Dungeonborne #HG | Otro Extraction Dungeon Crawler


#450 yo tambien pienso que deberian hacer eso , capar por ilevel, y que las pasivas de los epicos-legendarios entren en una categoria propia, que los que vayan asi juegen entre ellos y no maten a los azulitos, pero creo que ahora mismo no juega tanta gente para que sea dinamico el separar en tanto rango de level y por eso no lo hacen, una pena.


Hasta que no haya un matchmaking por rangos de GS, este juego está muertísimo xd. El problema es que si deciden ponerlo en 2-3 meses, nadie va a volver. Too little, too late.

1 respuesta

#452 el problema es que entonces empieza el minmaxing donde igual a gs15 el druida esta op y a gs 16-20 el DK esta op y a gs 21+ el cryo esta op, asi que esas classes minmaxean para no pasar esos limites y acaba en stomps o en lobbies uniclase

Por no hablar del tema de que de que sirve mejorar tu equipo si hace que tus rivales tambien sean mas fuertes, potencialmente mas optimizados que tu. Es como los rpg con autolevel donde los enemigos se hacen mas fuertes conforme subes de nivel.

No es tan facil solucionar este tema.

1 1 respuesta

De acuerdo con #453 . Tramos de gear en classic no le veo sentido. Pero meter equipo bueno debería ser riesgo-recompensa. Con los legendarios y el puto sistema de dados para llevarlo siempre asegurado es recompensa-recompensa. No tiene sentido. Tienen que bajar el poder que dan los legens, o cambiar el nefasto sistema de dados.


Creo que quitando los dados ya solucionan un gran porcentaje de los gear score desequilibrados y creo que incluso bajaría el precio de los items legendarios.

Obviamente también tienen que arreglar lo del LoH que no se a que esperan xd estoy hasta la pinga de los cryomancers


una duda, cuando pongo un morado a vender, me sale no se que de que no esta identificado y como que valdra menos, eso que significa?



We've been hard at work on the big patch coming tomorrow! It brings new content, lots of balance changes (especially Rogue), and the highly-anticipated Clotho's Trial game mode, where you can compete every weekend to earn legendary equipment and climb the leaderboard to become the ultimate gladiator. Check out the teaser trailer below and stay tuned for the full patch notes tomorrow!

Tengo muy pocas esperanzas, la verdad.


Han dejado al rogue en la inmundicia xDD eso pasa por jugar a correr. Que las estadisticas estaban hinchadas porque morian poco.


New Content

Added Exceptional quality equipment, a new tier between Epic and Legendary. Players can obtain Exceptional gear in Dungeons and Clotho's Trials. Heirlooms can now be upgraded to this tier too!

The brand new PVP mode, Clotho's Trials, officially kicks off on August 16th. Players who earn the "Flawless" title will win Legendary gear and an exclusive kill effect! Compete against top players from around the world and show off your skills. We've also added new Steam achievements related to Clotho's Trials.
The Nature-themed Constellation Event is now live! Druids have gained a new E skill: Regrowth, offering fresh tactical options for teams. Don't miss out on this limited-time event and grab an exclusive cosmetic reward!

The Shop now features the 4 new Skeletal series weapon skins and 3 sets of Skeletal armor skins. Become the Chosen of Terror and play a symphony of blood and horror for your enemies!

Added a player statistics tab. After the update, you can view them in the inventory interface. (Please note that the Vengeful Monarch kill count will start counting from 0)

Class Balance

(Make sure to check out the chart at the bottom of the patch notes for a detailed look at class performance statistics, which will give you a better idea of why we made these changes.)


Dev Comment: We want Rogues to be an elusive assassin, but their current pick and escape rates are way too high, especially in solo play. We've observed increasingly severe cases of combat avoidance and teaming, with gold-farming Rogues seriously impacting the experience of regular players. With this update, we want Rogues who avoid combat to pay a higher price and give other classes more chances to catch them.

Any damage effect in the game, including the poison circle, will now break Stealth

Stealthed targets are now easier to detect, becoming visible at 15 meters

Reduced the movement speed bonus from Dexterity

The All Interaction Speed affix no longer affects Portal activation; the maximum bonus for All Interaction Speed is now capped at 50%

Increased the cooldown of the E skill "Swift Concealment" by 5 seconds and "Vanish" by 10 seconds

Changed the cooldown mechanism of "Swift Concealment" to start the cooldown when Stealth ends/breaks

The Dexterity passive "Evaporate" now has a 15-second cooldown

Fixed an issue where if the Stealth skill was on cooldown and Stealth was triggered again through the "Evaporate" passive, the E skill's cooldown would be extended

Fixed an issue where the Strength passive "Stealthbreak Venom" would not trigger if Stealth lasted too long

Dev Comment: We will continue to monitor the data changes brought by this update. To quickly and effectively restore the expected game experience for solo players who actively engage in combat, we've made the following adjustments to the matchmaking strategy: If there are too many players of the same class queuing for a map simultaneously, players may experience slightly longer queue time.


Dev Comment: As countermeasures against Fighters have gradually improved, their ability to break through enemy lines has diminished in the current meta. This update provides some assistance to Fighter players, aiming to make them more effective frontline breakers.
The effect of Strength passive "Fired Up" has been changed to E skills can now store two charges
Fighters now gradually increase their movement speed during Whirlwind by default


Dev Comment: In this update, Druids have gained a new E skill, becoming the second class in Dungeonborne with healing abilities. Unlike Priests, Druids focus more on HoT (Heal over Time) effects. They can provide stronger sustain for the team while leveraging their class mobility, offering more team comp options.

New E skill "Regrowth": Applies a heal-over-time to an ally target, continuously restoring life over 30 seconds

After activating the Will passive "Seed Pods", the interval between two casts of the E skill "Force of Nature" has been reduced from 5 seconds to 1 second

Druid Treants can now critically strike enemies


The second stage of the Q skill "Pyroblast" can now be detected while invisible (when affected by Rogue's "Shadow Veil" skill)


The duration of the E skill "Frost Barrier" has been reduced from 8 seconds to 5 seconds, and the skill's healing effect has been reduced by 50%

Dev Comment: When using Shadow damage one-handed swords, the melee DPS of Sword and Orb was somewhat overtuned. Additionally, the Sword and Orb's close-range charged heavy attack combined fast shield-breaking, slowing, and burst damage, making it difficult for melee characters to gain a consistent advantage after closing in on Cryos. To address this, we've made the following adjustments:

The damage multiplier for Sword and Orb's light attack has been adjusted from 0.6, 0.6, 1 to 0.4, 0.4, 0.6

The additional Cold elemental damage multiplier for Sword and Orb's enchantment has been adjusted from 0.3 to 0.4

These two changes shift more damage to Orb enchantments, reducing the difference between elemental and physical swords and decreasing the sustained melee damage output of Shadow swords

The damage multiplier for Sword and Orb's heavy attack has been reduced from 0.75 to 0.5, and the damage multiplier for its projectiles (Ice Slash) has been reduced from 0.5 to 0.3

About Priests
Dev Comment: Over the past week, Priest's pick and extraction rates in high-end games have been steadily rising (see the data below), leading to a delay in our planned buffs. We want to continue monitoring the data after the nerf to Life on Hit to ensure we make the right decisions.

Item Balance

Mimic Potion Optimization: Tired of other players easily recognizing you as a fake chest? You can now transform into various chest types and randomly generate open/closed states and loot beam effects to surprise (or jumpscare) your opponents!

Resurrection Stone Mechanic: Each shrine can only spawn 1 Resurrection Stone per game, and the quality has been changed to Epic

Added an effect indicator for the target point of the trajectory when throwing Thunderclap and Incendiary Flasks, making it easier to aim

Incendiary Flask Rework

Now, in addition to the Burning effect, the flask will also apply a Grievous Wounds effect, reducing healing from ALL sources by 50%, such as Life on Hit, Frostbite Curse, and the new Regrowth skill

Standing in the flames now deals 5 damage every 0.15 seconds

After leaving the flames, the Burning and Grievous Wounds effects will persist for 8 seconds, dealing 5 damage every 0.5 seconds

Other Changes

Added DLSS Frame Generation option in the Graphics Settings. Players using NVIDIA RTX 40 series graphics cards can enable the latest frame generation technology

Changed percentage slow mechanics to multiplicative calculations and will no longer reduce movement speed below 25%. This change does not affect speed increases or absolute value slows

The limited-time increased Shadow Portal spawn rate event has ended. Shdaow Portals have now returned to their standard spawn rate

To prevent abuse, a level restriction has been added to the Auction bidding/purchase function. Now, an account must have a character of level 10 or above or possess the Auction House Listing Privilege to use it. (Note: This change does not affect the use of Buyout trades, only Auction trades)
Added new visual effects to the model of the Unique weapon "The Mistake"

Added Orb enchantment visual effects to the Divine Sword, making it easier for casters to use

Increased the price cap for Buyout trades of Legendary and Unique equipment

Optimized the visual effects of Cryo's Ice Storm skill, making the boundary of the Blizzard clearer

Optimized the Trading filtering logic. After this update, Trading can simultaneously filter primary and secondary affixes

Optimized map visual effects to solve the issue of inaccurate scene display when players are far away

Optimized monster model presentation to fix issues with some monster models and highlights

Optimized some skill icons for a more consistent style and tone

Optimized the effects of cape fabric

Optimized the localization descriptions related to Cryomancer skills and passives

Optimized the anti-cheat meaures, strengthening the monitoring and punishment of severe cheating behavior

Optimized the attack hitbox of Mace and Shield's defensive attack

Optimized some unreasonable spawn point locations on the map

Optimized the reverb effects of in-game scenes and destructibles, enhancing the performance of in-game throwable sound effects

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that could cause key binding conflicts and optimized key binding options

Fixed an issue that could prevent Druids in Panther Form from reverting to Human Form, make the Avatar invisible, and cause Stealth to fail

Fixed an issue that could allow players to jump out of the scene in specific locations on the map

Fixed an issue that could cause the Lightning Staff's weapon skill indicator to go through stairs and floors

Fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck and unable to move in the tutorial dungeon, Sinner's End, and Clouseau Castle maps

Fixed an issue that could cause the item bar to be unlocked when using Flasks and Bandages

Fixed an issue that could cause the stored charge count to display incorrectly when a Priest with the Benediction passive enters the the Sinner's End Level 2 waiting room

Fixed an issue that could cause the Cryomancer's Ice Storm to move abnormally in certain scenes

Fixed an issue that could cause the Vengeful Monarch's sword position to be abnormal when summoning monsters after taking damage

Fixed an issue that could cause Portals to become elliptical when viewed from a distance

Fixed an issue that could cause doors not to display when viewed from a distance

Fixed an issue that could cause the loading progress to get stuck during the reconnection process after a disconnection

Fixed an issue where switching aim with a Crossbow while inside a Plagued Zombie's poison cloud would cause the poison cloud visual effect to display incorrectly

Fixed an issue that could cause text overlap

Fixed an issue that could cause the teammate's energy bar to display abnormally after reviving

Fixed an issue that could cause the inventory preview to be abnormal when entering the Training Room with all gear removed

Fixed an issue that could prevent interaction after reviving in competitive mode

Muy interesante esto:

Now, in addition to the Burning effect, the flask will also apply a Grievous Wounds effect, reducing healing from ALL sources by 50%, such as Life on Hit, Frostbite Curse, and the new Regrowth skill


Total, que el priest siguen sin tocarlo porque patatas y el rogue ahora es visible. Paso de este juego.

1 respuesta

Solo leer esto ya te lo dice todo.

About Priests
Dev Comment: Over the past week, Priest's pick and extraction rates in high-end games have been steadily rising (see the data below), leading to a delay in our planned buffs. We want to continue monitoring the data after the nerf to Life on Hit to ensure we make the right decisions.

Yo hace tiempo que me he bajado del barco y no creo que ni me vuelva a subir. Es lamentable

1 respuesta

#460 #461 Es que el juego como tal esta diseñado para 3vs3.

Hacer viable al priest en solo no se hasta que punto seria viable sin bufarlo demasiado o hacerle un cambio gordo.

Es como los bosses en solitario no se pueden hacer(que yo sepa ya no intente hacerlos ni he mirado si se puede de alguna manera absurda)

Ya sea por que los devs han diseñado el juego en mente para ser disfrutado en el modo de 3vs3 o por que es el modo mas jugado(yo creo que el Solo seguro que es mas jugado pero bueno)

1 respuesta

Parece que se mantiene, ojala mantenga jugadores y siga desarrollando. Lo mismo dentro de 1 añito o 2, es un juegazo.


#462 se puede solear hasta el monarca dedicándole tiempo.

Problemas de base que considero que tiene el juego:

  • El problema principal que creo que tiene este juego es que las clases están muy cuadriculadas y hay poco margen a la creatividad, por lo tanto poco te puede sorprender el enemigo a la hora de enfrentarte a el. En DnD hay muchísimas mas combinaciones y mas libertad/posibilidades a la hora del PvP.

  • Otro problema que veo es que el winrate de un enfrentamiento depende demasiado del equipamiento, que muchas veces es difícil de compensar con la skill de un jugador.

  • Imagino que para casualizar un poco este genero han querido hacer que los personajes aguanten mas hostias para no castigar tanto los errores del jugador, considero que este punto refuerza bastante la problemática que hay con el equipamiento.

  • El tema de los dados mas de lo mismo, refuerza los problemas de los 2 puntos anteriores, para mi son innecesarios y considero que no tienen cabida este tipo de objetos en el genero de extracción.

Y todos estos problemas son de diseño y planteamiento del juego, no de balanceo, por lo tanto veo difícil que cambien de rumbo a la larga ya que es lo que les diferencia de la competencia.

Me da la sensación de que con estos puntos intentan atraer un publico mas grande a este juego pero al mismo tiempo creo que van en contra del genero y no terminara de cuajar. Me apena porque los escenarios, el sistema de combate (le daría mas variedad al cuerpo a cuerpo), los enemigos y la UI/menu layout esta muy pulido y el diseño le da tres vueltas a su competencia.

El tema de balanceo de clases, builds OP y demás es lo que menos me preocupa porque es lo mas fácil de solventar (si no se basasen en estadísticas de extracción para balancear ya tendrían medio camino hecho xd)

1 respuesta

A mi que ahora metan un nuevo modo de juego para los fines de semana de combate 3vs3 con recompensas de equipo azul y rosa (nueva rareza), me parece soberana metedura de pata. Si has desarrollado un juego de extracción y quieres ser la competencia del otro, céntrate en la base principal del juego, ni arenas, ni eventos de pvp de fin de semana ni nada. Termina de hacer bien una cosa y luego empieza con las otras.


Pues flawless first try, me ha salido un galeflight bastante pocho pero sigue siendo un galeflight así que 0 quejas. Putada que hayan nerfeado al rogue justo este parche xD


El problema principal que creo que tiene este juego es que las clases están muy cuadriculadas y hay poco margen a la creatividad

básicamente esto

falta variedad


3 rondas he tardado en ponerme autopilot y entrar sin asegurar el galeflight ni comprar flechas si quiera xDDD No he jugado con el ojete tan cerrado en mi vida creo yo.


''Reduced the movement speed bonus from Dexterity''

''The Dexterity passive "Evaporate" now has a 15-second cooldown''

Estos devs tienen un problema balanceando el juego y es que su método es ir reventando la diversión y el skill cap. La velocidad y el ir matando mobs en un PVP para triggerear el stealth, así como para hacer PvE era lo que hacía al rogue tan divertido y dinámico.

Ya le reventaron el doble salto que quien no tuviese la suerte de probarlo en el primer playtest no es consciente de lo que se perdió, era la jodida ostia, y ahora a por esto. Van a por la movilidad y el skill cap de cada clase y en mi opinión no va a terminar nada bien.

1 1 respuesta

#469 Pff no se en que se basan para los nerfeos... el rogue tenia un gameplay algo toxico con el crossbow pero era porque no podia pelear a mele.

La peña lo usaba para rapiñear y matarse a lows con el crossbow pero basicamente evitaban las peleas.

Ahora con estos cambios que han hecho son palos de ciego, encima es mas dificil acercarte porque se te ve mucho mas y de mas lejos con el invisible, lo unico que haran es que nadie lo juegue.

1 respuesta

#470 Se basan principalmente en 3vs3 y en el ratio de extraccion.


Early Access Patch Notes (8.23.2024)

New Content
Adventurer Tier System: Earn rank points through exploration, escaping, and eliminating enemies in adventures. Climb to the highest rank of "The Chosen" to obtain legendary equipment!

Class Balance

With relevant passives active, the burning effect caused by Pyroblast and Fire Blast, and passive "Iris of Fire" changed to: 8 seconds of burning + 50% healing reduction

Talent [Iris of Fire] now only affect player targets, and the skill detection range has been increased to 10 meters, upon triggering, it attacks on all enemy players within 10 meters simultaneously

Death Knight

Base health increased by 10% at max level, from 528 to 576, now consistent with Fighters
Base all elemental resistance reduced from 10% to 5%
Q Skill: Soul Shroud and Soul Storm no longer grants 15% damage reduction
Dexterity passive "Decay": Enemies affected by Soul Shroud have their movement speed reduced: high-speed enemies by 25%, low-speed enemies by 10%


Rogue stealth can now hide shield, Dragon Scale, and Ice Armor effects


Stash tab limit expanded by two tabs

Only one of each type of heirloom can be brought into a match, including equipped and inventory items

Heirloom balance: Crafting cost of Epic heirlooms increased from 2 to 4 purple ores, crafting cost of Exceptional heirlooms increased from 3 to 5 purple ores, special heirlooms like Moon Pendant, Divine Sword, and Divine Crown increased from 2 to 4 purple ores. Dismantling reward of Epic and Exceptional heirlooms increased from 1 to 2 purple ores, Mithril Token price changed to 2000 gold


Optimized stacking function, allowing customization of stack quantity

Optimized merchant bulk purchase logic with customizable purchased amount

Armor skin names now have armor type prefixes

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused abnormal display of monsters summoned by the Vengeful Monarch

Fixed an issue where bandaging speed was affected by Thunderclap Flask

Fixed an issue where Death Knight's passive would also affect the player when activated

Fixed an issue where using kill effect items provided no prompt

Fixed an issue where switching classes caused abnormal display of panel attributes

Fixed an issue that caused abnormal display of store refreshes

Fixed an issue that caused abnormal display of escape portals

Fixed an issue where returning to the lobby in a team provided no equipment return interface

Fixed an issue where being eliminated again after reviving caused statistical errors

Fixed an issue where purchasing an item after a discount ended displayed a price change and prevented the purchase

Fixed several localization errors


He descubierto por las malas un combo muy cerdo. Petri del rogue con ballesta y tormenta del Cryo + spam de potis de fuego y area de trueno xD

Se nota el cambio al DK y ahora lo más usado son fighters al menos en las Classic. El sistema de rankings de mazmorras no están mal y ves el título que tiene tu aliado en la partida, pero volvemos a lo mismo. Y es que aparte de no saber darle un uso al Priest, parece que son incapaces de meter un sistema de progresión que valga la pena. ¿Qué consigues con el ranking de aventura? Más equipo random. Lo mismo que con los drops, con Clotho's Trial, etc. O hacen algo con esto o se muere el juego en unos meses.

1 respuesta

#473 El juego ya está mueriendo a pasos, es una lástima porqué el juego mola, pero que no tenga matchmaking por GL, no tenga una progresión real, no tenga apenas contenido, etc etc lo están matando, pero bueno, como siempre los devs en su mundo.


Early Access Patch Notes (8.29.2024)

Class Balance


Q Skill "Quick Blades": Added a cleanse effect, using this skill will cleanse all debuffs on the Rogue

E Skills "Vanish", "Swift Concealment", and "Shadow Veil": If the Rogue deals unblocked active damage while in stealth, they will receive a 50% damage reduction for 3 seconds

Increased the backstab range of dual daggers while in stealth

Rogues will now hide their footsteps and cannot be heard by enemies while in stealth

Gameplay Balance

The security team has enhanced monitoring, detection, and countermeasures against RMT (Real Money Trading) and botting. Penalties, such as trade bans and account/hardware bans have been implemented. We will resolutely put a stop to any inappropriate behavior that disrupts the game environment and economy. We have also noticed that there are still instances of AFK/pre-teaming in the game. We will increase the penalties and detection methods for these issues, including but not limited to short-term bans and permanent bans. If you encounter suspicious players, please report them by pressing R while spectating

Optimized the matchmaking logic for casual mode. Waiting room time will be slightly increased
The unlocking conditions for the auction house and adventurer tier system have been adjusted. After this update, these features will be unlocked after successfully escaping a match

Optimized the Mithril Dice logic: Equipment protected by the dice will not be allowed to be replaced or unequipped once you enter a match
Optimized the crossbow logic: Crossbows will need to be reloaded after re-equipping


Brand new set in Shop: Otherworldly Cosmetic Set

Bug Fixes

Fixed several issues that could cause the game to crash

Fixed an issue where the victory count in the combat record would display incorrectly after the Clotho's Trial run ended prematurely

Fixed an issue where the Pyromancer's initial burn damage would display abnormally when igniting enemies not already in a burning state

Fixed an issue where the Cryomancer's Frost Barrier skill would display incorrectly in the Vengeful Monarch map

Fixed an issue where the Rogue's Stealthbreak Venom passive would not trigger when the Rogue's own invisibility ended while the team's group invisibility was still active

Fixed an issue where the minions summoned by the Vengeful Monarch would display abnormally

Fixed an issue where dragging the window in a custom game would cause the respawn time to display abnormally

Fixed an issue where the orb animation would display abnormally during switching

Fixed an issue where weapon actions would display abnormally when switching to mace and shield while moving with a crossbow (or two-handed sword)

Fixed an issue where orbs would clip through the hand when switching to an orb set while moving with other weapons

Fixed an issue that caused the sword and shield basic attack animation to be abnormal

Fixed an issue that caused stuttering and frame drops

Fixed several localization errors

Bueno. Este barco se hunde xD


Me meto en partida, al minuto me salen un grupo de otros jugadores (PvP) y me matan, no puedo ni equiparme ni jugar ni nada algo estoy haciendo mal o esto es asi?

7 días después

Early Access Patch Notes (9.6.2024)

New Content

Added the "Conqueror Constellation" event. Participate in the event to claim rich rewards, including exclusive cosmetics

Class Balance


Added a new Q Skill - Rupture: Activates Rupturing Power for 15 seconds. The next weapon attack that deals unblocked active damage will lacerate the target, causing initial damage based on the target's current health. The target will also be Ruptured, taking damage based on the distance they move during the duration. Rupture lasts 6 seconds on players and 10 seconds on monsters. Applies a 30% Grievous Wound effect to the target during Rupture

Gameplay Balance

Optimized the damage logic of the poison circle in Classic Mode, the damage taken from the poison circle will increase if you spend more time in it
To ensure a better matchmaking experience, US West, US East, and South America has been merged to "Americas"


To combat RMT (Real Money Trading), fixed the Mithril Dice logic for automatically equipping and protecting looted items when a dice slot is empty during a match
Optimized the sound effects and UI for the Adventurer Tier system
Optimized the art effects in the main menu and stash UI
Optimized the Clotho's Trials UI

Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that could cause inability to equip or unequip items under certain conditions when using dice to lock the offhand weapon slot
Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect spawning of the red two-handed sword skeleton
Fixed an issue that could cause skin clipping
Fixed an issue that could cause Mana to be affected by Mana Regeneration Rate in the Attributes panel
Fixed an issue that could cause abnormal display of Heirloom effects under certain conditions
Fixed an issue that could cause throwable items to go on cooldown when interrupted at the start of the throw
Fixed an issue that could cause kill effects to have no sound
Fixed an issue that could cause abnormal display of the "Searching for Teammates" countdown under certain conditions when pressing the "Tab" key
Fixed an issue that could prevent the "Mutual Lifesavers" achievement from unlocking when players revive each other in an Adventure
Fixed an issue that could cause chests to float
Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect display of Adventurer Tier names
Fixed an issue that could cause the Fighter's Q skill to cancel the aiming state when using a Crossbow
Fixed an issue that could cause abnormal projectile trajectories
Fixed an issue that could cause abnormal critical hits on the last hit of the Endor's Scorchwood
Fixed an issue that could cause stuttering and frame drops
Fixed issues with collision errors and getting stuck in certain areas


Yo me bajo hasta dentro de unos meses, a ver si meten muchas mejoras y da ganas de volver.