HoN: Parche 2.1.4


Parche 2.1.5

  • Fixed Shieldbreaker applying the debuff on Spell Damage
  • Fixed Frost Rider slow from Cursed Shield working correctly
  • This was missing from the 2.1.4 Patch Notes:
  • Amun-Ra's Path of Destruction is now a ground target ability instead of a facing ability. Still goes 600 units, just in the direction you target

Parche 2.1.4

The current Free Heroes have changed. The current available list is:
Pollywog Priest

Fixed a duplicate bug with Guides
Ingame levelup effects now delayed slightly
Added spectator chat ignore checkbox in the Spec UI
Updated minimalist options for spec UI
Healing radius of the Wells increased to better match the actual water
Tree of Life and Sacrifical Shrine now have truesight

Fixed sound bug with the bad range(warlocks) NPCS death sound not playing.
Added death sounds to the good range(archers).
Fixed the faction, non-player-controlled units giving the team 0 gold when they land the killing blow from Kongor.
Now if a non-player controlled unit lands the killing blow on Kongor, then it gives 230 gold to the team (before it was giving 0)

Re-ordered components for all recipe items so the most expensive items come first. This makes right clicking on an item in the store more useful and less dumb
All teams now start with a basic Ground Courier by default
Bottle is no longer refilled when held by a Courier
Shieldbreaker: Increased damage by 10 per level from 30/45/60 to 40/55/70 and ignore's the target's Deflection when you attack them
Deflection is the damage blocked by items like Helm of the Black Legion and Iron Shield
Alchemist Bones' timer is now paused while the hero is dead

Added a new Alt Avatar: Frost Rider
Arachna - Movespeed from 290 to 295
Dark Lady - Dark Blades cooldown from 22/18/14/10 to 16/14/12/10 - Charging Strikes cooldown from 21/17/13/9 to 15/13/11/9
Drunken Master - Drink rescaled to channel for 2 seconds, gaining 2/4/6/8 charges per second. Upon enemy death in 500 AoE, he gains 2/4/6/8 charges - Stagger deals 50% more damage to creeps
Gauntlet - Infernal Instability now gives 50% mana back if you do not attack anything.
Keeper of the Forest - Treant Dogs are now limited to 2/3/4/5 max. If you summon more than the max the oldest ones will automatically die - Treant Dogs can no longer attack Towers if they are more than 800 units away from the Keeper - Fixed scripting to be better
Magebane - Master of Mantra aura increased from 600 to 800
Monkey King - Starting Stength increased by 2 - Flying Nimbus activation removed. Is now a full passive with a 5 second cooldown that will automatically trigger when not taking damage

Andromeda - Fixed Aurora affector speed & lifetime so it matches the visuals
Dampeer - Fixed his Bloodthirst aura so it stacks with 090Harkon's Blade, Webbed Shot and Master's Incantation
Defiler - Fixed a bug where she can super deny allies & herself
Demented Shaman - Fixed scripting so Unbreakable is more robust against odd frame situations (healing 2 times in 1 frame, etc.)
Doctor Repulsor - Fixed Opposite Charges so it plays the link - Optimized Magnetic Contraption a bit - Fixed Portal Key exploit
Drunken Master - Fixed the double-activate bug on Lunge where it can deal 2x the push and 2x the damage - Fixed Lunge bug where it was teleporting Drunken Master to (0,0) - Fixed Lunge bug when you play animations after dead (again) - Fixed Lunge's push affecting invulnerable units - Fixed Untouchable's "HIC!" sound not playing at the correct times on levels 1 & 2
Emerald Warden - Fixed a small visual bug where the large vine model was lingering too long at lower levels of Overgrowth - Fixed Gawain using Diving Strikes when he's dead - Fixed a super-duper rare bug where he gets glitched after respawn when Gawain attempts to use Forest's Touch on the same frame he dies
Empath - Now doesn't follow her last queued action after she gets out of someone - Fixed a visual bug where the wall visual was expiring 1 second before the real wall expired - Fixed Essence Link so it does DOT damage now
Engineer - Passing through the Energy Field will now automatically break channelling if it hits you - Made Spider Mines have 0 cast time
Legionnaire - Made Whirling Blade proc on fountain attacks - Fixed a small animation bug where he would still be in charging animation if the skill cancels via the distance check
Magmus - Fixed an issue with Eruption's idle animation and the effects
Moraxus - Made More Axes blockable via Arcane Shield and Untouchable
Myrmidon - Weed field now breaks Succubus' Mesmerize - Fixed a bug where Carp would stun you if you were rooted or immobilized and had a movement order queued up
Parasite - Fixed him teleporting to the target's location if the target dies before the Infest projectile impacts - Fixed the Parasite-Gauntlet ult bug
Pharaoh - Fixed a small spawn location bug with his Wrath of the Pharaoh if he turns 90 degrees; it now spawns in the correct position relative to Pharaoh & the target
Rhapsody - Fixed a bug where the DoT from Disco Inferno wasn't being applied if an enemy was stunned inside
Sand Wraith - Fixed his passive AOE triggering Nomad's ultimate and canceling Succubus' Mesmerize
Slither - Fixed a small issue with Poison Spray target cursor not highlighting the correct targets
Wretched Hag - Fixed an extremely rare bug with Bat Blast's cone visual


Ehmm, aun no ha salido?


Free Courier, pos ahora se comenzaría con el flying de base... ó si solo hay 1 support que compre wards solo

Buff al SB, que ahora si tiene algo que ver con su nombre xD... es posible que el black legion se vea menos si los enemigos abusan del sb


Shieldbreaker: Increased damage by 10 per level from 30/45/60 to 40/55/70 and ignore's the target's Deflection when you attack them
Deflection is the damage blocked by items like Helm of the Black Legion and Iron Shield


All teams now start with a basic Ground Courier by default

JODER como en Casual... demasiado cansados de los que lloramos por un courier.. que triste xD

Bottle is no longer refilled when held by a Courier ^! ahora a volver o a pillar runa.


gg s2
ahora te toca un rune lucker en medio y ya es un lose directo
aunque lo del shielbreaker tiene logica, ahora que hace lo que el nombre dice xD

dentro de nada los wards of sight seran gratis, 5 parches les doy de margen de tiempo


os peta al actualizar? a mi me da crash error


Como no, el nuevo alt avatar 600 gold o 3000 silver...


Me crashea al actualizar, wtf.

FIXED : right click on hon.exe and change the compatibility mode to w95, patch then set it back.

Que cutres.


shieldbreak is over

y ahora que sltiher y acc con su pasiva no es stack, se convierten en carries de la ostia

1 respuesta

Soy el único que sigue teniendo el mierda menú a 10 fps?

Sabeis si hay algun fix?


#9 eso de que las pasivas no son att modif lleva unos cuantos meses y no es tan op xD


ok, dan un courier gratis, pero no rellena botella, fomentan por un lado el uso del courier y por otro lado le quitan funciones, no tiene mucho sentido

cada parche que le ponen me gusta menos el juego xD


Amun-Ra's Path of Destruction is now a ground target ability instead of a facing ability. Still goes 600 units, just in the direction you target

Ahora ya si que todo dios podra ownear con el Ra...


no me gusta este parche, lo de que no te rellene la botella no le veo sentido, como ya han dicho te pillan una runa en medio y estas jodidisimo, lo de amun ra es quitarle skill al juego, como se nota el f2p


Mientras no lo hagan con SS

Quien sabe...

1 respuesta

#15 si lo hacen con SS apaga y vamonos


Os estais quejando que hacen el juego mas facil y os quejais que no dejen rellenar la botella con el curier y tengas que estar atento a cojer la runa antes que el otro mid , perdonenme pero no le encuentro sentido.

1 1 respuesta

#17 Visto así...


no compares, no es lo mismo

estar en medio y ver la runa justo cuando salga no te garantiza cogerla, pongamos un caso, soulsteeler vs valk para coger la runa, saliendo los dos al mismo tiempo, quien gana?

pues eso, eso no es que el juego sea facil o dificil, eso es algo que no puedes controlar, si ademas te quitan la opcion de rellenarte la botella con el courier te tienes que ir a base por cojones o pasarte dos mins sin botella arriesgandote a no poder coger la siguiente runa tampoco

un poco abusivo por tener un peor pick que el otro para una carrerita no?

2 respuestas

Y no solo eso, sino q la tactica de pillar bottle con ciertos heroes yendo a linea y rellenar con courier se la han cargado. Y eso me jode a mi bastante XD


#19 soulstealer mete 2 demon hands, que decide valk, ir a cogerla o pillar la exp de 4/5 creeps?

Como se nota que no jugais competitive (o no sois n0tail fanboys) para decir lo que andais diciendo de que el courier rellene la botella.

1 respuesta

es lo que tiene que el hon no sea exclusivamente para jugar competitivo :\


Yo bajo mi punto de vista no me gusta el cambio del courier. Y eso que casi siempre juego support.


#19 Si cambias Valk por Hag te queda mejor la hipotesis porque en el supuesto que propone #21 si predice donde aparecera la runa, es decir se va al X:55 a mirar un rune spot, la coje y vuelve en 2 blinks pilla runa y los minions con algo de suerte aun estaran por ahi.


Básicamente si valk/hag pueden jugar mid es porque tienen rune control. SF no necesita controlar runas por las demon hands.

1 respuesta

venga vale, pero ahora imaginaos que es un supuesto!

joder macho, algunos sois de tiquismiquis...


#25 "SF no necesita controlar runas por las demon hands " , SF ?, espero y te hayas equivocado a menos que haya salido un new hero y no me haya enterado xD.

1 respuesta

#27 manco de mierda, shadow fiend xD ( nevermore...? ) :)

1 1 respuesta

Es el SoulFucker. Niuw Hero.


#28 Vaya gayer , se que se referia al soulstealer , no se que heroe mas va a tener unas demon hands , lo decia en plan que se habia equivocado y lo vacilo con un new hero xD .

Usuarios habituales

  • GarhU_
  • Kaneas
  • miLo_
  • Memorex
  • Shide
  • EvilDiox
  • ududud
