Los perks se podrán desactivar directamente si no se quieren para una war, no se necesitará un PAM que haga eso y se habla tambien de codtv, garetjax se pasó por las oficinas de iw hace tiempo para ver cual era la mejor manera de implmentarlo y que aun estan trabajando en ello, también comentan que habrá más soporte por parte de IW, esperemos que se verdad y no sea "humo".
pozi #166 mmmm solo 3 cargadores, esto cambiará mucho la manera de jugar
Yo me quedo con esto:
If they would have released a PC beta also, then I am sure, that this game would turn out to be one of the biggest multiplayer team based games in years to come. Because when you publish a beta it makes so much publicity and people find out what a wonderful game the CoD series really is (exception of the Treyarch produced games, ie. CoD3). In my opinion this game is better than QW and I am sure that all of the CoD scene will think the same, but if games such as QW get all the attention, then no matter how good the game is, we (the CoD community) will never get proper publicity and thereby not enough gamers around the world will consider to start playing this game on a competitive level. IW have made some things right this time around, because the game will be released on Steam (correct me if I am wrong) and that should help to contribute to the scene growth.