Nueva info Half-life 2


Buenas noticias para la gente que utiliza la conexion de 56k el juego sera jugable iugal que el motor actual.

Decir tb que el augmento de la fisica es muy pequeño.

El consumo de ancho de banda del motor del half-life 1 es de 2.72 kB/sec y el del Source sera de 2.85 kB/sec y sin fisica 2,48 menos que con el half-life 1.

GoldSrc : ( Se refiere al motor del half-life 1)

I've been getting questions from people about how CS: Source would change network bandwidth (mainly from 56K people worried about their ability to play). I got this email from Martin, and figured it would answer people's questions:


I measured the bandwidth demands for GoldSrc & Source with 16 bots on de_dust. This should be realistic since bots generate the same network traffic as human players do. I used a network monitor to get the exact traffic data for a process. Unfortunatly the tool doesn't include the UDP header size, so I had to add 0.55 kB/sec to all results. The resulting bandwidth per client is:

GoldSrc : 2.72 kB/sec
Source : 2.85 kB/sec

This is pretty good since we added quite a few physics entities in de_dust. I made an extra testrun where I disabled physics in Source and got 2.48 kB/sec.

It's tried to measure spikes somehow and compared packet size distribution. Source engine packets are a little bit bigger, but large packets are rare (about 7% for packets > 256 bytes).

setup: 2 hosts, measured 10 minutes per configuration
network settings: rate 10000; cl_updaterate 20; cl_cmdrate 30
GoldSrc: CS:CZ, de_dust_cz
Source: CS:S, de_dust

                 total in bytes  total out bytes  avg in kB/Sec

GoldSrc testrun 1 : 1,357,534 443,948 2.21
GoldSrc testrun 2 : 1,306,061 412,817 2.13

Source testrun 1 : 1,498,837 436,307 2.44
Source testrun 2 : 1,323,526 429,419 2.15

Source no physics : 1,184,831 430,957 1.93

(all values without UDP header)

Packet sizes distribution in bytes:

         GoldSrc     Source

< 64 1.6% 1.7%
64 - 127 61.2% 56.1%
128 - 255 32.7% 35.0%
256 - 511 4.3% 6.9%
511 - 1023 0.1% 0.2%

1024 0.1% 0.1%


en fin... creo que la gente de 56k no va a hacer un suicidio bajandose ahora que viene el cs: source....

no se si habra alguien con huevos pa comrpobarlo xD

cyph3r, buena noticia si señor :) y detalladita, como dio manda


hombre a mi opinion kien tenga el pc para mover el cs:source no creo ke tenga 56kb de conex, pero amos todo puede ser xDD


Bueno pero lo realmente increible es que consume menos sin fisica que el half-life original es fascinante.
Hombre si se comprar en half-life 2 con el cd solo hace falta instalarlo y ya esta y luego se ponen a jugar.

Usuarios habituales

  • Cyph3r
  • Snapper
  • minipelos