Ya se les ha visto el plumero. TTGN es propiedad de CMON. Y CMON no tiene éste KS. Pubrets.
Comentarios de dakkadakka:
Psst... they don't need a license. Gamezone owns the trademark.
Are they licensing it to themselves?
It's an amusing point that if you don't need a license because you own the trademark, it's a good reason to not have the license.
It's also notable that TTGN, the site reporting the anonymous source, is owned by CMoN, host of many popular Kickstarters that happen to not be Heroquest.
I'm still a backer. I just hope nothing silly comes of all this.
Righto. If I'm not confident in the last hour of the last day, I'll pull my pledge. Until then, I know one irrefutable fact: Gamezone owns the Heroquest trademark in Spain, plain and simple. They can legally release anything they want and name it Heroquest and I'll legally be able to buy it. [/i]
Edit: ¡Han cantado línea! ¡Vamos para bingo! Han parado el KS de momento. En caso de cancele no perdemos nada, en caso de que siga adelante, tampoco. El tiempo que esté parado no contará para la duración, por ejemplo, si se para dos días y luego continúa, tendrá dos días más. A ver que cojones dicen.
Heroquest 25th Anniversary is the subject of an intellectual property dispute and is currently unavailable.
No need to check the servers — the rest of Kickstarter is doing just fine.
This project’s funding and the countdown to its deadline have been stopped. If the project becomes available again, the countdown will continue and the deadline will extend past the original deadline for as much time as the project was unavailable.
Your pledge is currently still active. If you'd like, you can manage your pledge at any time before the deadline. If you have a question, you can ask the project creator.
Thanks for your patience.