PlayStation Network hackeada - Juegos gratis ya disponibles

1 comentario moderado

joder como funcione me salva la vida, no podia estar mas aburrido esta noche xDD descargando


imagino que en 1 o 2 días maximo irá esta mierda


bieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen a la play que voy!! todos los que esten de fiesta se perderan esto xD

1 respuesta

No esteis tan contentos que PSN sigue down xDDDD


para los que vayan a encender la play corriendo para viciar, sigue en mantenimiento aunque ya te deje bajar la actualizacion xD


#1474 Baja los humos que no. Lo siento jejej


diooooooos cabrones xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdddd yo to feliz corriendo enciendo la play bajo la actu y veo que no puedo viciar!!! ostia me vais a matar eh xD


Sony hopes to make online gaming available at 1am, Eurogamer understands.

Según Eurogamer en 27 minutos el juego online volverá a estar activo-

2 respuestas

#1479 No te quiero creer pero algo en mi interior te está creyendo, maldita sea!!!!

1 comentario moderado

Según se descargen mis juegos gratis el cable ethernet abandonará mi PS3 para siempre :qq:


estoy hasta la puta polla meda igual , que sea un troll o algo , justamente hoy se me jode el puto mando de la tele tiene cojones estoy fatal coño no puedo mas voy a estallar

Pd: es broma , pero tengo jodido el mando y no puedo encender la play fuuu :mad: :mad: :mad:


weeeeeeeeeeee actualizando :dd:d:d:d:.d:d::d
edit: pues vaya mierda joder me pasa por no leer antes xD pero bueno supongo que si ya actualiza no quedará mucho para que funcione...
pues nada, actualizado al 3.61 pero se sigue viendo el mismo mensajito xD


Nota de prensa de Sony anunciando que it begins


Increased Security Measures Implemented Before Service Restoration;
Consumer Data Protection a Full-Time, Company-Wide Commitment

Sony Corporation
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Tokyo, May 15, 2011 - Sony Corporation and Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) announced that Sony Network Entertainment International (SNEI, the company) will today begin a phased restoration by region of PlayStation®Network and Qriocity Services. The phased restoration will be on a country by country basis beginning in the Americas, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Middle East.

The first phase of restored services for these countries and regions will include:

Sign-in for PlayStation®Network and Qriocity services, including the resetting of passwords
Restoration of online game-play across PS3 and PSP
Playback rental video content, if within rental period, of PlayStation Network Video Delivery Service on PS3, PSP and MediaGo
Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity, for current subscribers, on PS3 and PC
Access to 3rd party services such as Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and
‘Friends’ category on PS3, including Friends List, Chat Functionality, Trophy Comparison, etc
PlayStation Home

Increased Security Measures
As the result of a criminal cyber attack on the company’s data-center located in San Diego, California, U.S.A., SNEI shut down the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services on April 20, in order for the company to undergo an investigation and make enhancements to the overall security of the network infrastructure. Working closely with several respected outside security firms, the company has implemented new and additional security measures that strengthen safeguards against unauthorized activity, and provide consumers with greater protection of their personal information.

The company has made considerable enhancements to the data security, including updating and adding advanced security technologies, additional software monitoring and penetration and vulnerability testing, and increased levels of encryption and additional firewalls. The company also added a variety of other measures to the network infrastructure including an early-warning system for unusual activity patterns that could signal an attempt to compromise the network.

“I’d like to send my sincere regret for the inconvenience this incident has caused you, and want to thank you all for the kind patience you’ve shown as we worked through the restoration process,“ said Kazuo Hirai, Executive Deputy President, Sony Corporation. “I can't thank you enough for your patience and support during this time. We know even the most loyal customers have been frustrated by this process and are anxious to use their Sony products and services again. We are taking aggressive action at all levels to address the concerns that were raised by this incident, and are making consumer data protection a full-time, company wide commitment.”

“During the past 18 months, we’ve seen a dramatic rise in the volume of cyber attacks, their sophistication and their impact on businesses. Thwarting cyber-crime requires an evolutionary approach to security that is well integrated, reduces risk exposure and improves efficiencies,” said Francis deSouza, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Security Group, Symantec. “Today’s cyber crime attacks are proving to be more covert, more targeted and better organized than those we’ve seen in years past. In working with Sony on the move of their data-center, it’s clear they’re implementing measures to reduce security risks moving forward.”

As an additional measure, Fumiaki Sakai, president of Sony Global Solutions Inc. (SGS), has been appointed acting Chief Information Security Officer of SNEI. In addition to his current role at SGS, Mr. Sakai, in his role at SNEI, will work to further reinforce overall information security across the company’s network infrastructure. Mr. Sakai will lead the recruiting effort in finding a new and permanent CISO for SNEI. As CISO, Mr. Sakai will report to Tim Schaaff, president, SNEI, as well as to Mr. Shinji Hasejima, CIO, Sony Corporation.

“While we understand the importance of getting our services back online, we did not rush to do so at the expense of extensively and aggressively testing our enhanced security measures. Our consumers’ safety remains our number one priority,” Hirai continued. “We want to assure our customers that their personal information is being protected with some of the best security technologies available today, so that everyone can feel comfortable enjoying all that PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have to offer.”

The restoration of the services across the Americas, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Middle East are beginning, and consumers will be able to enjoy some of the online functionality provided by both the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services. Phased restoration in Japan and other Asian countries and regions will be announced in due course. The company expects to have the services fully restored by the end of May 2011.

The company will be offering customers a “Welcome Back” package of services and premium content to all registered PlayStation Network and Qriocity account services. The details of this program will be announced in each region shortly.
For more information about the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services intrusion and restoration, please visit or

2 respuestas

traduccion rapida al castellano?

#1485 Qyrocity ese como se llamé es un progrma que se puede descargar desde la store creo o nose si ya se autoinstala en alguna actualizacion anterior para ver peliculas y escuchar musica, pero de pago q es....


#1485 Creo que es el Spotify de Sony.


La web de playstation está off ahora mismo, puede ser que lo vayan a enchufar ya?


jodeeer...mañana madrugo y no voy a dormir casi por culpa de sony...estara esta noche ON?lo digo para quedarme o no..xD


Joder, no funciona. Cabrones xD


Igual hasta me puedo echar unos vicios antes de ir a dormir, quién me lo iba a decir. A ver si hay suerte.

#1492 No puede ser...


Lo mas importante del comunicado " The company expects to have the services fully restored by the end of May 2011.

Vamos, que seguimos igual.

4 respuestas

#1492 Pero eso se refiere a todos los servicios de PSN, que sea funcional al completo, dijeron que la prioridad era el online de los juegos


Kaz Hirai os pide perdón y os explica las novedades, mensaje del presidente al estado de la nación sonyer. ->

Mapa con la reconexión de PSN en USA ->–-psn-restoration-begins-now/

Supongo que en la próxima hora se activará todo.

Y recordad la hermosa lección que nos deja todo esto, EL JUEGO ONLINE APESTA : D


#1492 TOTALMENTE dice en esa linea del comunicado.


#1479 eso es fiable?xd


#1492 Cual es la parte de "fully" que ta hace pensar que no se podrá jugar online hasta finales de Mayo?

1 comentario moderado

gracias a dios... :qq:

vicio incoming!


yo estuve aqui

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