Ronda de análisis de Ori and the Will of the Wisps


La esperadísima secuela de Ori and the Blind Forest llega mañana, 11 de marzo, a PC y Xbox One, además de al Game Pass de ambos. La prensa especializada ya ha podido probarlo y, como era de esperar, afirma que es una digna secuela que amplía y mejora la buena base de su predecesor.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Medios españoles

Areajugones - Spanish - 8,6 / 10

Moon Studios vuelve a la carga con una secuela que ha logrado expandir las bases bien asentadas de su antecesora con sumo acierto y manteniendo la esencia de la franquicia intacta. Ori and the Will of Wisps es un metroidvania más grande, más ambicioso y más completo que su predecesor; uno donde su jugabilidad, diseño artístico y banda sonora se entrelazan en una embelesadora mezcla que dibuja uno de los mejores viajes que se puede realizar: aquel que has disfrutado aún más de lo que esperabas.

Hobby Consolas - Sin puntuar

Ori and the Will of the Wisps es un metroidvania como pocos: bello, emotivo, divertido, variado, ágil e intenso. Moon Studios ha cogido la fórmula de la primera entrega y la ha evolucionado con criterio. Ahora bien, a la espera del parche del día 1, tiene serios problemas técnicos, que, por ahora, nos obligan a aparcar su calificación numérica.

Vandal - Spanish - 9,4 / 10

Ori and the Will of the Wisps es uno de los mejores plataformas de la última década, una delicia jugable y audiovisual que ningún amante del género debería perderse. Mejorando y puliendo ciertos aspectos del primero, y ofreciendo una aventura más extensa y ambiciosa, lo que pierde del factor sorpresa lo gana en experiencia y calidad en todos sus apartados, y se convierte en todo un ejemplo de cómo hacer un plataformas, y un inmejorable testimonio de por qué nos sigue pareciendo uno de los géneros estrella en el mundo de los videojuegos.

Medios internacionales

3DNews - Russian - 10 / 10

Ori and the Blind Forest was an outstanding masterpiece. Ori and the Will of Wisps is even better. It's a shame that bugs ruin overall great experience. Hope they will be fixed by the day one update.

ACG - Buy

"An amazing sequel to an already enjoyable game that somehow turns the original a bit on its head and comes out with something fantastic."

AusGamers - 9 / 10

An experience where you begin to question if such a traversal move is possible, can it be done – is that really the way forward? The answer is almost always yes, and in this regard the sheer speed, fluidity, and scope of Ori's fundamental movement – that is moving the analogue stick so the glow-y spirit thing can do its thing – is phenomenal.

Cerealkillerz - German - 9,1 / 10

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is probably the most beautiful Xbox One exclusive game so far and offers, thanks to a lot of well made gameplay adjustments a lot of new ways for players to experience and explore this amazing emotional adventure. Even when the NPCs of the world don't really make a big impact and the game suffered from some bugs and loading issues before Day One, every Xbox One/PC owner should definitely get this game.

Critical Hit - 9 / 10

So far, Ori and the Will of the Wisps has taken my breath away. It's possibly one of the most aesthetically gorgeous games I've ever played, even if some parts do feel like they've been ripped straight from the first game and the soundtrack is masterful in every sense of the word.

Destructoid - 9,5 / 10

With the need to go bigger, Ori and the Will of the Wisps loses some of the simplicity and innocence of the original game, but it steps up in turn with bite and refinement. It's the perfect companion to Ori and the Blind Forest, and is an early defining moment of the decade to come.

DualShockers - 8,5 / 10

There is trouble with the tree.

EGM - 8 / 10

Ori and the Will of the Wisps does everything that a good sequel is supposed to do. It refines The Blind Forest's mechanics, expands on the world, and throws in a whole bunch of new moves and concepts. But in an era that's rich with "emotional platformers," Will of the Wisps doesn't do anything to make itself stand out. It's a fine, if not forgettable, experience.

Echo Boomer - Portuguese - Loved

An excelent follow-up to 2015 game, that expands the world of Ori in ambitious and emotional ways. - Italian - 9 / 10

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is the worthy sequel of one of the best games ever published on Xbox One: a stellar return by Moon Studios, one that confirms the talent of a very unique software house. Too bad for some technical flaws and for a code that appears to be a lot less polished than expected: even as it is Will of the Wisps remains a game that's impossible to miss, stating once again the importance and the diversity of this franchise inside the Xbox galaxy.

Game Informer - 9,5 / 10

Better than its predecessor and a little longer, Will of the Wisps pounds out excitement at every turn

Gamer Guides - 5 / 5 stars

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a masterpiece in every single way. A thought provoking storyline, unbelievable music and plenty of customization. This is Ori bigger and better in every single way and a strong contender for game of the generation.

Gamerheadquarters - 8 / 10

Ori and the Will of the Wisps would be a masterpiece of an experience; one that you could describe as a perfect example of a game as art, held back by some technical issues.

Gamers Heroes - 90 / 100

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a game of passion, made from the heart. Featuring charming characters, a vibrant world filled with mystery and intrigue, and genre-leading platforming action, you will struggle to find a single experience that encompasses the artistic values of video games like Ori and the Will of the Wisps.

GamesRadar+ - 4.5 / 5 stars

A gorgeous, tear-jerking platformer which improves on absolutely everything in the first game and ranks among the finest Metroidvanias available today.

GamingBolt - 10 / 10

With Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Moon Studios have realized the full potential of their debut title, and entered the upper echelons of Metroidvania history.

God is a Geek - 9 / 10

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a fantastic sequel. It builds on the original with a few new ideas to deliver a complete experience.

Hardcore Gamer - 5 / 5

There are times when you feel obliged to find faults no matter how minor, but in the ten-plus hours spent with Moon Studios' latest, there are none.

IGN - 9 / 10

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is an excellent return to this bright and beautiful open-world platformer, with an affecting story to bolster the white-knuckle challenge.

IGN Italy - Italian - 9,3 / 10

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is one of the best game of this generation, thanks to a compelling story, a brand new combat system and a great variety of contents that make it an amazing successor to Moon Studios' interpretation of the metroidvania genre.

PC Gamer - 81 / 100

It's inconsistent and sometimes annoying, but ultimately a charming, challenging, heart-string-pulling fable.

PCGamesN - 7 / 10

A haunting journey through a woodland with a real sense of place, but its breadth of mechanics silts up the pacing. Phil Iwaniuk - Italian - 9,5 / 10

This second chapter is a long journey, which not only pleases the eyes, but is also able to conquer the player's heart and soul.

Press Start - 9 / 10

While Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a sequel that'll challenge your resolve and temper your spirit at times, its final act will fill your heart and have it bursting with joie de vivre.

Rectify Gaming - 9,5 / 10

“More than a mere sequel, Ori and the Will of the Wisps innovates and excels in creating a bigger and bolder adventure in every way imaginable.”

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Unscored

Presuming these techy mishaps are rectified, Ori And The Will Of The Wisps is one of the most charming, engaging, visually striking and emotionally touching games I’ve played in a long time. It’s difficult but fair, complex but intuitive, and gruelling but conquerable.

Shacknews - 8 / 10

We are living in the golden age of metroidvanias and Will of the Wisps will deserve to stand with the best of the bunch should its technical shortcomings be resolved.

Stevivor - 9 / 10

Moon Studios has built upon its own great work to delver a fantastic sequel.

TrustedReviews - Unscored

Ori and the Will of the Wisps comes close to being the perfect sequel. With greatly improved combat, an endearing story book vibe and jaw-dropping platforming spectacles, Will of the Wisps has the potential to become one of the best titles in the Xbox's first-party library. Unfortunately, there are so many technical issues on the Xbox One S right now that it’s difficult to recommend.

Twinfinite - Unscored

The game blends calm with its stunning backdrop, cute characters, and heartfelt story of friendship and selflessness with chaos thanks to sudden chase sequences that have you sprinting across the screen in a test of your platforming prowess.

We’ll have our full review published just as soon as I’ve sat down with Ori and the Will of the Wisps’ updates that focus on improving performance and resolving technical issues.

Wccftech - 8,7 / 10

Ori and the Will of Wisps is a truly delightful and devastating game that blends new ideas into a solid foundation, all topped off with an incredible score and even more breathtaking levels to explore.

Windows Central - 4.5 / 5 stars

Ori and the Will of the Wisps triumphs despite some rough edges, with what might be the most satisfying and evocative platformer ever made.

Worth Playing - 9 / 10

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is bigger and more polished than the original title. I can't recommend playing it before the original, if only because the plot relies on you having played the first game. Otherwise, this is an absolute must-play for fans of the genre. Some minor quibbles and a few annoying bugs hold it back, but hopefully, those will be addressed by the day-one patch. If you've been waiting for Will of the Wisps, you'll be extremely pleased.


Estoy deseando poder jugarlo ¿se podrá jugar a las 0:00 esta noche?

1 respuesta

Tiene pintaza una pena que no pueda con los Metroidvania


Incluso con lo de fallos técnicos y de rendimiento ha alcanzado buena nota, a ver si mañana con el parche se solucionan.


#2 En game pass pone dia 11 a las 0:00 por lo que supongo que sí


No podía fallar. Con seguir la estética del anterior, añadir alguna mecánica y bioma... lo tenían para el sobresaliente. Pueden vivir de las rentas un par de títulos.


89 de media?



Los que le han dado menos de 9 no tienen alma.

1 2 respuestas

#8 No me extrañaría que esas notas "bajas" se deban al rendimiento. A ver con el parche si las cambian o las mantienen.


Muy buen juego el primero, este caera mas adelante.


El primero, en SW, me volvió loco. Menudos gráficos y rendimiento. A nivel artístico/gráfico, a mi gusto, es lo mejor que se puede encontrar en la portátil de Nintendo (sí, por encima de HK).

1 respuesta

Los de 7 u 8 no tienen puta vergüenza, los típicos cantamañanas de cada juego.


#8 Mañana con el parche vuelve a subir.
#11 No convirtamos esto en otro Ori vs HK.

1 respuesta

#13 Solo lo ponía como referencia porque es otro juego icónico que sobresale en ese apartado y podría ser el máximo exponente de SW.


Grandísimas noticias.

Ojalá esto signifique que Xbox va por el buen camino, soltando billetes pero dando rienda suelta a la creatividad de sus estudios.


Reservadisimo está.


Microsoft sacando sus mejores juegos a final de generación , creo que me esperare a jugarlo en Xbox Series X


Lo del Game pass es una puta locura. Yo me lo pillé el domingo y ayer me veo este juego en biblioteca para la predescarga.
Me quedé picuet.

Que de amor le voy a dar.

2 1 respuesta

#18 has caido en la trampa, ahora cada mes vas a seguir adicto a los juegazos que van metiendo. Muchos de ellos que en su día se te pasaron por alto.

1 1 respuesta

#19 sarna con gusto no pica


A poco que se parezca un poco al primero ponerle a esto menos de un 9 es ir de listo.


El primero lo jugué 'por casulidad' y me atrapó. Qué juegazo!

No espero menos de este


Y todas esas notazas sin el 'parche dia 1', que por lo visto arregla todos esos problemas de rendimiento :heart_eyes:


Ya lo tengo pillado, ahí vamos!


Llevo solo 3h y me encanta, el movimiento se nota muchisimo mas pulido que el primero y eso que ya era bueno.
Muchos toques que recuerdan al hollow night y eso me gusta.

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