HoN: Noticias HoN Test Server


Deberian poner un practice en modo multi, un solo mid y el modo wtf. Que yo sepa ninguna de estas opciones estan implementadas no?


Eso del hardmode que no consigas exp si te deniegan va a ser muy chistoso con un BH en medio.


Yo voto por 1v1 en Hardcore mode :D


parche 0.2.65 pre-beta

[spoiler]Version 0.2.65

  • Added new option: Dev Heroes

  • When enabled, allows heroes who are still considered "under development" or "rough" to be played

  • This means Matchmaking will not use heroes until they are no longer tagged as Dev (Also good for tourneys)

  • Balphagore tagged as a Dev hero

  • New Hardcore Mode icon

  • Fix selling items by dragging them to a shop

  • Added 5 seconds to each players pick time in RD (25 -> 30)

  • Added 5 seconds to transition between bans and picks in RD (15 -> 20)

  • The host option "Disband" has been changed to "Disconnect", Upon disconnecting the game server will assign another player as the host and print a message to the game lobby indicating the transfer of hosting privileges

  • Re-arranged Public and Create Game interfaces to make more space and added icons/checkboxes for the new "Hardcore" and "Dev Heroes" game options.

  • Moved "Alt Hero Picking" on the Create Game interface to an Advanced Option, which is what it is actually categorized as [/spoiler]


mola lo del disband, me ha pasado ya varias veces que el host no esta en la partida, con el server lleno y cuando llega es para hacer disband u_u

edit: solo esta balphagor como dev hero, pense que habria alguno otro jaja


Sabeis a que hora más o menos meten el parche de hoy?


Que ganas de que llegue el 12 para hacer la gran limpieza.


Servers caidos. :qq:
Me han jodido mi partidita de la tarde..


tan metiendo el parche...

tonces, con lo del disband quitao, para q una partida se borre tienen q pirar todos no?


Pues se supone que sí #639, aunque me da a mi que lo cambiarán eso...


Yo le veo bastante sentido, cuantas veces la partida llena el creador se pira y todo a la mierda después de 10 o 15 minutos esperando.

Lo único que puede joder es cuando estés con un grupo de amigos y sea 5on5, para el resto de pubs viene genial.


alguna noticia de cuando volvera a funcionar el tema ?


Han sufrido un ataque DDoS y estan tratando de solucionarlo. Por lo que he leido en la wiki, si se hace bien el ataque, puede costar solucionarlo (el cuanto ya no lo se).


Que todavia se cuelen ataques asi..

PD: Cambio muy importante en el parche:

Las replays empiezan a grabar ahora desde el PICK. Es decir, desde que se pula start... con lo cual ahora estarán todos los datos solo con guardar la replay. gr8.

PD: las nuevas voces estan bien, pero la del panda me parece estar oyendo al panda del DOTA... For pandariannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!! ^!


#630 bueno, ahi esta la pericia que te da casi 5 segundos de stun que es una pasada, ademas de los 320 a nivel 4 de daño magico que te comes XD


si pero sale mas rentable subirse un punto a la flecha para el stun y el resto a la primera, que de cerca destroza, a menos que tengas el dia y des todas las flechas

yo en el dota me subia la flecha al maximo, porque las daba, aqui tengo que subirme la primera porque hasta un idiota te esquiva la flecha


Parar un DDoS es cosa de banear las IPS q atacan. Todavía existen y existirán siempre, no es más q infectar X ordenadores y tomar threads con ellos. No creo q eso se pueda evitar nunca.

26 días después

Parche 0.2.67 Test Server

A partir de ahora el server pre-beta se denominará como Test server.


  • Removed two neutral spawns, replaced them with outposts
  • Replaced two of the higher tier neutral camps with tier 1 neutrals
  • Outermost towers are now level 1 towers (instead of level 2)
  • This means they will do slightly less damage and less starting health, same as the outer most towers on Caldavar
  • Lowered building health on this map by 25%, lowered ranged rax health regeneration rate by 25% (these changes only affect the darkwood vale map)


  • Players will no longer see trees die in fog

  • Meaning, juking with Logger's Hatchet / runes of blight is now much more fun!

  • Added an interface option for "Double Activate." When enabled, certain items and abilities may be double-clicked (or double-activated) for automatic use:

  • Homecoming Stone and Post Haste teleports you home

  • Health Potions and Mana Potions are used on self

  • Tablet of Command, Stormspirit, Charged Hammer, and Nullfire Blade are used on self

  • Portal Key blink towards home

  • Grace of the Nymph, Inner Light, Protective Charm, Camouflage, Nature's Protection, Arcane Hide, Healing Wave, Cursed Shield, Fire Shield, Frenzy, and Focus Buffer are used on self

  • Added new game interface option "Move To Spawn On Disconnect"

  • When enabled, the server will automatically issue a move command to your hero to move back to base 2 seconds after you crash, freeze, or lose your internet connection

  • Added new keybind: "Cancel And Hold Position"

  • Functions exactly like "Hold Position", except it also cancels animations

  • Players who want this functionality can replace their current Hold keybinding with the new Cancel and Hold keybinding

  • Score screen now contains voting options (kick, pause, concede, remake) and add friend functionality

  • The camera will no longer shake when an effect (such as homecoming stone) is played in fog

  • Fix to properly calculate a player's exp/min, even if he reached max level

  • Neutral creep agro range for allc reeps set to 300 (some were 250, some were 300)

  • Vulture Lord now has a +3 AOE armor aura

  • Fix to Kongor so he won't wonk out and no one can hit him anymore

  • Added a visual effect for Main health bars, they now course with energy

  • Modified the internal random number generator to use a much higher quality distribution of random numbers

  • This means that Legionnaire spins, Blacksmith multicasts, Chronos rewrinds, etc should be much more consistent. (For example, Blacksmith getting three 4x multicasts in a row should now correctly happen only 0.195% of the time.)

  • Dual target abilities now properly ignore trees if their target scheme ignores them

  • Hero health/mana bars are now shadowed with 500ms delay on the shadows

  • Gold lerps to its actual value over 350m


  • Added "Potential Hero Selection" functionality
  • At the hero selection screen, you can right-click on any hero to make it your "Potential Hero"
  • Spectators and anyone on your team can see your potential hero (the enemy team can't)
  • If you run out of time, you will select that hero rather than randoming
  • Prevent the "5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Let's get it on" countdown from happening after the hero selection screen
  • Loading bar now courses with energy
  • The game lobby will no longer display the message "PlayerName has connected." once for their initial connection, and again when they have finished loading
  • It will now say "PlayerName is connecting." and "PlayerName has connected." to distinguish the different events
  • Set the max channel chat message (250), max game chat message (150), chat channel topic (140), and channel name length (30).
  • Channel messages will only play sounds when receiving a message in the current channel that has focus
  • This fixes all the sounds that used to play when a user was in multiple channels at the same time
  • The channel name + topic area of the channel is now truncated off properly and no longer wraps off the panel onto the rest of the UI for long channel topics
  • Added a hovertip to the channel name + topic so if the topic is 95+ chars, if you hover over it it displays the full topic, similar to how long game names work in the Public Game interface


  • Fixed a crash being caused when people click the "Disconnect" button
  • Updated the wording of some of the tooltips to be a bit more clear
  • When viewing a player's stats, "Public Statistics" is now selected by default (previously "Ranked Statistics")
  • Prevent a buddylist bug when the user loses connection to the chat server, then reconnects to the chat server
  • Russian stringtables updated
  • Fixed lock camera on player not turning off after a replay
  • Profanity filter is now optional
  • Follow fix: If two players are following each other and one of them joins a game, the other one will now join that game instead of both of them disconnecting
  • Fixed a spelling error in the matchmaking interface
  • Fixed crash when CLIPBOARD selection is unowned and an attempt is made to paste
  • Fixed an issue that disconnected a user if they typed a player's name into the IM window
  • Fix to the close button of the MOTD so you can click it easier


  • Grants 0.1sec invulnerability on activation

  • Damage increased from 40 to 45

  • Will no longer apply it's buff to Wildsoul's bear

  • Added to the tooltip that it cannot be dispelled

  • No longer silences or perplexes, just stuns
  • This allows you to queue up orders while under it's effects


  • Initial 200/275/350 Magic damage on the ult is now Superior Magic, meaning it will go through magic immunity

  • Shell Surf vision increased from 600 to 800 units and now keeps granting vision if it goes the max distance for 3.34 seconds.
  • Fixed a bug with Shell Toss that was resetting the cooldown incorrectly
  • Song of the Sea now hits units in fog and invisible units
  • Take Cover no longer perplexes
  • Kelp Field will no longer deal damage or stun magic immune heroes

  • Electric Tide now is now correctly displayed when originating from a position within fog

  • Tinker cooldown increased from 15 to 20
  • Tinker manacost increased from 25 to 50

  • Skeletons will no longer trigger neutrals to use their abilities

  • Ability 1 now has an instant cast time
  • Cast range on second abiity increased from 625/800/975/1150 to 725/850/975/1150

  • Mighty Swing can now be toggled on and off

  • Base armor lowered from 2.4 to 1.4
  • Life Void cooldown increased from 7 seconds to 10 seconds

  • Volcanic Touch now correctly deals damage to Mechanical units

  • Possession manacost lowered from 150 to 100

  • Number of people taken with her Teleport increased from 0,1,2 to 1,2,3 additional targets per level

  • Slow from missing a Cannonball lowered from 4s to 2s

  • Max distance of Jolt lowered by 200

  • Phoenix Wave can now target both units and the ground

  • Using Manifest no longer kills all active illusions

  • Added to the ult tooltip to correctly state the cooldown changes to 70s at all levels with it

  • Fixed the "being knocked down" while using an item bug

  • Fixed a bug causing sleep to sometimes be removed instantly by a creep
  • Succubus' Hold cooldown lowered from 120s at all levels to 120/110/100

  • Base movespeed increased from 300 to 305
  • Returned attack no longer triggers responses like Corrupted Disciple's Static Discharge

  • Javelin will now leave lingering vision if it hits nothing
  • Tweaked Prism to correctly hit invulnerable allied heroes

  • Damage when the bear dies now properly goes through immunities
  • Updated his tooltip to reflect that he takes damage when his bear dies
  • Beardulon abilities reworked very slightly
  • Gains Return at level 1
  • Gains Entangling Claws at level 2
  • Gains Demolish at level 3
  • Gains Magic Resist at level 4
  • Wild cast time removed, letting him cast it on the run
  • Base movespeed while in Bear form increased from 270 to 285

  • Bat Blast can now target both units and the ground

  • Cyclone damage halved against non-hero units

Parece que no se han olvidado de esto, cambiado el nombre del hilo.


Cyclone damage halved against non-hero units

JU - AS.


ya no podre usarlo para creepear :( :( :(

PD: buen buff para sand wraith, es un hard carry que apenas se usa..


Que bueno este parche :)


Buenisimos cambios, algunos no me gustan nada y otros bastantes por ejemplo, no me gusta que hayan puesto mas automatic oel tema de los pociones, stoneshomecomming pk etc... haciendo doble click, pierde encanto creo yo :/

Si me gusta eso de vuelvas a la base cuando desconectas, a ver si trabajan algo mas en la estabilidad del cliente porque cansa mucho que pegen crashs to bastos cuando estas de gank.

Los cambios los veo muy bien pero... ¿Donde esta el nerf a la fayde?

  • Modified the internal random number generator to use a much higher quality distribution of random numbers
  • This means that Legionnaire spins, Blacksmith multicasts, Chronos rewrinds, etc should be much more consistent. (For example, Blacksmith getting three 4x multicasts in a row should now correctly happen only 0.195% of the time.)


Por cierto el nerf a Zephyr que quiere decir? Que los tornados hacen mitad de daño a los neutrals y creeps?


parece que han currado bastante, a pesar de que aun no se sepa nada del tundra, tos tos xD

esta bien el parche, mola que sigan trabajando duro y teniendo tantisimas cosas en cuenta


Esto es un gran avances para los publics

  • Added "Potential Hero Selection" functionality
  • At the hero selection screen, you can right-click on any hero to make it your "Potential Hero"
  • Spectators and anyone on your team can see your potential hero (the enemy team can't)
  • If you run out of time, you will select that hero rather than randoming

Siempre que la gente use un poco su cerebro.


#653 Significa que su capacidad de recuperar el farmeo en la línea en el bosque se ha reducido aproximadamente a la mitad. Es decir que es mucho más efectivo que antes harrasear y anular un zephyr a early game comparado con antes, que en 10 minutos de bosque + push de linea te recuperaba todo con los 8 tornados. El zephyr es tan bueno por su capacidad de farmeo, sin tener una habilidad que escale como Dark lady, arachna, swift, sand... puede hacer outcarry a muchos hardcarry sólo por el simple hecho que su capacidad de farmeo es estratosférica; cosa en realidad poco coherente. Por lo que reduciendo a la mitad el daño a creeps se anula bastante esa diferencia y se iguala un poco más su capacidad para hacer outcarry tan fácilmente.

Seguirá farmeando a un buen nivel, está claro. Pero no a tan alto nivel.


tengo mis dudas de esto: - Added "Potential Hero Selection" functionality
si yo selecciono mi heroe potencial.. los de mi equipo no pueden pickearlo??

me veo reservando na mas empezar scout o nh solo para que nadie lo coja en mi equipo xDDD


#657 Si puede pickear, lo de marcarlo no es vinculante (puedes pickear otro cualquiera).


Me molan los cambios del hammer y del wild soul, quiero probrarlos!!!


Me gusta lo de la succubus ;)