HoN: Noticias HoN Test Server


lo que hace el ultimate es una mezcla de ultimate de zephyr y mass hold del puppet osea.. te tira el ultimate en un area.. si te pilla.. te ralentiza al moverte e intenta meterte hacia dentro y si intentas salir te empuja al centro del ultimate y cuando tocas el centro te comes daño extra+stun.


interesante kraken

que cojones hacen nerfeando a sand???


#938 Más bien es un buff, ahora la pasiva de true damage cuando pilla a heroes solos tiene menor rango de búsqueda (es decir, antes buscaba unidades aliadas en un radio de 400 alrededor del objetivo, y si no había ninguna, se activaba, ahora lo busca en un radio de 300)

El buff adecuado sería ignorar creeps en ese radio de búsqueda, hace inútil esa habilidad a la hora de harassear en la fase de laning.


Lo que tendrian que poner es que ese buff se activase cuando el enemigo lleve el debuff de la arena, entonces seria un buen ganker.


lol quiero ver ese nuevo kraken


#933 que yo sepa sigue siendo magic damage, no true


Pero el true damage funciona? Porque cuando un swiftblade da vueltas por mucho que le tires el ultimate del flint beastwood no le quita vida...


El ult del flint es superior magic, no true damage; lo que SI deberia ser true dmg como el DotA es el gancho del pudge/devourer


No más buffs al devourer pls, suficiente tiene ya, en todo caso nerfearlo.


No es un buff es algo que siempre ha sido asi, al menos en el dota cuando yo jugaba, no se como estara ahora, esta claro que el devourer no puede quedar tal como esta, que es eso de que estes a 200 de vida y seas capaz de ultimate y rot y que te suba la vida en vez de que te baje?


si lo ponen true damage preparate para verlo baneado en TODAS las partidas
un heroe int/agi a lvl 7 tiene unos 700 de vida
si lo hookeas le quitas 400 de 700, cuando ahora quitaria 300 de 700 al ser magico
el hook es el nuke no ulti que mas daño hace (sin contar bs), solo faltaria ponerlo true D:
ojala pusieran de nuevo el daño reflejado de sand a true


Es que en eso se basa el devourer, si tiras un gancho tienes esa recompensa que a lvl bajo hace mucho daño, pero ahora mismo no te hace falta ni enganchar vas corriendo con la rot puesta, le muerdes y lo revientas.


#936 ¿La pasiva de ataque del sand? Es true, la que es magica es la de dispersar daño.


creia que decias la otra :3

20 días después

parche 0.2.87 Test server

  • Fix some loading bar funkiness
  • Fixed game hosts not being able to assign players from Hellbourne to Legion side when right clicking their portrait. Credit to Bangerz for this fix
  • K ratio now displays two digits after the decimal (for example K will be "1.58" instead of "1.6")
  • Heroes will now fully turn toward their final goal even when pathing into deeply blocked areas
  • Change default lag threshold to 1000 ms from 500 ms
  • Fixed client not handling valid clan name tags that are 4 chars long.
  • Clients no longer precache the voice responses of enemy heroes
  • Muting a player will /ignore that player, and unmuting will /unignore.
  • Fixes the white icons when someone randoms. The random now happens before the load, not after
  • Fix for a few of the public game filters (mode, num players, map name, server type) to correctly save their settings. Credit to Bangerz for this fix
  • Kill streaks of 15 or more now play the "IMMORTAL!" announcer sound / message.

  • Added UI_CMD's GetFPS() and GetPing()
  • Hon now natively supports the "Mod Options" mod framework
  • HoN now natively supports the "Movable Frames" mod framework
  • Movable Frames now supports spectator mode
  • Cleanly integrated Movable Frames with Mod Options, so that the user can customize his movable frames the same way he would customize any other mod
  • The Replay Stats Button mod is now built in (Credit to BASH)
  • Adds a button to the Local Replays list to view the match stats
  • The Enhanced Buff Icons mod is now built in
  • The Spell Channeling Bar mod is now built in
  • The Improved Spectator UI mod is now built in

Grimm's Crossing

  • Messed with vision blockers and creeps, cleaned it up


  • Fix to some really weird interaction with fog blockers

Skeleton Boss (NPC)

  • His castable root now ministuns on impact

Blood chalice

  • Mana returned from 150 to 100


  • Recipe removed one Great Arcana, added a 1000 recipe. 4750 to 4150 cost
  • Added visual trail to silence state for some anti-juke fun.
  • TESTER NOTE: Art for this trail isn't done yet

Savage Mace

  • The proc can no longer propagate to illusions


  • Will no longer go on cooldown just from looking at someone, you now have to attack
  • Runes of the Blight can now be used and not put the item into cooldown

Sword of the High

  • Cost lowered from 3800 to 3400

Tablet of Command

  • Now applies a ministun on use to the target
  • The target is no longer silenced or perplexed, and can turn while being pushed

== Heroes ==


  • decreased str gain from 3.1 to 2.95
  • decreased dmg on ult, 200,300,400 (lvl1) to 175/250/325 and 350,450,550 (lvl2/3) to 300/375/450
  • When ultimate is in cd you no longer gain charges when enemies cast spells near you, instead you decrease the cd of your ultimate by 1 second per spell cast


  • Removed the 0.1s cooldown when a new charge is available for Rockets


  • Tweaked his attack for better feedback


  • Fixed a bug with hook and interaction with other projectile based movements
  • No longer gains strength from killing himself.
  • His own illusions should no longer steal strength from him when someone dies nearby
  • lower strength gain to 1 per kill
  • Ult rot increase range rebalanced from 50 per charge/level to 25/50/75 per charge/level

Doctor Repulsor

  • Attackspeed slow from Electric Frenzy is now -50 instead of -50%

Flint Beastwood

  • Money Shot's will now auto-cancel if the target is greater than 1800/2300/2800 units away from you while you're still channeling

Forsaken Archer

  • Will no longer spawn skeletons after she dies from a midair arrow


  • Fixed his glove getting snagged on buildings
  • Using the hook no longer stops the use of the ult


  • Fixed stun time of charge


  • He now leaves a black path behind himself while stalked


  • Steam Bath now disjoints on use
  • Players should always go the full distance when using Lava Surge now


  • Removed the 0.1s cooldown when a new charge is available for Flurry


  • A 500ms cooldown now starts when using Vanish to avoid double activating it


  • Removed the 0.1s cooldown when a new charge is available for Wards


  • Can now turn while ulting, letting him use portal key, etc


  • Anyone who breaks sleep and is slept themselves now are immune to damage for the first 1s


  • Fixed the attackspeed buff from Cold Shoulder not dispelling properly
  • The "push-away" from Avalanche now correctly goes the full distance every time

Vindicator (Retail Change, syncing it up to this)

  • Glyph of Silence can now silence people in the fog again
  • This is a temp bugfix to when someone won't get silenced even if you can see them
  • It is possible it will be changed back to vision-limited once the code bug is fixed

Voodoo Jester

  • Fixed the bug causing Acid Cocktail to occasionally split into two
  • Sped up Acid Cocktail from 750 to 800 initial and 450 to 600 for the bounce

Witch Slayer

  • Can now only cast Power Drain on units with mana


  • He now leaves a black path behind himself while stalked

de donde sacan estas ideas?



me gusta lo del scout :D
hmmlo de balpha no se si es nerf o buff. menos cd y menos daño. habra que verlo ingame


ese es el unico cambio que le hacen al repulsor? :\


adios savage mace si tienes copias xD


#948 lol te parece poco? antes hacia +-175 de slow, ahora 50 solo


Vaya nerf al madman y al balphagore.

Parece que no pero lo del madman se nota tela.


Poco nerf veo yo ahí al Devourer. Que le pongan el cd de su ulti el mismo tiempo que el que tiene ahora mismo Pandamonium, entonces lo veré bien.

Y lo del Balphagore no me gusta nada, lo que de verdad me gusta de él es el petardazo final que mete, que se va a convertir en pertadillo.


#946 Si no recuerdo mal había un héroe en el DotA que hacía eso.


Eso si n orecuerdo mal es de la nerubian weaver


lo del madman es basicamente como un scout con el ulti de pesti puesto: le puedes "casi ver", pero como para pillarlo a esa velocidad
aunque sigue siendo un nerf


el stealth de madman me parece buenisimo ahora mismo

habra que verlo a ver si sigue dando el mismo asco =


que yo recuerde la nerubian weaver no dejaba rastro cuando se hacia invisible, el unico que lo hacia era el slark pero era su ultimate, claro


El que dejaba rastro en Dota era el Soul Keeper, con eso de que al andar dejaba las huellas y le podías seguir xD


Parche 0.2.90 Test Server

  • Fixed a large amount of stringtable errors

Ogre Neutral

  • Fixed the invalid XML so he can use his ability again

Tablet of Command

  • Now only stuns enemy units
  • Added to the "nohelp" list, so you can no longer push allies who do not allow you to


  • Doesn't gain strength from denying himself anymore. REALLY. I FIXED IT THIS TIME.


  • Corrected the Hell Snare so it falls off from 50% to 0% correctly.
  • Fixed autocast abilities from reducing the cooldown of Hell of Newerth
  • Hell on Newerth cooldown reduction increased from 1 to 2s per cast

Parche 0.2.89 Test Server

  • Fixed some stringtable errors
  • Fixed the item pickup bug


  • Fixed a bug causing them not to reset cooldown when they are picked up or transferred


  • Fixed a bug with Energy Field that caused units to get owned if they went invulnerable while inside (TEST ME)

Parche 0.2.88 Test Server

  • A teammate right clicking on a shop with the courier will open there own shop window now
  • Fixed the quick stats
  • Taunt effect is now more intense and shiny for the first few seconds
  • Max possible charges are now 16,000 (Fixes several issues)
  • Remove black bar from bottom of SpecUI.
  • Remove highlighting from spec ui

Skeleton Boss

  • Now a ranged unit. Damage re-adjusted

Neutral Ogre

  • Fixed the ice shield so it doesn't apply when a melee hero casts at someone who has it on


  • Added a cool trail effect
  • Now takes the 3 items again, still has trail

Blood Chalice

  • Now stops all regeneration effects (bottle/health potion) when used

Fixed the following playing through fog:
Magmus Steam Bath
Wildsoul's Bear Teleport


  • Decrease str gain further from 2.95 to 2.7
  • Hell on Newerth
  • (Lvl 2/3) Hell Snare from 6 seconds to 4 seconds
  • (Lvl 3) Volatile Minions damage from 150/225/300 to 125/200/275

Blood Hunter

  • Clarify Blood Sense's tooltip to show that the aura increases by 1500 range per level


  • Bash no longer works on buildings


  • Reverted to current Retail version for now. For now...


  • Fixed the str per kill when he gets an assist
  • Devour's Decay radius increase per charge goes 25/50/75 to 30/40/50 per charge
  • Striders will now be 'turned off' when Decay is activated

Doctor Repulsor

  • Starting int from 27 to 25
  • Tree destruction radius on ultimate reduced from 100 to 75
  • Can no longer use Ludicrous Speed while immobilized
  • Magnetic Contraption still happens instantly, just a 400ms backswing. Can anim cancel the backswing like normal.


  • Fixed the turret doing it's last shot correctly, removed the push, now does Magical damage

Flint Beastwood

  • Crosshair on target should be visible to allies only (TEST ME)


  • Fixed the ult disabling the glove throw


  • Tundra Blast slow from 5s static to 3/3.5/4/4.5s


  • Movespeed slow from Torrent lowered from 40% to 30%
  • Charge touch radius increased from 55 to 60
  • Charge bonus is now Magic damage
  • Release the Kraken duration from 4/5/6 to 3/4/5
  • Cast range lowered from 750 to 600


  • Reverted black path (gone)


  • Updated tooltips to show he gains slow resistance and reveals the target
  • Reveal time after Charge is over lowered from 4s to 2s


  • NOTE: Portal Key won't work on him for now, is a giant headache to make work and he doesn't need the buff (NO CHANGE)


  • No longer pushes people behind himself with the ult
  • Fixed infinite buff bug with Cold Shoulder
8 días después

parche 0.2.93 test server

  • New lobby with expanded hero slots.

  • Quick stats favorite hero % will now display correctly for accounts with over 32k seconds played on that hero

  • Fix for that infinite life infinite spawn simpleemitter particle on the background effect

  • Fixed all of the tooltip bugs thanks to ElementUser

  • Kongor now has a larger health bar

  • Kongor now has a .3 attack time, down from .7

  • Kongor now has 75% Magic reduction

  • Kongor base armor lowered from 3.5 to 3

  • Kongor attack range increased from 100 to 128

  • Kongor now 25% angrier against Hellbourne players

Alchemist's Bones

  • Now can accumulate a most of 2 charges that can be used. Still has 100s cooldown between gaining charges


  • Crow Ferrying now refills to 2/3 instead of full


  • Fixed it to be a proper sum of its part

Mana Battery

  • AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
  • Health gain from 12 to 10 per charge
  • Cost from 210 to 200

Power Supply

  • AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
  • Health gain from 15 to 10 per charge
  • Cost from 290 to 240

Ghost Marchers

  • Shouldn't let you move through Pollywog Priest's Voodoo Wards

- New Legion Int hero, Bombardier EFFECTS NOT NEARLY DONE YET~

  • Tagged a lot of hero abilities so they will only play the custom voice response instead of two overlapping ones
  • Remove silence off of panda flick, make it a stun instead


  • Correctly hid her stunned state
  • Str gain from 2.3 to 2.1
  • Dimensional link aura radius from 900 to 800
  • Aurora AoE from 300 to 275, damage from 25/50/75/100 to 40/65/90/115

Dark Lady

  • Dark Blades
  • 50/70/90/110% damage to 50/60/70/80%
  • Taint Soul
  • Cast range from 1200 to 800/900/1000/1100


  • Maximum health gained from devouring from 100/150/200 to 75/125/175 per charge


  • Electrician cooldown on Electric Shield from 2 secs to 0.5 secs
  • Cleansing Shock SotM effect change: instead of bouncing, it purges target and yourself at the same time
  • Purge damage on summoned units is now pure instead of magical


  • Fixed Burning Shadows so it does not reveal enemies hit for a longer time than intended

Flint Beastwood

  • His Flare effect will no longer play in the fog
  • Changed Explosive Flare instant damage nuke to apply a 3 sec dot to targets that does the same amount of damage


  • Grapple
  • Fixed hit detection while right next to someone

- Removed the attack, put on a slow aura with 7/14/21/28 % 300 radius AOE slow


  • Projectile speed of Torrent increased from 1000 to 1250


  • Terrifying Charge
  • Damage is now instant instead of through an attack
  • The increased movespeed is kept for an additional second
  • Decapitate range increased from 150 to 175


  • Increased casting speed of Puppet Show and Voodoo Puppet
  • Cast action time lowered from 500ms to 300ms


  • Shiver is no longer Magic Immune, but is now Splash Immune


  • No longer applies his aura to enemy heroes he cannot see


  • Mojo can now be double activated to cast on self