Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2789 I live in Iceland, I am fed up of viking stuff ahaha

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#2782 some "way", watch tv series/movies in english with english subtitles, specially ones you have seen in spanish


#2791 Is beer so much better in Iceland? ___

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#2793 Yes, they have many national brands, but it is also so expensive, about 6€ per pint. Luckily, the happy hour is pretty common, usually from 16 to 19.


Does anyone know any good self-study book for the Proficiency?

A friend lent me a couple of them. One is called "New Progress to Proficiency" which I think is pretty good, but it's from the year 2002 and maybe there are other books out there which might be better and up to date. The other one is "Objective Proficiency", but I think it might not be useful for studying on my own, as I've seen this book used in academies and lessons guided by a teacher.

Any suggestion will be really appreciated! Thanks a lot!


hola, queria preguntar hace un año hice un examen de Toefl pbt y saqué 507, el examen lo hice sin preparacion previa y con algo de resaca, ahora voy a apuntarme a unos cursos y estoy pensando en que nivel apuntarme, dentro del B2 tienen tres niveles, cual creeis que debería escoger?

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#2796 Write in English pls, i don't understand. As you can plainly see, we all do it. Show us that you know.


Hi!! It's been a long time without posting here.

I want to tell you something. This morning I've done an interview for a job as English teacher and I got it !!! But I have to confess that i'm a bit nervous because it will be my first time in front of a class of 5-10 students and the interviewer was asking me a B2 level (level that I previously put in my CV) but which I haven't got yet officially. Even though I think I'm ready for this task I don't feel totally confident with my pronunciation.

The students will be kids from 3-6 years old and elementary level (6-12) so maybe it won't be that hard.

Anyway if anyone could give me any tips, they would be well received.

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#2798 I can't tell you how envious I am. I have a C2 and all they want is native speakers and they say I have no expierence although I've been teaching as a private tutor for more than five years and I was a teacher assistant back in Coventry.

If you want them to be focused, you have to make the class funny and keep them entertained. What I did with my kids was playing with them: Simon says for actions, describe their favourite animal (he has got) and headband. You put a paper in your head and they have to describe it to you (so you can put them in groups) songs in English (chair game and all that), I hope you have a lot of patience, you'll need it.

Very happy for you, really! And I'm absolutely certain that you will do great with them ^^
Good luck!

11 días después

Please, can somebody read this motivational letter to assure its politeness and check for needlesly complex syntactic constructions (for some reason I use them a lot as I think in Spanish)?

I would also like to know if it is a good motivational letter as I usually use this one and change different parts to adapt it to a certain offer. This is the last one I sent, it is tailored to a position asking for an engineer to work in a solar photovoltaic plant, I tried to delete the data concerning myself and the company but I had to keep much of it as it is the bulk of the letter.

Thanks in advance!

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#2800 Maybe I missed something but hey, #iTried xD

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To whom it may concern.

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#2802 I was told that it was way too formal and that it makes you seem like a stuck-up person. I understand that you would use that if you had to send a letter to the goverment.

#2801 Thanks, that is what happens when you trust Word grammar checker.

11 días después

I need help i have to put in a document fisrt/last/midle game, if my real name is Juan Perez Martin in the doument i leave the midle name empty, and then i put Juan on the first and Perez Martin in the Last? or only perez in the last (is an official document)

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#2804 You can put both unless it says otherwise

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#2805 Thanks, and by the way you know any webpage to do the TOEFL exam free??

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Hello, I've never been in english lessons or any kind of english practice, just what I've learned in the internet, reading and self-teaching. After 3 months of taking lessons, I will be attending the FCE english (14th december). In the tests I'm getting really good results and my teacher says that I don't need to be worried about the exam, but I am. I feel like I make a lot of mistakes and maybe if I have a bad day, fail the test. I'm working a lot on my speaking (worst part by far) and writing, do you reccomend me anything to improve those skills? Thanks.

#2806 You mean practices?

2 respuestas

#2807 I'm gonna try to answer you in English, I hope you can understand me :P First of all, have a look at There you can write essays (or whatever you want to write about) and native speakers will correct your mistakes. It's a very useful website.

To work on your speaking, you may want to use It's a website where you can find penpals and speak with them via skype. You can also pay a few € for an English lesson with a qualified teacher. This lessons cost from only 3€ to 8-10 €, they're via skype too and, if the teacher doesn't mind it, you can record the class in order to practise later and see your mistakes.

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#2808 I will check, sounds good. About the speaking part, I don't need it because I already have two native speakers in my house, I'm looking for exercises that help me to prepare the FCE Speaking (models, common questions etc.)

Thanks for your help.


#2807 I mean real toefl exams, but with no official calification or recognition :P
In order to know how it's my level now.

1 mes después

this is fucked up bruvs.. im watching 'the beehive' and its taking fucking forever. have to stop to toss off every time i see a couple of tits. guess we r just too used to watch porn and fap to its dirty chicks getting banged and swallowing cum.. cuz when it comes to real women who arent that keen on doing so, as the ones in camus's film, the arousal becomes real.

*self-disclosure: i might also just need to dip my wick asap

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#2811 wanker


What is the best way to adquire vocabulary? I am trying to learn by watching series or movies but i think it isn't enough, i have to talk with a lot english speakers everyday but i don't understand some words or maybe they use a different word than i do.

2 respuestas

#2813 Try to read a book per week.

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#2813 keep talking to them til you pick up their slang and remember using shit like 'innit', 'fuck', 'bollocks' or 'like' at least once every 3 words. books make little impact on real english usage.

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#2815 I don't agree. Books make a huge impact on your vocabulary on every language.

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#2815 that's a great advice if you want to end up talking like a chav.

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#2816 #2817 getting the hint, huh?

peace ;)


#2814 thanks mate, i will try to do it #2815 i think i should start to use more " you know" at the end of the sentence, but thanks for the advice!


Im the only one here that doesnt understand the Scottish accent? Sounds elvish to me...

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