Ojo que ahora no sólo provoca mareos, resulta que hace que el pc EXPLOTE xDD de risa, literalmente:
I watch in rapt attention as he charges a splicer when suddenly BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. It sounds as though a string of firecrackers has been detonated in my computer case, as well as each BOOM being punctuated with a bright blue flash coming through the case window.
For about half a second I sit there stunned. The first thought in my mind is "Holy Fucking Shit, that is the greatest effect I've ever seen. They should have given this game an 11." Immediately following this a sickening realization dawns on me as I look over at my tower. Blue Smoke! The magic blue smoke that makes electronics work is escaping from my PC.[/i]
Un "análisis" de esto y las demás cosas que se han comentado aquí (widescreen, multi-instalación) lo podéis leer aquí: http://blog.wired.com/games/2007/08/bioshock-backla.html#more
PD: me ha matado lo de "Holy Fucking Shit, that is the greatest effect I've ever seen. They should have given this game an 11" xDDDDDDDDDDD me muero