Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2729 Or ''you can dress as you wish'', I'm more of a fan of the wish formula instead of 'like' in this kind of contexts.
#2728 Correctinc strictly your questions it would be ''You can dress the way you want to''.


#2730 I'm not too sure I understand what you need xD Examples of videogames that use slang and so on, or already-finished studies on that subject?


Hi guys, I'm here again with some doubts,
Habria and Hubo is in english would have and habia/habian is there was and there were? Thanks, I still working to pass the B1 oral :)

1 respuesta

#2733 I'd say that translating the tenses sucks. You got those two right, "habría" as "would have" and "había" as "there was/were", though I'm not sure at all about "hubo".

It doesn't translate as "would have", it's not a conditional in Spanish so it isn't in English either, and constructing a sentence like "No hubo manera de que se lo comiera" (There was no way to make him eat it? Someone help? xD) is the kind that gives me headache...

Good luck with the study!

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#2734 It'd depend on the intention of the sentence.

Option 1:

"There was no way to make him eat it"
As if: "We failed at making him eat it in every way we tried"

Option 2:

"He could not eat it"
As if: "Despite his will to eat it, his stomach could not store more food"

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#2735 It had no intention in English, but that sentence in Spanish would imply (at least for me) the first option. You got my point, translating literally sucks xD


One more translating doubt, sorry if I get bored you; for example, "te lo he mandado para que tu mires/busques mas cosas" is in english ; I sent you it for you search more things ? Thanks

1 respuesta

#2737 Firstly, your sentence should be ''sorry If i get you bored'' or ''sorry if i bore you'' or ''sorry to bother you'' (bother is molestar).

Answering your question, the more-or-less literal translation would be ''I've sent it to you for you to look up for more things'', or ''I've sent it to you so you can check more things out'' or many other options that would differ more and more slightly. I still recommend you NOT to try to translate things literaly but to try to learn enough to construct your own alternative. Maybe it's a bit early for you, but that's the path I encourage you to follow.


Hello! Im new in this post!!! My english is very bad :(

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Hey guys! I guess it's the first time I post here, I have some doubts relating the certificates for the english level. I am thinking of taking the CAE (certificate in advanced english) of cambridge but I am afraid it would be very difficult for me and I would just waste my money :(

I just wanted to ask if there is anyone here who passed it , if you can tell me more or less how does it work and if I would better forget about it if I've never studied in an academy or travelled abroad to learn english..

Thank you,

2 respuestas

#2740: I don't know about the CAE, but the equivalent level is not that hard to achieve if you take the IELTS exam.

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#2741 But the IELTS is temporary, isn't it? I mean, doesn't it last for 2 years or so? At least with CAE you get the title... It depends on what you want it for. If you want it to look for work I think it's better a title though for studies abroad for example it's better the IELTS/TOEFL.

#2740 Are you in a hurry to get the title asap? Or is it just to have it done sooner or later? If you chose CAE although you haven't been in an academy I think you must have a pretty good level, and you don't need an academy for the exams if you have a good grammar base.
I haven't done it so I can't help you with it, sorry.

#2739 Welcome!

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#2742 if you are looking for a job you don't need any certificate. If you can't speak English or your communication skills are not good enough they will notice in the interview.

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I have a question about using 'rather' that I've never been able to work through.

I'd go to the cinema rather than downloading a film

Now, I know there are different positions when using this word in this cases but I'm not sure about it and I'd need you to tell me wether it's correct or not. For instance:

I'd rather go to the cinema than downloading a film

and a second possibility, during a conversation it'd be enough saying:

I'd rather go to the cinema. (knowing that the subject is downloading films)

I'm in a bit of a rush and I don't know if I left it clear enough, sorry and thanks in advance :)

2 respuestas

#2743 True, they usually have their own methods, but maybe if they want to place a barrier most likely they'll ask for a minimum level. Still, IELTS and those are better for "specific" applications while Cambridge or the Common European level are better to keep it for possible future use, that was my point.

#2744 I'm not sure I understood you, both sentences seem correct to me. By the way, got a typo in "whether" :P

1 respuesta

Thanks for the answers guys, they were all helpfull! #2742 I need the certificate for college for this july :o


#2745 Damn! I have to say that I really thought 'wether' was the way to spell it :P

And yeh, if nobody sees any mistake my doubt is 'solved' (it was more about double checking that my idea of using 'rather' was alright)


#2744 I'd rather go to the cinema than download* a film

No gerund there c:

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#2748 Gosh, I was thick this morning... Many thanks! =)

15 días después

i dont know how do this.

My level in english is low and i have "" to practise and learn.


I'm looking for some advice

I've just finished reading The Foundation series and I want to read next the Robot series (Both by Isaac Asimov, in case you didn't know) whose first book, 'I, Robot' is the one I want to read now. I've been thinking of reading it in English, but I'm not sure because it would be my first book in English and I'm not very confident. Has anyone in here read 'I, Robot'? Do you think it has a high level or do you think it is doable for a medium level speaker?

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#2751 I have been reading few random pages from a PDF on the internet and I think you will manage well, it doesn't seem to be high level. Good luck!

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#2752 Thank you! I think I'll give it a try when I finish my exams.


Hey guys! Tomorrow, I will be doing an English level test (EOI).
I'd like to know some information about it, since I don't know what kind of exercises it includes.
I applied for Intermediate and Advanced tests. Has anyone ever do these level tests?

I'd appreciate your help and I'm looking forward to your answer!

Thank you :D


Hey, i want to do the C1 exam because i want to study physics in university out of spain but i think i still have not enough level to do it, so i would appreciate any help with web pages, academies or anything i could use to improve my english level in 1 or 2 years, thanks!


sup brah's, can i get tha first certificate w/o doin' a grade? Just goin' to tha exam and passin' it. Can I? Thanks brah's

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#2756 yes, you can pay the rates and just make the test to get the certificate of level.

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#2757 thanks ma' nigga :D


Never say "make a test" D: use "do", for example

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#2759 make would say like, creating the test, wouldn't it? btw, this year i'm on FCE but i haven't gone to classes for months, had many problems.. i think i'll repeat it next year, or this summer, i dont know yet, but i think im really 'green' :D

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