HoN: Test Realm 0.5.30 !!


Version 0.5.30

  • Added a Swiftblade alt avatar for initial testing

  • Tweaked the ramps near Kongor on Caldavar (normal version). See what you think

  • Blood Chalice reverted to the "Scarab" version

  • From the feedback and discussions we reworked Empath

  • Q "Essence Link"

  • Drains {30,45,60,75} life per second from the target. The tether breaks if the distance between targets is 850 units, at which time the target is stunned for {1,1.5,2,2.5} seconds. While bonded to an ally with As One, Essence Link heals the host for 100% of the drain amount and Empath for 50% of the drain amount.

  • W "Illusory Veil"

  • Creates a 600 width wall that blocks enemies. The wall lasts for {2,3,4,5} seconds.

  • E "Synergy"

  • All allied heroes gain {1,2,3,4} Health Regeneration.

  • Global Aura

  • R "As One"

  • Empath becomes one with an allied hero, buffing the host. Empath may continue to cast spells and use items as normal. Grants a sub-skill, "Faster!"

  • Host hero receives {40,60,80} bonus Attack Damage and Attack Speed. While bonded, Empath receives 50% of post-mitigation damage that the host suffers as pure, non-lethal damage. The bond lasts for 30 seconds, and expires if the host dies or Empath chooses to end the bond early.

  • Using the ability again will instantly end the bond between the host and Empath, placing Empath outside and adjacent to the host.

  • She can cast spells and use items like normal while bonded, but can't be targeted by anything and is invulnerable until the host dies or the ability ends

  • Gains a new ability that uses the E button: "Faster!"

  • E "Faster!"

  • Grants the host 150 bonus Movement Speed which tapers to 0 over 2 seconds.

  • 50 cost, 5s cooldown


Arghh no me gusta mucho lo del chalice pero bueno xDD y ... tendremos que probar a la chica nueva O:!


que es eso de - Blood Chalice reverted to the "Scarab" version si alguien me lo pudiera explicar^^


Pues que antes el bloodchalice lo habían cambiado para comprarlo directamente entero. Ahora lo han vuelto a poner como estaba en la v.0.5.23, que era teniendo que comprar el Scarab.
Cito todo lo que han toquineao al blood chalice:

Blood Chalice

  • No longer takes a Ring, now takes a Scarab instead
  • Regeneration removed


  • Blood Chalice reworked
  • Now a standalone item that no longer gives stats. Can be bought at the outpost
  • Use is exactly the same, but health gained back after getting a kill removed
  • Now gains a charge when you get a kill or assist. Next time the chalice is used it takes no life but the charge is consumed.
  • Still builds into Ring of Sorcery


  • Fixed blood chalice to not be retard mode

Blood Chalice

  • Now a standalone 450g item from the Relic / Outpost
  • Gives no stats or regen, same use
  • If you get a kill, assist, or are within 700 units of an enemy hero dying it gains 1 charge
  • Can consume the charge to use the Chalice without a health cost

v.0.5.30 (ésta):

  • Blood Chalice reverted to the "Scarab" version

Creo que antes lo habían puesto para que formara parte del Ring of Sorcery. Creo que también rebajaron el precio del Pickled Brain a 900g para que se ajustara el precio si se metía el Blood Chalice como posible componente... pero con tanto cambio ya no sé ni que han puesto o dejado de poner.... :/



  • E "Synergy"
  • All allied heroes gain {1,2,3,4} Health Regeneration.
  • Global Aura

Esa skill la sacaron de un heroe que cree hace mucho tiempo,y justamente mucha gente me dijo que le gustaba esa skill ¬¬
Heroic presence:

Por cierto el parcher sale hoy¿

1 respuesta

#5 Buah es una habilidad que no requiere mucha imaginacion para llegar a ella, seguro que no eres el primero en pensarlo
es como la de glacius pero de vida


D: pero mi heroe mola mas JUM !


actualizacion de hon, descarguen señores :D


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