En general no hablan muy bien de el, salvo el que ha jugado mas de 10 horas y dice que mas adelante mejora, pero parece que estan todos de acuerdo en que el writing es lamentable, dejo 4 parrafos concretos sobre el tema:
Last week I wrote that I’d be fine if “Andromeda ends up being just quite a good Mass Effect game”, but today even that feels like a distant dream. I’ll caveat what I’m about to say by noting I’m only six hours in, but right now I’m not sure I even want to play much more, and that hurts given how much I was looking forward to this. Wait until you hear some of the writing, which is regularly straight up asinine.
But as Tim says, when Ryder tries to be tough or funny or flirty she can sound like a 20-year-old’s snarky quote tweet.
One of the things that’s really bumming me out so far is I just don’t seem to like any of the companions. Before it was a real Sophie’s choice who to take on a mission, because you wouldn’t want to miss out on bonding with Garrus, or Legion being all robo awkward. But in Andromeda, eesh. They all say such dumb stuff in combat too. Liam, in particular, is an absolute shuttle crash of a character.
Guys, the planet scanning is awful. How did they make the planet scanning actively worse than Mass Effect 2? And even then, it was just spherical acupuncture, a pretty mindless minigame where you move a reticle around an orb until it vibrates. Now, moving between planets requires watching a slow first-person travel animation from the perspective of the Tempest. Getting between planets can take 10 to 15 seconds and most of the planets are completely devoid of resources.
Es mas largo, pero no dicen una cosa buena. Se me acaba de descargar, al lio.