/22/ Offtopic = FEDAcraft

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Guía para no coreanos

TS3 /22/

IP : ts3.mediavida.com
PUERTO : 9987
CANAL : StarCraft II



MOAR, Why Boxer joined SKT1.

#43229 no seas tan extremo. SC2 y DotA2 son lo mejor del panorama a la hora de ver un espectáculo. El resto es bullshit, pero la mierda le gusta a millones de moscas.

1 respuesta

no me extraña en absoluto la disolución, estaban a la deriva



my dick explodes



Seems legit to me


MMA switches to competitive LoL scene

me reinstalo el LoL ahora mismo


#43231 Eso lo sé, pero es que aqui la gente esta deprimida con el sc2 xD

Drakea mola, porque dependiendo de la época puede tener la passion por las nubes como tenerla por los suelos cuando la gente se pone a hablar de las magic xd


Si eres un newfag al menos esfuerzate por no parecerlo for the sake of god vaya posts xD


Dame tiempo, aun estoy intentando comprender a este foro.


Empieza por comprender que estás posteando en el "offtopic"


No, ya no es offtopic, ahora es el puto thread de Magic por vuestra culpa.


La flor de loto en mis tiempos mozos era la mas cara, la sacabas por 0, 3 manas. Que tiempos aquellos en el patio robando a los chavales.....


Current Situation

  • MMA and Alicia have been demoted to B-team.

  • Because of recent events surrounding Alicia, he will also be released (have not been told yet)

  • Ryung is currently practicing at home. Yugioh originally also practiced at home and only practiced in the team house time to time.

  • Crank didn't leave but has been released.

  • Time was given to Puzzle, Coca and Min to think about their career and they have now switched to League of Legends

  • Wanted to give up entering GSTL as half the main players are gone and even many players who were still bound by a contract refused to play. But remaining players were eager to play so still entered. We knew it was near impossible to win but we entered to give players experiences that they wanted. And this bonded the remaining players.

  • Excluding the three players who wanted time off to consider their career, we entered the team with 4 B-team players and 4 A-team players. We excluded Alicia who avoided entering GSTL from the last season.
    The reason why Boxer joined SKT

  • We need to talk about how SlayerS started

  • Federation and SlayerS didn't get along from the start. We had Intel as the main sponsor and started off being the wealthiest team. That's when the federation wanted us to join but we weren't sure about what their goals and what they were after so told the federation that we will decide to join when we observe surrounding situations. That's when GanZi incident happened
    Ganzi incident

  • At the time, Ganzi was in team IM. Ganzi told Knight_Seal (SlayerS coach) that he was interested in joining Slayers. Both me (Jessica) and BoxeR had no idea.

  • IM told the federation and accused that SlayerS tried to steal one of their players and GanZi had been spreading bad rumours about IM. GanZi had 6 months ban from entering GSL so he was about to quit as a pro gamer

  • Because we were never stealing GanZi, we helped GanZi to get to the bottom of this to clear out misunderstandings

  • After talking to many other players including MVP and coaches/directors who were part of the federation, all evidences collected suggested that GanZi was innocent. IM coach (Mr Gang) couldn't argue about anything so only snuck out of the situation by saying 'This was my understanding, GanZi - if you wanted to move why didn't you tell me personally?'

  • SlayerS wes the second victim of this incident as the majority of people believed that we were stealing a player but nobody, including Mr Kang, apologized for anything. We lost our faith in the federation who does not seem to listen to both sides of the story and make a decision based on assumptions.

  • After this incident we dropped our thoughts of joining in. There were no appealing reasons for us to join. But another event hit the federation - TSL coach Mr Lee
    NASL incident

  • NASL season 1 had started and many players including BoxeR were preparing to depart the country. Then Mr Won (Startale coach) contacted us that 'NASL is not paying flights for Korean players only, we should not participate in NASL with this sort of discrimination.' he hoped that SlayerS boycotts the tournament. However we were already ready for everything including flights and hotel accomodation as our sponsor paid to play.

  • He claimed that all other teams will be boycotting but they all ended up participating anyway and Puma won the whole tournament.

  • As NASL season 2 began, Mr Won once again asked us to boycott and we wanted to boycott this time. So we told Mr Won that if this boycott will help to reach a beneficial agreement between NASL and the federation, we will surely join boycotting.

More coming, will post when he tells me!


- Time was given to Puzzle, Coca and Min to think about their career and they have now switched to League of Legends




en definitiva: KeSPA






Ni a los koreanos le gusta este juego, que bien xd.


it's over guys, we're done


pero si el sc2 siempre ha sido mierda en korea.xddddd

korea es LoL ahora mismo, es el juego más jugado y más visto.


literally dead game


tfw Destiny is the carpet cleaning prophet of doom

  • Alicia and Ryung:
    Alicia was fine at first, but as he went to foreign tournaments, he wasn't fine anymore and he was really dissatisfied. When Jessica asked why, Alicia answered that when he returns to Korea, the manager did not pick him up.
    Jessica thought that was preposterous, and sent Alicia home. The contract would be renewed automatically unless Alicia calls her, which he didn't. But Jessica would not renew the contract and will dismiss Alicia from the team, due to a recent happening that cannot be opened right now.
    It is a really serious incident, but she would not mention it unless it is necessary.

-Why Clide went to KT:
Clide was friendly with MMA, which made Jessica anxious. Jessica thought Clide should not be the same as MMA. Clide had many things to take care of, so Jessica persuaded him to pursue another dream, so he joined KT.

holy shit


that feel when jessica was a victim all along




Es de muy mala sangre eso de venir a regodearte cuando tu enemigo está viviendo sus últimos agnoizantes momentos.


Paso número 1: No dejar a una mujer hacer el trabajo de un hombre.


La era del starcraft en korea se ve que se termino. E incluso los progamers estables se plantean pasarse al lol, eso es impresionante XD.
Y aprovecho para lanzar una pregunta:
¿quien es el culpable de que no triunfara el SCII en korea?
a) Kespa
b) blizzard
c) la comunidad nunca hubiera jugado el juego

1 respuesta

De blizzard claramente, el juego no está a la altura de BW, aunque sea bueno.


Se plantean no, ya lo hacen.

David Schmidt ‏@DavidSchmidtSC
According to source in Korea Coca, Min, and Puzzle had been sneaking out of SlayerS house to play LoL at PC bang.

Los progamers dle SC2 se escapan por las noches de las prohouses y se van al PCbang a jugar al LoL.

its over guys, we had a chance


Me parece bien, jugarán a LoL dos meses y cuando se den cuenta de lo que es dejaran de ser programers para convertirse en personas de provecho como Jinro o Haypro.

Tema cerrado