Feisty Fawn es el nombre clave para Ubuntu 7.04.
Al parecer los chicos de beryl han anunciado que Ubuntu les ha invitado a mantener unas conversaciones con la intención de que el funcionamiento de beryl (el famoso escritorio 3D de linux) sea total y absoluto en el futuro.
Aclaran también que mantendrán su independencia y que de ninguna forma Ubuntu se hará cargo de beryl ni nada parecido, simplemente estrecharán lazos para que la integración ubuntu-beryl sea mayor.
De esta forma, la idea inicial es que la versión 7.04 de Ubuntu venga con beryl instalado por defecto.
For those of you who don’t know, the Beryl Project has been invited out to the Ubuntu Developers Summit in California next month. First off Ubuntu is NOT taking over control in any way, and beryl will remain distro neutral. The idea here is to help make sure beryl works with ubuntu and that beryl can be released in Ubuntu. A spec for Ubuntu 7.04 has had some initial groundwork done which will allow beryl to come pre-installed on Ubuntu systems that meet the requirements! The conference is from Nov. 5th to Nov. 11th and I will be keeping you all up to date here on what’s going on, what has been discussed, and any new and exciting developments. Stay tuned, exciting progress is afoot.