Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

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1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2910 Time to return TO this thread, what do you mean trips in foreign? Travelling to another country?

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I just found this threat and i am breaking my dick reading some comments.

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#2912 *thread. Threat=amenaza


Hi everybody!

Reciently I discovered this thread. Maybe some of you can help me in a question: is about adjetives.
My personal teacher (¿?) told me that when they are speaking (American people), they put the smallest adjetive at first, and the biggest in the end. It's so curious because in my Engish book is not the same; this book contains something similar like an estrict formula (which I'm desagree)

This is an example, a question taken of my English book (multiple choice, like in the exam)

Which order is preferable?
a) A brown unfunny long joke
b) An unfunny brown long joke
c) A long unfunny brown joke

I choose the C. Is that so?

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I have been studying english for 1 month, I´m in Birmingham and i find so difficult to learn this language, haha, i can´t understand aniything when people speaks me, I think that i will never speak this language, and above all understand when people speaks to me :( I´m so frustrated with this language

Surely I have a lot of grammar mistakes,if i would have mistakes,please fix me ;) ( I would have or i will? or had in this case?

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#2914 I would choose C too.

#2915 stop thinking in spanish. It's obvious you think in spanish and then translate whatever you want to say, you're doing a word-by-word translation, and that leads you to make some mistakes.

For example when you say "I can't understand anything when people speaks me" you're clearly translating it as it's in spanish. Me habla = speaks me. They do speak to you, so "I can't understand anything when people speak to me" would be more correct.

"If I've any mistakes". You're already using the conditional with the 'if'.

Try to read a lot in english, it will definitely help you. First because if you learn english by listening to them you're going to make lots of mistakes that even english people make a lot, like when they can't tell the diference between 'you're' and 'your', or when they say 'would of' instead of 'would've'.

I'm not a master of english, and I'll surely have many mistakes, so don't listen to me too seriously :)

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#2916 Very useful your explication about it, i learn english with videos, i try to read articles or visit interesting pages. But i need improve my gramma definitely, because is my weakness, and when i talk with other probably i seem like a indian.

#2911 Yes exactly, and thanks for the correction, i dont have a good english skill jajaja


#2916 Thank you :)


this guy deck is craaaaaaaaaaaaazy


Great thread!

I've a question...someone lives abroad?

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#2915 Don't think like that, as long as you keep trying you will improve your English. One of my best friends, a Italian girl, got here a year ago knowing almost no English at all. Now she still has a very strong accent and makes mistakes now and then, but she is able to communicate in English with almost everyone here.

It is a matter of going on using the language and not being shy about mistakes.

At least until a point, my English now is pretty good but still far from perfect and I think now I barely improve no matter how much I use the language. Actually, what is happening is that my Spanish is worsening instead of my English improving.

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#2920 we've a few threads for the expats in the viajes forum.

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#2922 great stuff, thanks :)


What do you think about the queen's initiative for referendum in the Uk?

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#2924 What is the topic?

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#2925 Uk's Independence from Europe!

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#2926 Lol, are you serious? They have their own coin and now want to also leave the territory... omg


Like having their own currency is a problem, pound is far stronger than euro and dollar, and so be it for long I hope. When I go back to Spain for holidays I'm only too happy to exchange my pounds into euros.

But in fairness the Independence subject is not that cool, I assume I'd need a visa and it could be a pain in the arse. I don't think it's gonna happen though, we'll see.

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When i see the tv or films or something like that, all the time i´m listening the expression

"I Have got" But people always use it as a present , but the tense not is PResent perfect? Like "He conseguido" or "He tenido" ??

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#2929 "I have got" is actually present simple, which translates as "Yo tengo/consigo".
For the present perfect you must use "I have gotten", translated as "Yo he tenido/he conseguido".


#2928 where do you live Vito_?

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#2931 Birmingham

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#2931 Based in Birmingham as kazii points out (pirobiro and Kartalon as well). I've lived here for 3 years now and so far so good.

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#2932 it's a nice place right? I lived last year in Ireland for 10 months and was nice but was too quite for me...
I've been so confused since I came back here to Spain again last July, doing courses, volunteering, looking for a job and I got nothing until now. Next monday I'll start to work until october and at that time I'll think to fly to UK, maybe Birmingham is a good option, London is so expensive...

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#2933 glad to know that you're happy there. Is great to know that there's more chances further Spain :)


#2934 Birmingham is ok, so it is the north as far as I know. You may want to drop by the thread Mediavideros en UK and ask about different cities.

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#2936 I'll take a look right now, thanks!


#2928 I think you made a great point as it reflects how poor Spain has grown, socially and economically, after we exchanged our currency for the Euro. After all, 166 pesetas are equivalent to 1 euro. There's an inherent inflation related to that conversion, since the money supply has to grow proportionally to the increase in price, which means the national goods are devalued as more money is produced. Obviously that inflation results from the practise of rounding the prices up and down to fit the least number of coins. Say, the 100 pesetas coffee became the 1 Euro coffee.
Ironically enough the Deutsche Mark is almost twice the value of the Euro and they fared well.
I don't know if I've made an absurd deduction since I'm not very knowledgeable about such things, but I've thought about it for some time and I still feel like exchanging the national currency is bad for a country's economy.
If there were no countries it wouldn't matter, wouldn't that be a wonderful world to live in...


So true about lowering your spanish skill xD. Without speaking or thinking in english, I had problems with catalan-spanish translations. Now maybe one word came into my mind (sponsors) but I don't know the exact word in spanish until I check wordreference or something on internet and I say "Ah yeah yeah, patrocinadores".

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#2939 A verb that I always get wrong in Spanish now is "to apply". It happens to me all the time, "aplicar a la universidad" instead of "matricularse" or "inscribirse". Same with some other words that for some reason seem easier in English.

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