al parecer eso le ha pasado a MUCHA gente con esa placa y con la utilidad de ASUS desde Windows, se supone que desde el CD tienes una especie de utilidad para recovery pero claro necesitas tener el ROM original de la BIOS, que alguien lo confirme, el comentario mas util de ese link es este :
"CrashFree BIOS 3
Simply restore corrupted BIOS data from USB flash disk
The ASUS CrashFree BIOS 3 allows users to restore corrupted BIOS data from a USB flash disk containing the BIOS file. This utility saves users the cost and hassle of buying a replacement BIOS chip.
According to the manual:
1) turn on the system
2) insert the motherboard support cd to the optical drive
3) the utility displays the following message Bad BIOS checksum. Starting BIOS recovery... checking for floppy
When found, the utility reads the BIOS file and starts flashing the corrupted BIOS file
Floppy found!
Reading file "P5KD.ROM". Completed.
Start flashing...
4) Restart the system after the utility completes the updating process
Alternatively, you can flash it with a USB drive
1) insert USB drive that contains the BIOS file to a USB port
2) Turn on the system
3) the utility displays the following message Bad BIOS checksum. Starting BIOS recovery... checking for floppy
When found, the utility reads the BIOS file and starts flashing the corrupted BIOS file.
Floppy found!
Reading file "P5KD.ROM". Completed.
Start flashing...
4) Restart the system after the utility completes the updating process."
Aunque yo tenia entendido que ya las placas traen una BIOS secundaria a modo de backup por si casca la principal.