que es have).
This it was the last summer in my city It was last summer (this y it actúan como sujetos, pon uno u otro. Last algo, como last summer, last week, etc., no lleva el the delante).
I was walking for the street I was walking down the street.
I saw a performer group that their show dealt about dance I saw a performer group whose show was about dance.
The performers were everyone very younger The performers were very young or all the performers were very young. (younger means más joven)
they danced break-dance they were dancing break-dance (si estás diciendo que ibas andando por la calle, past continous, y ves a un grupo, lo correcto sería seguir en ese tiempo y decir que estaban bailando en ese momento, no que bailaron.
the dancer do some moves unique The dancer does some unique moves (tercera persona y el adjetivo delante del sustantivo)
to go for the world showing their skills. and for showing the world their talents/skills.

1 respuesta

just a question, this last month i've been working at the airport and some of the uk ppl aswer me with: "cheers" as a "thank you". my question is if i can say anything else a part of "you're welcome", i mean, cheers seems to be more coloquial (se dice asi? lol) so i want to know if i can answer with some expresion similar.

Thank you.

2 respuestas

No puedo editar arriba, es "similar expresion"


#2466 No problem or anytime


No problem
It's ok
It's alright
at the bus when I said cheers they answered me the same: cheers.


#2465 Shit text I have written, they will fucking me sure in exam, thanks rayka.


Well, gotta work abroad tomorrow, time to unleash my rusty oral skills again! (shouting and babbling online doesn't count). Wish me luck, I'm gonna miss technology hard :(

1 respuesta

How do you see this essay?

Well, I am going to tell them a history of my life, but only a piece of it. Once upon a time in a town de Spain named Seville the pretty, in this town had neighborhood, the name of this neighborhood was Federico García Lorca, this name came of a poet malagueño that is other town of Spain next of Seville. In end, a day I went out my home and I met with my friends, we were bored and we thought in to do some exciting, as for example to go to a mansion near our neighborhood, the route was very dark toward the mansion but we agreed to go to the mansion. Once there we get in the mansion and suddenly we heard a noise in side right of us, the noise was the of a persons that were eating soup and the spoons did this noise, we scared us a little. we continued walking toward the garden and there we found with a corpse but it wasn't human, it was of an animal specifically a dog and just had die. The persons lived in the mansion, they heard us, then we had to go out running, the owner of the mansion left free to the dogs and it ran behind of us. For end we went out of the mansion and went back toward the neighborhood. When arrived us to our neighborhood we began to speak about what had happened and we could go to the police to denounce them, but after we thought that it would a mistake because we had entered in a private property. The end, all was in one history for remember it. Today, when we meet and we speak of this day we smile us and remember it as a simple anecdote.

1 respuesta

I have passed the B1 exam without merit bit it's okay.
This year I start with B2


#2471 Are you gonna work in the vineyards in France again?Good luck!

#2472 Federico García Lorca wasn't malagueño, but from Granada. By the way, I can see how your English is improving. Although you still make some mistakes, your advancement is quite noticeable.

1 respuesta

#2474 Thanks friends, you give me a lots moods, that mistake is serious, Granada, I don't know why I said malagueño, I would be thinking in Pablo Picasso xd


hi dudes , how are you? I though my english level was good , but last three days I realize that was false.
how can i say "piel de gallina"?

1 respuesta

#2476 Gallina de piel :P

It gives me (the) goosebumps.
It gives me the chills.

I searched this on the internet. I don't know if that expressions are correct or not.

---- Invoking english masters ----

PD: I work face-to-face with foreigner people... it's normal understand all they are saying and have a lot of problems to talk them?

(Resumiendo, que lo entiendo todo de PM, incluso entrevistas por la tele y tal, pero a la hora de hablarlo me encallo mucho)

1 respuesta

Hellaw folks!
Earlier as I expected, I finally got the results of the FCE.

If I had gotten at least 80/100 I would have gotten the FCE with certifications in CAE. But yeah, I prefer that and then I can concentrate in the next level as much as I can. Unfortunately, since I'm starting the college in 2 weeks so I may not have enough time to practise...
Anyway, after all this time it's done, and these are the results.

I don't want to be a showoff, I just want to show the people around this thread that if you do enough focus in the things that you want, you definitely can do it.

1 respuesta

#2477 yes, they are :)

You've missed a "to"
Is it normal to understand everything they are saying but having problems to talk to them?

Yes, it's completely normal because even though you understand everything they are saying, I think the problem is that your speaking is a little rusty and you don't talk enough time in English to speak fluently with someone.

#2478 oh my god!! That's awesome. Congratulations on your marks! :)

2 respuestas

#2479 Hahahah thanks to you for all the support that you gave me through this. Now, if I have enough time during my first year of college, I would like to practise the CAE on my own. Do you recommend any book for practising?

Well, since I got a B in the FCE, next summer I'm staying 2 weeks in London :DDDDDD I'm looking forward to it.


#2479 Hahahah thanks to you for all the support that you gave me through this. Now, if I have enough time during my first year of college, I would like to practise the CAE on my own. Do you recommend any book for practising.

I want to tell you guys something that I came up. Yesterday, one friend and I were talking about how we could practise English during our year of college, as we're not going to an academy anymore and neither playing games online. And I really don't want to see all my hardworking lost in a year, so...what can I do?

I've been watching lot of people telling their lives through Youtube, their point of view about something...Since I'm starting college next year, I'm starting what could be (and I really hope so) the most important part of my academic life, and I'll have some experiences to share for sure, so...What if I create an account and I make part of that vlogging world? What if I decide to show my life to stranger people in English, (despite being my 2nd Language and having an horrible Spanish accent)? I know that I don't have a perfect grammar and vocabulary, and I might do some mistakes.

At first, that idea sounded really weird, but now when I think about it, that could be a really great idea. The worst that could happen is don't get watched, isn't it? So what?

The problem is that I don't know any shit about filming, vlogging, or editing and my only camera is the one from my mobile phone (decent, but not enough I guess...) I don't want to spend money if that idea don't get a minimum sucess, but if it does I'd buy a decent camera for sure. I'll start learning the basics of Sony Vegas in order to do a minimum editing.

What you think about that guys? I want to knwo your opinion before starting even to do some tests about vlogging. If you're already at the end of the post, I wanna thank you for reading all :D

tl;dr : Spanish 18 years old kid. Got FCE certificate but rarely speaks English. Decided to show people stuff about his life in college in full English , despite being 2nd Language after Spanish and having a remarkable spanish accent.


How do you see this text?

I am going to write about my hometown. I live in Seville that is in Spain, Europe. Seville is a town with around of seven hundred thousand inhabitants. Seville has got a unique color, like it say the song. It has several events or festivity as the fair of Seville, very visited for turists, also it has the easter week or "Semana Santa" that it start before than fair, all this is celebrated in the March and April months in spring. When it come the summer, the days are very hot with temperatures od fifty degree and the winter is very rainy. In conclusion is a city for to visit it someday.

1 respuesta

#2482 You're improving a lot, and very fast!Let's see:
-Like the song says would be better. "Like it say the song" is not correct.
-Very visited BY turists: the passive voice and the agent complement is introduced by this preposition
-The pronouns "he", "she" and "it" require in present simple an extra "s": it startS comeS...
-The prepositions "for" and "to" together, as in your last sentence, are not correct. It would be: "a city to visit someday".

By the way, which method are you using to improve your English?

1 respuesta

Hi everyone I'm 17 years old and my name's Christian. I'm tryng to improve my english level so I came here to get any type of support.
I'm looking for some academies now, and I have some opcionts:

-CUID (Centro Universitario de Idiomas a Distancia).
-Any academy.

What would your choice?

2 respuestas

#2484 EOI (escuela oficial de Idiomas)

1 respuesta

#2483 Hi, I'm very happy for your comment and I understood your explain. I am learning alone, I explain, I watch video in youtube also I did a course little in the web site MOGEA, besides I know programming a little and I did a program of verbs and vocabulary in java (programing language). Now, in September I enter in E.O.I, here in Seville, level A1. If You want, I give you the program and have a look, if you are teacher, your pupils will give you the thanks.

1 respuesta

#2484 If you really want to learn English and not to waste your money, I wouldn't choose an academy. Academies are crowded with so many people (10-12 students per classroom) that it's almost impossible to learn English well. On top of that, they're rather expensive, taking into account the bad quality of the teaching.
If you find an academy with few students per class (3-4), go ahead, but if you don't, I advise you the same as #2485: go to EOI because at least it's cheap and you'll get at the end a certificate.

#2486 If you're learning alone, and only with the help of your program, you should feel very proud of yourself because it's very admirable!Moreover, to enter EOI it's a very good idea.
I'm a teacher and I'm interested in your program, could you give it to me in order to take a look?Probably it's useful to teach other people and you can profit the results :)

1 respuesta

Hi everybody. I am reading this post and i dont understand a shit. I am a cateto but this is the way to learn. In this year, im gonna speak english with a native because i think is the best way to improve my level of de english.
Also i see all the tv shows in VO with subtitles and i get day a day more words and phrases. When i speak in english i hav the feeling like i have a shoe in mi mouth xd.
See you dudes,


The dproblem is that the EOI has closed the time limit.
Probably I would to an academy that has classes with 6 persons.


#2487 Give me your mail (private) and I send you it. In the mail I will tell how function, in spanish jaja..

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