Lost Ark #HG | Una Saga de Luz




El acceso anticipado para los compradores de los packs de fundador comenzará el día 8 de febrero de 2022

2 2 respuestas

#17637 Igualito un juego que ya lleva asentado en korea y en rusia años a el new world




Yo mira que le he metido horas, pero llegado a este punto, molaba que hubieran perdido todo xD


Sois unos dramas que si NW y wtf jajajaja pero que esto no es de Amazon Games aunque lo trajesen, y esto no son 5 NPCS con distintos colores, ni un ndgame inexistente, madre mia algunos pecais de dramaticos que no veas


A ver

  • La parte que le toca a Amazon (La de gestion de servidores) se puede arreglar, mejorar y estabilizar con el tiempo

  • El Juego, que lo hace otra desarrolladora, lleva 5 años en el mercado y lo que nos va a llegar a nosotros es el mismo contenido traducido y con cambios en market y eventos

No se va a parecer a New World por el simple hecho de que New World era malo en todo su conjunto, el problema no eran solo los servidores o los dupes, el problema es que todo el juego era una puta alpha


Pues yo me estoy creando el pj, al final me meti en kor


Asmongold streameando el lost ark tiene como 450.000 gente viendole ahora mismo XDDDDDDD

Vaya locura llegar a esos números.


#17641 acuestate cabron


1 respuesta

Alguien tiene por ahi la tableta de bufos de cada clase?

2 respuestas

Dicen que los pjs no se han borrado PERO no han dicho absolutamente nada del PROGRESO.

3 respuestas

Acabo de llegar a casa, al final todo el dia caido?? xd

1 respuesta

#17650 uff no a mano pero filtra mis mensajes que está en un marco tocho.


Creando el personaje , cual es top tier ?

1 respuesta

#17651 ojo, todos los pjs a nivel 1 :D


#17651 Jaque mate ateos


#17650 > #10299

1 1 respuesta

#17652 Así es, únicamente se puede jugar en Wei por lo menos


#17657 gracias salao

1 respuesta

Estoy viendo a los pjs con lvl 20-30 xddddd buff



DPS Synergy (Flat)

  • Berserker (Burst): Red Dust applies a debuff to the target which makes them take 12% additional damage from all sources. Very low uptime.
  • Shadowhunter (Burst): Howling applies a debuff to the target which makes them take 12% additional damage from all sources for 6 seconds. Very low uptime.
  • Scrapper (Non-Burst): Forward Blow or Shredding Strike applies a debuff to the target which makes them take 6% additional damage from all sources for 8 seconds. Very high uptime.
  • Soulfist (Non-Burst): Line Shootdown or Pitting Release applies a 6% Attack Power buff to party members. High or low uptime.
  • Sorceress (Non-Burst): Blaze and Lightning Vortex apply a 6% Attack Power buff to party members. High uptime.
  • Sharpshooter (Non-Burst): Rapid Shot or Atomic Arrow applies a debuff to the target which makes them take 6% additional damage from all sources. Very high uptime.
  • Scouter (Non-Burst): Bullet Tsunami or Pulse Fire applies a 6% Attack Power buff to party members. Hyper Sync also grants this buff, non-stacking. Very high uptime.
  • Deathblade (Non-Burst): Spin Cutter applies a debuff to the target which makes them take 12% additional damage from Head Attack and Back Attack damage types for 10 seconds. Attacks that aren’t Head Attack or Back Attack are increased by 3%. High uptime. Additionally, Maelstrom applies a high attack and movement speed buff to party members for 6 seconds. Low uptime.

DPS Synergy (Armor Pen & Stagger)

  • Destroyer (Burst): Endure Pain applies a debuff to the target which reduces their defense by 24% for 6 seconds. Very low uptime, burst synergy. Running Crash can also apply a stagger debuff with Running Crash that increases stagger damage taken by 20% for 6 seconds. Low uptime.
  • Summoner (Burst): Sticky Moss Swamp applies a debuff to targets which reduces their defense by 24% for 2 seconds. Low uptime.
  • Artillerist (Non-Burst): Summon Turret applies a debuff to the target on every hit, which reduces their defense by 12% for 6 seconds. Very high uptime. Artillerists can also apply a stagger debuff with Napalm that increases stagger damage taken by 20% for 4 seconds. Low uptime.

DPS Synergy (Crit)

  • Wardancer (Burst): Whisper of Wind & Roar of Valor improve Crit Chance and attack speed to allies. Low uptime.
  • Striker (Burst): Whisper of Lighting improves Crit Chance to allies. Low uptime.
  • Arcana (Non-Burst): Return or Scratch Dealer applies a debuff which increases the Crit Chance of attacks the target receives by 10%. Very high uptime.
  • Deadeye (Non-Burst): Spiral Chaser or AT02 Grenade applies a debuff to the target which makes attacks against them 10% more likely to Critly hit. Very high uptime.
  • Gunslinger (Non-Burst): Same as Deadeye.
  • Lance Master: Blue Dragon applies a debuff which decreases the Crit Resistance of a target by 18%.
  • Reaper (Non-Burst): Crit resistance reduction tripod on any green skill applies a debuff which increases the amount of Crit Damage a target receives by 20%.

Support Synergy (Flex)

  • Gunlancer: Applies Armor Break with Bash or Shield Push, reducing enemy defense by 12%. Very high uptime. Can increase party Attack Speed by 20% for 6 seconds (low uptime) with Nellasia’s Energy, but not commonly taken. The second Awakening also increases the Crit Chance of party members standing inside of it. Gunlancer is a flex support; it offers less buff options than Bard or Paladin but deals damage comparable to a DPS Synergy while being extremely tanky, so it can occupy either role.

Support Synergy (Party)

  • Bard: They have four means of increasing party damage. Heavenly Performance, Sound Wave Vibration, their Z identity skill, and short-duration damage amplification debuffs that they apply with Rhythmic Harp or Musical Notes. Heavenly Performance and Sound Wave Vibration do not stack. Bards are the go-to support for keeping teams alive.
  • Paladin: They have four means of increasing party damage. Heavenly Blessing, God’s Wrath, their X identity skill (Divine Aura), and medium duration damage amplification debuffs that they apply with Divine Law. Paladins provide more damage to a team but have fewer defensive options than Bard.

#17641 que mal me cae este tio pero esto me ha hecho gracia




mi viernes...


a padre le esta entrando un mono que flipas.De aqui a media hora se vuelve loco y pilla los packs nuevos para bajar stress

1 respuesta

Alguno sale mañana a la calle y seguira escuchando el mar y el sonido de las gaviotas.

3 1 respuesta

#17649 Silencio niño!!


#17654 me he puesto nervioso y te he reportado


a mi el mini parche no se me baja :_


#17666 Es lo que tiene vivir en la costa.

Tema cerrado