Sesión de preguntas y respuestas con los desarrolladores de Path of Exile ahora!
Q&A con los desarrolladores by Prostyler
Sobre la sensación de gameplay lento en los primeros niveles. Os lo pongo:
Yo: Are you going to improve the fast pacing of the first 20 lvls? It seems to be too slow now.
Brian: Yeah, that's one of the bigger issues I see with the game right now, how it doesn't rev up for a while. We're looking into a lot of ways to improve that.
Sobre efectos de chapoteo cuando andas sobre el agua (detalle tonto, pero me da coraje que no tenga efectos el agua cuando andas sobre ella.)
Yo: Are you going to add splash effects when you are walking over the water? Ty again
Brian: not sure, but that's a good suggestion
Sobre las ventanitas blancas al pasar el ratón sobre las puertas de cambio de zona que las veo feísimas.
Yo: What about that "White Window" when you put your mouse over the entrances to change area? I hate them!
Brian: yeah, it's a really rough mechanic we just haven't had the time to polish.
Sobre el voice acting en los bosses finales rollo diablo 2
Yo: Are you going to implement Voice acting at the final bosses?
Brian: yes, much has been recorded, and it's all been written
Sobre añadir efectos al descubrir un nuevo waypoint o activarlo.
Yo: Are you planning to add some effects when activating the waypoints?
Brian: hmm, I don't know, it probably falls in the category of "late game polish".
Sobre añadir puertas en las mazmorras estilo diablo 2
Yo: Are you planning to add usable doors in dungeons like d2?
Brian: definitely, we want those in order to increase the suspense of moving into a new area
Sobre los crashes "unable to map file" y client.exe crash.
Sobre la salida del siguiente parche 0.9.12
Sobre añadir la Skill de orbe helada de diablo 2 a Path of Exile
Yo: Are you going to add the frozen orb skill like the d2 one? I loved it and i miss it in PoE!
Brian_ggg: sart: D2's Frozen orb is a good model for a skill. We could make flame and lightning versions too!
Sobre añadir más modelos de armadura/armas
Sobre añadir Sets
- Chris: We are wanting to make sets in a way to want to use them and i guess eventually upgrade to other sets.