ATI Catalyst 3.9 Oficiales!


Pos eso, nueva entrega de los drivers pa graficas ATI:

pa bajarlos:

Mejoras y esas cosas (paso de traducir):

Resolved Game Issues

Setting the display resolution to 1024x768 32bpp followed by playing Blade of Darkness with the game set to 1027x768 16bpp, and texture resolution set to max, no longer results in a flickering horizontal line of display corruption
Playing Morrowind under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ All-In-Wonder 9200 installed no longer results in parts of the boat image flashing and portions of the person's body being missing
The game Jedi Knight-Jedi Academy no longer fails to respond when enabling Anti-Aliasing to 4x or 6x
Choppy game play is no longer noticed with attempting to play the game Home World 2
The demo game Panzers no longer fails to respond when Anti-Aliasing is enabled under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON™ 8500 series card installed
Setting the ATI 3D tab slider to Performance under Windows XP with a RADEON™ 9800 series card installed no longer results in display corruption when playing the game Grand Prix 4
Setting the game Flight Simulator 2004 to display at 1024x768 or 1280x1024 followed by starting a new flight no longer results in the menu being flipped just before the new flight is about to begin
Setting the display resolution to 1024x768 32bpp followed by setting the Indy Car demo display option to 1600x1200 32bpp and setting the detail to high no longer results in the fence and car's shadows flashing
Setting the display resolution to 1024x768 32bpp and enabling Anti-Aliasing to 4x followed by configuring the game Race Driver to 1600x1200 32bpp no longer results in some of the race cars not being drawn properly
Attempting to start a new game of Links 2003 no longer results in the system rebooting
Serious Sam 2 is now able to detect OpenGL TRUFORM when set to Application Preference

Resolved Benchmark Issues

ChameleonMark no longer displays corruption on DX8-class products

Resolved CATALYST™ Driver Issues

The help files for the new VPU Recover feature no longer make reference to that feature as Smartsave
Connecting a TV as the secondary display and enabling extended desktop no longer results in display corruption on the primary display when attempting to change the colour mode and resolution when playing Serious Sam
Having two monitor connected with only one monitor being active no longer results in two monitors being seen as active in the Monitor tab of the Advanced Display Properties
Connecting both a CRT and a TV to an ATI RADEON™ 7200 series running in a Windows 9x environment no longer results in corrupted colours being displayed on the CRT
Setting the secondary CRT display to 1024x768 32bpp with extended desktop enabled no longer results in not being able to swap between the primary and secondary displays
DVD Region 2 playback no longer stutters during the beginning of the DVD under Windows 2000
Connecting both a CRT and a TV to an ATI RADEON™ 7200 series running in a Windows 9x environment no longer results in corrupted colours being displayed on the CRT
The incorrect display resolution and desktop size is no longer indicated when clicking on the ATI icon for the first time

Saludos :D


thx, va bien saberlo


a bajar


que tal os va? merece la pena actualizar?


Poa ami me dio fallo con el Call of Duty asi q pondre la 3.7


Como siempre, esperando a los Omega... :)


yo me bajare los omega... pasare 3d mark 2001 se y dependiendo lo que me dea los dejare o no...


Yo llevo los 3.7 porqué con la cagada de los 3.8 :S
A ver como tiran estos nuevos xD


yo me kedo con los 3.2 q son los unicos q me pirulan, lo demas problemas, ya no me atrevo a meter na, ni omegas ni na d na :(


VINILESTER tiense una power color ATI 9600 PRO EZ 400/400 ?


como t he contestao en la firma: es una ATI 9200 128 MB, yo no se q coño le pasa a la mierda grafica esta q como le pongas otros drivers q no sean los del cd...


alguien me dice una pagina k no sea la d ati pa bajarlo los catalyst 3.7? k la d ati no m tira :S


A mi en el cs me tira muchisimo mejor los drivers del cs que los 3.7 y 3.8. Haber que tal los nuevos


los drivers del cs??

Se nota la fe de erratas, drivers del cd.


tengo la ati radeon 9800 pro y purbo con muchos catalyst y me van fatal alguien sabe cual me iria bien ?


Acabo de probar los nuevos 3.9 (bueno, su versión de los Omega, la 3.4.96b) sólo con 3D Mark 2001 SE y me han convencido... jeje, me han dado unos 300 y algo puntitos más por el morro...

Me quedo con estos :)


#16 los ultimos Omega que hay son los 2.4.96b y no estan basado en los 3.9, si no en unos "3.85" o similar, que fueron filtrados de Dell o una historia de esas, pero no estan basados en los Catalyst 3.9, si no mira la fecha.


les ordeno k respondan! xDDD, si0ke estos iran bien con las 9600xT? un poco pronto pa saberlo no? pero RESPONDAN por diox


Yo me los he bajado pero estoy a la espera de los Omega, aunque si me da la venada pues instalo los Cat 3.9, el RivaTuner, el RadClocker...


am, como desde que baje la version anterior de los omega basados en 3.8 no habia visto la web de omegadrivers pos no sabia que los 2.4.96b eran de los 3.85 esos, sorryz, de todas formas me da un poco mas que los 3.8 asin que los dejare hasta q salgan los omega de los 3.9


perceva que pas cn esa tarjeta¿?¿?¿?
yo esto cn los 3.6, xq los 3.7 y los 3.8 me tiran fatal, sera x la placa¿?¿?
responde plis

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