Main points:
After 13 years of history and 34 editions, Tving StarLeague 2012 will be the last BroodWar OSL
Starting next season, OSL will be a SC2 league
Both KeSPA players and original SC2 players will be able to participate in this new league
EDIT: Let me clarify. Direct quote from the original source:
스타크래프트2로 새롭게 시작할 스타크래프트2 리그는 현재 KeSPA 소속 프로게이머들 뿐만 아니라 GSL과 해외 리그서 뛰고 있는 선수들이 모두 참가해 우열을 겨루게 된다.
It literally means "In this new SC2 league will participate not only KeSPA progamers but players competing in GSL and foreign leagues as well."
- The preliminaries for the first SC2 OSL will start mid-July
Como podéis leer, parece que al bw le queda poco y más con este cambio en la OSL.