Organized MP: Revolution Imperium League - Seasson 1


Hi all!

We are looking for players to complete a stable group and play several sessions EUIV.
The games will be every Fridays and Saturdays (20:00 to 23:00 CEST).
We have a great Host without Lag!!

Game Name: Revolution Imperium League - S1
Game Version: (6704) - All DLC's!!!
Game Start: Friday, 19 August 2016
Game Date: 1444-1821
Game Speed: 2-3
Limit Player: 15-25
Host: GrT

Common Sense rules:
1. No hate on anybody/any country/any religion.
2. Play fair, no trolling in game.
3. Disputes will be settled by GM (Host). He will attempt to be fair and equitable. All disputes will wait until the game session is over before adjudication, if at all possible.

Session Rules:
1. You need to be in Hall 5-10 mins before games start. GM don't wait for anyone.
2. If you consistently cause the game to drop below speed 2 or speed 1, you will be kicked for the duration of the session.
3. Maximun 2 rejoin per session, if you crash out multiple times, wait for someone else to drop out and then you can of course also rejoin.

Game Rules:
1. Maximun human players in the same alliance limited to 3 (You and 2 more). After 1600 no restrictions.
2. Pausing only allowed when DoW happens to you. Then during the war it isn't acceptable. Players can pause once (DoW), but only for the allotted 25 seconds . PvP wars are not exempted.
3. Between PvP wars, players can request for speed 2. (GM decision)
4. PvP peace demands can not exceed 100% war score.
5. No keeping players in war indefinitely. If the war reaches 100%, the defeated player is obliged to accept the peace offer.
6. A general anti-exploit rule. Basically, if it looks like an exploit, then don't do it. If you're unsure if something violates this rule, ask.
7. Players are open to attack absence players nations once they miss two straight sessions, you can attack during that third session. If AI attack you, feel free.
8. No more nation switching allowed.

Difficultty: Normal
Lucky Natios: Historical
Allow hotjoin: No
Terra Incognita: Yes
Dynamyc Provicnes: Yes
Show Tax Income: No

Players play same country: No
Only host Save: No
Editable Savegame: No
Locked Ledger: Yes
Victory Cards: Yes
Prevent Nation Ruining: No.

Countrys (This Session is limited to Europe only):
Maximum to East (Muscovia, Novgorov, Golden Horde and Ottomans, no Africa countrys)

Inconumm: Castille
GrT: Aragon
EgFkrius: England
BurningBrains: France
Zarito: : Muscovy
Vystral: Ottomans
☭Communist Reavane☭: Poland

It will save a record with all sessions based on the Victory Pointss, to see who is the best MVP player.!!!

Come on!! Join us!!

PS: Any comments or suggestions please do know

CtD: Crash to Desktop
DoW: Declaration of War
GM: Host


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