CoD: fayo en el CoD


Alguien sabe como arreglar este mensaje????


20 soun file(s) are missing or in a bad format


Sound file 'sound/vehicles/crashes/metal_crash.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/vehicles/crashes/metal_crash.wav' couldn't be read
WARNING: streamed sound 'sound/fire/Fire_Big_loop02.wav' not found
Sound file 'sound/explosions/explo_rock01.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/explosions/explo_rock01.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/explosions/explo_rock02.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/explosions/explo_rock02.wav' couldn't be read
WARNING: streamed sound 'sound/fire/Fire_med_loop02.wav' not found
Sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt01.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt01.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt02.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt02.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt03.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt03.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt04.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt04.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt05.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt05.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt06.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/explosions/mortar_dirt06.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/misc/mouse_click.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/misc/mouse_click.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/misc/mouse_over.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/misc/mouse_over.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/misc/MP_defuse.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/misc/MP_defuse.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/misc/MP_plant.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/misc/MP_plant.wav' couldn't be read
WARNING: streamed sound 'sound/music/mainmenu1.mp3' not found
Sound file 'sound/vehicles/turret_spin_01.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/vehicles/turret_spin_01.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/vehicles/turret_end_01.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/vehicles/turret_end_01.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/misc/PU_paper02.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/misc/PU_paper02.wav' couldn't be read
Sound file 'sound/vehicles/crashes/gate_crash.wav' not found
WARNING: loaded sound file 'sound/vehicles/crashes/gate_crash.wav' couldn't be read
----- CL_Shutdown -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL

...unloading OpenGL DLL

Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
20 sound file(s) are missing or in a bad format

eso es lo q me dice cuando lo incio.
tengo la tarjeta de sonmido actualizada y puesto el direct x 9.

Antres en windows 98 SE me iva perfecto ahora me e puesto windowes xp y me dice eso.Alguien sabe como arreglarlo???



mmmmmm, aver 2 cosas, puedo parecer repetitivo, pero es k es la verdad:

El juego muchas veces da un error de lectura del cd, quizas te ha dado ese error de lectura en esos archivos, prueba a reinstaalr el juego (es k a este juego los problemas se le solucionan reinstalando)


Gracias x el consejo pero lo desinstale y lo volvi a instalar me ahora me dice q me fayan menos archivos (antes me decia 40) probaré otra vez aver si result.

Si alguien tiene otra idea q la diga


mmmm prueba tnb a instalar el CoD desde algun otro cd, k te lo deje un colega o algo tiu

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