Homebrew games y Emulation PSP 2.00 2.01 y 2.50


Antes de nada, no hay pirateria de juegos de PSP si no solo aplicaciones tipo emuladores y poco mas. De momento van 4 cosas, pero con el tiempo iran saliendo mas emuladores y aplicaciones compatibles como pasó con la 2.0

Copy paste de la ansiada noticia (pspupdates):

Fanjita Releases 2.0 eLoader for v2.00, v2.01 and v2.50 PSP's

PSP Updates forum moderator and hacker guru Fanjita has completed his first release of a new loader for 2.01+ PSP's called eLoader. While 2.60 is not currently supported, this is a major accomplishment in unleashing homebrew on all systems. This amazing feat shows how frightfully resourceful developers can be when put against certain system restraints. This leap has indisputably opened the door to homebrew for PSP gamers who play on newer firmware.

Alright, starting off earlier this week, we told you that Fanjita and Ditlew had achieved working SNES emulation on a 2.50 version PSP. Stating that "if we do decide to release, it will take a few days to knock the code into a releasable format." This great turn in events had many gamers rising their PSPs in excitement.

Working emulation and an Eboot Loader on 2.50 had been a hope of many gamers for a long while, with many potholes in the road to victory, and now it seemed that homebrew on 2.01+ PSP's was a not to distant reality. From Super Nintendo emulators to the amazing games we see developed in our forums, homebrew for 2.01+ gamers was about to be a realization. Well today we are here to tell you of something great that has been released that is sure to have the faces of version 2.01 and 2.50 PSP's gamers glowing with excitement.

Loading homebrew games can now be done through the same GTA exploit that you have already been using. To install and configure the new eLoader, which loads homebrew games and applications on newer version PSP's, read on.

To install:

Use WinRAR to unpack the contents of this package into the root (topmost) folder on your memory stick. Note that if you have an existing GTA savegame that uses slot 5, then this will be overwritten by the eLoader savegame.
You can see which slots you are using by the folder names - ULES00182SX, ULES00151SX or ULUS10041SX : X is the slot number.
To make sure that the eLoader is not auto-started by GTA, you can copy another GTA savegame folder off your memory stick, and then back onto the memory stick now.
Now you can copy your homebrew files into subfolders in the /psp/game/ folder.

To use:

Start up GTA as normal. When it has loaded, select "Load Game", select the eLoader savegame and confirm the load as normal. After a short delay, the eLoader menu should appear. Select the homebrew to run using the D-Pad, and the X button. You can select a CPU speed with the L + R shoulder buttons, or press START to restart your PSP.
To return to the menu, you can usually hold the L+R shoulder buttons, then hold START for a few seconds. This doesn't work for every application.

The HOME button doesn't work, this is a known problem.
For now, the (short) list that has been tested is:

uo_Snes9x v0.02y32 Dual Tetris
Lunar Lander
Ghost in the Matrix
Nem's Hello World

There are sure to be others homebrew games and applications that work. If you find some, then please post them in the working homebrew discussion thread in the official forums. Fanjita has also been generous enough to offer an updated list of applications and games working with the new eLoader.

HUGE Thanks to my main man Fanjita and Ditlew for bringing homebrew to so many PSP owners who have been previously unable to play. My hat's off to ye! That's it for now folks, PSP Updates over'n'out, check back for more developments in the coming days!



Para instalar el exploit:

  • Descomprimir el contenido de archivo en la raíz de vuestra memory stick.Si tienes una partida del GTA guardada que use 5 slots será sobreescrita por la partida guardada del eLoader. Por lo que perderias la partida.

  • Puedes ver los slots que estás usando por los nombres de carpeta - ULES00182SX, ULES00151SX or ULUS10041SX : X es el numero de slot.

  • Para copiar archivos homebrew tal como se venia hacendo > /PSP/GAME/...


  • Arranca el GTA, y dale a "cargar juego", selecciona la partida del eLoader y acepta. Espera un rato (la consola puede parecer colgada) y aparecera el menu del eLoader.

Controles :

  • Seleccionar con el D-Pad y el botón X.
  • Velocidad CPU con los botones L + R
  • START para resetear tu PSP.
  • Vover al menu : L + R y despues START (no funciona siempre)
  • HOME no funciona.

significa esto ke se puede jugar a tooooooooooooodas las isos de la 1.5 en la 2.0? o como va esto k no lo pillo


Significa que si tienes una PSP 2.00, 2.01 o 2.50 puedes usar algunas aplicaciones como emuladores de SNES por ejemplo. En los proximos dias se supone que iran saliendo mas aplicaciones compatibles con PSP 2.00, 2.01 o 2.50


aham... y teniendo una [email protected] podria actualizarme a 2.5 en un futuro?


NO vas a poder downgradear si te pasa de 2.0.

El bug del GTA solo tiene acceso en User Mode, es decir, es IMPOSIBLE ocn este bug downgradear. No se dice q se pueda hacer en un tiempo, es q simplemente es imposible. Asi q...si kereis tener el 80% del homebrew (sin contar ISOs, q necesitan acceso completo al kernel) entonces si. Si sois de los q usais la PSP en plan piratilla, seguid en 1.5/2.0.

Esto quiere decir q o sacan otro bug, o el homebrew q necesita acceso a kernel (parcial o total) no podra ser cargado


bueno es el primer paso :D


bueno yo tengo el eboot de la snes para 2.01, te rulan todos los juegos, almenos los k e probado, aunke sulen ir a 50 fps no mas. haber si sacan una release mejor


#5, Por poder, si puedes actualizar.

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