Ronda de análisis de Assassin's Creed Origins


Tras un parón de dos años, parece que Assassin's Creed vuelve más fuerte que nunca. La crítica destaca las mejoras en la jugabilidad y solo pone peros al desarrollo de la historia.

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Medios nacionales

3DJuegos - 9.0 / 10.0

Assassin’s Creed Origins es exactamente lo que prometía. Esperar un año para la aventura de Bayek ha merecido la pena, y hablamos de un lanzamiento extraordinario que nos devuelve al mejor estado de forma de la franquicia. Con una historia más centrada y un nivel de calidad menos voluble para las misiones secundarias hablaríamos de un videojuego estratosférico, pero incluso así será con todo merecimiento y con poca discusión una de las mejores aventuras de acción de este año.

Areajugones - 8.7 / 10.0

Sin duda, ha cumplido con las expectativas, aunque podía haber mejorado en algunos aspectos relacionados con la narrativa, pero aun así es un título totalmente recomendable que marca el camino que debe seguir la serie de los Asesinos. En definitiva, Assassin’s Creed Origins es la renovación que necesitaba la saga. - Recomendado

Un amalgama de ideas sobradamente testadas unidas a un apartado técnico espectacular le convierten en una de las entregas más interesantes y estimulantes de los últimos años, y tan solo unas cuantas oportunidades desaprovechadas, unas cuantas decisiones más baratas que erróneas en cuanto a historia y ritmo le impiden ser el Assassin's Creed definitivo.

Hobby Consolas - 92 / 100

Origins es mucho más que un "Assassin's Creed en Egipto", y se desvela como uno de los mejores (sino el mejor) capítulo de la Hermandad de Asesinos, revolucionando la base jugable a un nivel que no se había visto desde Assassin's Creed II. Que lo momifiquen junto al resto de faraones, porque este juego es digno del Valle de los Reyes.

IGN España - 9 / 10.0

Assassin's Creed Origins es la experiencia definitiva de la serie en términos de jugabilidad. Una muestra de las mejores características de antaño con interesantes novedades que aportan frescura a la fórmula. No acaba de ser perfecto porque la narrativa no está a la misma altura que sus posibilidades jugables.

Vandal - 8.4 / 10.0

Nos habría haber visto algo más de innovación, esa característica única que lleva la saga más allá, pero es innegable que Assassin's Creed Origins es un paso en la dirección correcta. Si alguna vez te interesó la saga, creemos que tienes que darle una oportunidad a esta entrega, y si te apasiona el Antiguo Egipto, vas a disfrutar sumergiéndote en el mundo que Ubisoft nos ofrece.

Medios internacionales

AngryCentaurGaming - Wait For Sale

Critical Hit - 9 / 10.0

Assassin's Creed Origins is a pharaoh's tomb chock-full of shiny treasures for gamers, especially those fascinated with Ancient Egypt. The side quests may feel a little repetitive, but the credible, nuanced characters and diversity of the main plot make up for it. And with so much to explore and do in its jaw-dropping setting, Origins is exceptional.

Digitally Downloaded - 4.5 / 5 stars

This is the best game in the Assassin's Creed series.

DualShockers - 8.5 / 10.0

Editor's Note: Last week, DualShockers was transported and hosted in San Francisco by Ubisoft and got the chance to play Assassin's Creed: Origins for over 40 hours on the Xbox One X. The build of the game we reviewed the title on had yet to go through stabilization patchwork as well as a now-implemented day-one update.

Easy Allies - 3.5 / 5 stars

Eurogamer - Recommended

Assassin's Creed returns and its vast and evocative Egypt inspires wonder - even if much in the game remains familiar.

Forbes - 9.3 / 10.0

Assassin's Creed Origins improves from its past few installments in almost every way, yet it never quite reaches the heights of the games it tries to emulate.

Gadgets 360 - 8 / 10

All in all, there's more than enough to give Assassin's Creed Origins a go. Revamped combat, a fantastic representation of ancient Egypt, and a world crammed with things to do, Assassin's Creed Origins is a return to form of the franchise that has us optimistic on what to expect next.

Game Informer - 8.5 / 10.0

Expanded progression, open-world freedom, and a fascinating backdrop make for an enticing origin story

Game Revolution - 4.5 / 5 stars

It's fitting that Origins showed the birth of the Assassin's Creed while also indicating the much-needed rebirth of the Assassin's Creed series.

Game Volt - Arabic - 8.8 / 10.0

Assassin's Creed Origins re-presented the series in an excellent way that erases the negative effects of previous versions, starting with the world's own virtual design and Atmosphere and through the best combat in the series, which have more powerful enemies and more difficult confrontations, not to mention wildlife, And the story that offers a series of famous historical Characters and the number of weapons and equipment available for use and variety.

Gameblog - French - 9 / 10

If Assassin's Creed Origins is not perfect, it perfectly understood what it had to do to regain the hearts of the players and fans of the series. In addition to delivering the mysterious and fascinating ancient Egypt on a silver plate, in an absolutely gigantic open world, full of activities and secrets to discover, it succeeds in transforming its gameplay by brilliantly integrating RPG elements and completely renewing, with no less talent, its combat system. It will literally absorbs you for dozens and dozens of hours. Assassin's Creed Origins succeeds in taking care of its fans and its fundamentals, while starting its own revolution. We can only hope that the next episodes will keep this momentum.

GamesBeat - No Verdict

Assassin's Creed: Origins offers a rich world and a compelling story, but it's waylaid in part by the repetitive side quests. It has secrets to find, but you'll have to go looking for them. If you don't mind hours of grinding to move forward a story piece by piece, then this is something you'll enjoy. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next, but I wish that the open world aspect either didn't affect the pacing so much or did more to expand on the story.

GameSpace - 9.7 / 10.0

Assassin's Creed Origins is a breathtaking sensorial odyssey. It is the MMO I have been waiting for without the MMO part and boy would my heart skip a beat if it were massively multiplayer online. Ubisoft has won a new superfan.

GameSpot - 7 / 10

In charting out a new storyline and the largest setting for the series yet, Assassin's Creed Origins makes a few stumbles along the way.

GamesRadar+ - 5 / 5 stars

As beautiful as it is deadly, Origins' Egyptian playground is finally everything you wanted the Creed to be.

Gaming Nexus - 8 / 10.0

Origins was worth taking the year off. Egypt will be hard to top as a location. The series' dry, ironic, corporate sense of humor is still dull. But nobody can beat Assassin's Creed's architectural history lessons, even if you're still just stabbing folks and jumping out the window while you're sightseeing the entire timeline.

GamingBolt - 8 / 10.0

Almost at the cusp of true greatness, but not quite there, Assassin's Creed Origins is nonetheless a rousing adventure that truly manages to reverse the franchise's momentum after the double whammy of Unity and Syndicate.

God is a Geek - No Verdict

Assassin's Creed: Origins thrusts you deep into a historical epic filled with so much beauty, intrigue, and excitement.

Hardcore Gamer - 4 / 5.0

The extra year of development has helped Assassin's Creed as a whole, as Origins is the next level for the series.

IGN - 9 / 10.0

Assassin's Creed Origins is a deep-dive into a truly stunning realization of ancient Egypt, with a rich series of cultures, genuine characters, and more mission variety than any other game in the series. The combat is challenging and thoughtful, and while the loot system doesn't match up to games like Destiny 2, there are enough different weapon types and enough enemy variety to keep you swapping between weapons, catered to the situation. The RPG elements encourage challenges of their own, and even despite a handful of bugs, I desperately wanted to keep playing.

IGN Italy - Italian - 8.5 / 10.0

A new beginning for Assassin's Creed, with a lot of new elements. Not a perfect game, but a good open world with marvellous locations.

Kotaku - No Verdict

Assassin's Creed Origins is ungainly and uneven, beautiful and frustrating, expansive and unexpectedly conservative.

Pardis Game - Persian - No Verdict

It's incredibly engaging and a final verdict is hard right now so let me spend more hours in ancient Egypt, go to the pyramids and when there's not much left, I'll return to you with my final thoughts and verdict

PCGamesN - No Verdict

So far it seems like absence really does make the heart grow, well, stabbier.

PlayStation LifeStyle - 8.5 / 10.0

Assassin's Creed Origins blew my expectations away in so many areas, but there's still something missing that made the likes of Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood so special. However, this is most definitely the best title since then, and one that I'll be jumping back into very soon. The new combat system makes for some incredibly satisfying moments, while the design of the world is only matched by the likes of The Witcher III. Ubisoft Montreal can be proud knowing that they've delivered a level of AAA-production that likely won't be seen again until Cyberpunk 2077 rolls around, but there's just that last leap of faith that needs to be made to once again deliver a generation defining game.

Polygon - 8.5 / 10.0

In essence, Assassin's Creed Origins is much the same game as the original Assassin's Creed, which came out a decade ago. It's a formula that people like to play, and it's certainly been honed and improved over the years. Origins is, then, undoubtedly the best iteration of this formula yet. But I yearn for a fresh approach and new ideas, something that astounds the senses as much as the wondrous world this game inhabits.

Press Start - 9 / 10

I fell out of love with Assassin's Creed a long time ago, but Origins has recaptured the magic that made the series a powerhouse all those years ago. With its humble protagonist, whose outlook on life is clouded by relateable and crushing heartbreak, and a world so detail-rich, it's hard not to be floored by everything Origins manages to be.

Assassin's Creed Origins is the definitive action-adventure game of the year. It's a wild power fantasy that satisfies not only a curious thirst for knowledge but both bloodlust and wanderlust to such lengths it's almost gluttonous.

Pure Playstation - 8.8 / 10.0

Ubisoft needed to recapture the magic that made the series great in the first place, and it seems it has done so. It's just all the quintessential problems within said magic tag along for the ride.

RPG Site - 6 / 10

Embracing a more RPG approach, Origins's engrossing open world experience is marred by persistent glitches and a narrative that suffers from poor pacing.

Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 10 / 10

Assassin's Creed Origins took an amazing new direction with a brand new story, new world, and new hero. The story is quite epic and it presents some of the most important historical events and characters in Egypt. I loved the variety of targets and how each boss has a complete different approach that changes the combat strategy and gameplay.

Spaziogames - Italian - 8.5 / 10.0

Assassin's Creed Origins is a beautiful open world action-adventure game, a real reborn for the Ubisoft saga made possible by a fresh new combat and quest system. The story is passionate and the character of Aya is very cool. Perhaps the game is not perfect and had some trouble of game desing, but we can surely say that is very good and a perfect way to follow for the next chapter.

TheSixthAxis - 8 / 10

After taking a year off, Assassin's Creed is going through a transitional period and taking players back to the very founding of the Brotherhood in Ancient Egypt is symbolic of that. The vast new setting, the improved combat system and moving the series towards being a real action RPG have injected this series with a new life.

TrueGaming - Arabic - 7.5 / 10.0

Assassin's Creed: Origins is a good gaming experience with a lot of content but the story failed to impress, and while the game changed a lot of thing, it didn't bring anything new for the open world genre.

USgamer - 4.5 / 5 stars

Assassin's Creed returns with an entry that moves the series forward, but also goes back to the beginning of the Brotherhood. This new entry is a bit more of an action RPG, telling the story of how Bayek of Siwa becomes the first Assassin alongside a number of intriguing side quests. Combat is overhauled, but it's still a bit muddy when fighting multiple enemies. What absolutely does work is the world itself; Egypt is beautiful and the diversity in the environments is impressive. I'm unsure if Assassin's Creed Origins will convert anyone who isn't already a fan of the series, but it does what it does well enough to join the top of the franchise.

VideoGamer - No Verdict

The scale and beauty of Ancient Egypt is stunning, and you might find yourself spending hours just exploring. But, within that, the main story is threatening to become lost.

Wccftech - No Verdict

Overall, besides the aforementioned lack of instant assassinations in some cases, I do have a lingering concern regarding the depth and variety of content, an important aspect of games belonging to the open world genre. Ubisoft stated that it would always be meaningful, but I still have to check whether this will actually be the case.

Other than that, though, Assassin's Creed Origins is looking great so far.

Worth Playing - 8 / 10.0

Assassin's Creed: Origins manages to be both experimental and safe. It tries a lot of new things, but it never ventures too far from the Assassin's Creed formula. There's a lot of potential in Origins, and it'll be exciting to see how the new features evolve in future games. Fans of Assassin's Creed should find a lot to like, and it may be time to revisit the battle between the Assassins and the Templars.

Zoomg - Persian - 7 / 10.0

Although Ubisoft Montreal tried to add RPG elements and implement a new combat system in order to create a different gameplay, the problems in physics and various bugs, prevent Assassin's Creed Origins to become a great experience. The game has a great story and beautiful music but it can become repetitive very quickly and we can't see any improvements in graphics.


No son malas puntuaciones para nada, aunque se mueve en el mismo rango que otros Assassin's Creed, y eso da mal rollito ¬¬U.

Lo lamento por Hunter, que esperaba un 94 de avrg.


No he jugado a ninguno desde el Black Flag, pero este me llama mucho. Mas que nada por Egipto y por que han cambiado el sistema de combate, que siempre me pareció muy simple.


RPG Site - 6/10 jaja suena irónico.


Me gusta leer cosas del estilo "El mejor Assassins Creed que hay", caerá seguramente, no day 1, lo mismo week 1, después de que los users lo exploten al máximo


Yo lo tengo ya descargado esperando a esta noche.. no me mola eso de que lo más “flojo” sea la historia :(

Esperemos que estén exagerando

1 respuesta

#6 DLC de historia incoming?


"Prensa seria"


Es importante recordar esto
Que la presa "seria" suele no decir o no tener en cuenta


No tienen relación las historias entre los AC no??

1 respuesta

#10 Los primeros si


Tiene unas notas muy altas no?

A mi el black flag me pareció un buen juego...

Este tambien me llama bastante

1 respuesta

#12 A mi también me pareció un buen juego, pero de barcos, de asesinos había poco.


Todos los AC tienen notas altas, recordadlo.


Pues algo de cierto debe de haber en las notas. En le cascan un 18/20. Antecedentes:

  • Syndicate: 13/20
  • Unity: 17/20
  • Rogue: 14/20
  • Black Flag: 16/20
1 respuesta

#15 Uff, pero no era que el Unity fue una cagada? Me he pasado el 1,2 y el bortherhood y lo deje por aburrimiento, pero como ya ha pasado un tiempo, iba a pasarme alguno mas y por lo que lei syndicate y black flag eran los mejores. O muy equivocado estoy o esas notas las veo rarisimas.

1 respuesta

#16 Yo creo que por dos cosas: los franceses barren hacia casa (Unity) y los análisis los hicieron personas distintas. De todas formas, si nos vamos a Opencritic vemos que la tónica es más o menos la misma:

  • Syndicate: 77
  • Unity: 71
  • Rogue: 71
  • Black Flag: 85

Con lo cual, todo indica que este nuevo AC es uno de los buenos.


Pues Syndicate fue muy buen juego, espero que este tb

1 comentario moderado

Vamos, que el respiro le ha sentado bien. Me algro.


Como tira la tierra.


Pues lo esperado, no me sorprende lo más mínimo.
Me lo pillaré cuando baje de los 10€.


Yo no les voy a tirar el dinero a la cara ahora mismo, pero la ambientación es tan top que más adelante de rebajas lo pillaré. Primer Assassin's desde Black Flag eso sí, no lo pillaré muy quemado de la fórmula y seguro que me gusta más de lo que pienso.

1 respuesta

#23 pues si no juegas a ningún AC y el Black Flag te gustó ves a por este de cabeza, es una pasada las posibilidades que tienes. Ha mejorado en todo


Ubisoft=always maletines