Slayers_BoxeR: "Si, jugare la GSL2"


In an exclusive interview with Chosun, Lim speaks his mind. He will be officially announce himself as SC2 progamer starting this GSL season 2.

His latest decision is to live up to the promise he made to his fans that he will stay as a pro-gamer into his 30's, and he emphasized his eagerness for new adventures.

"Progamers who play for money has his occupational obligations to excite his fans", says Lim. "I was only able to so far disappoint them since my return from Airforce. I have no intentions of repeating that mistake and I will pursue new challenges and keep chasing the dream I wanted to achieve."

31st of last August, Lim ended his contract with his former team, SKT. He explained the troubles and difficulties he faced. Although Lim was not contributing to the team in terms of league wins, SKT offered Lim very comfortable terms and were very understanding of him.

But that was the thing that put a burden on Lim's mind. When Lim wanted a televised match, the team would allow it, but without hesitation due to Lim's inability to win. Lim's dream of showing his fans a man in his 30's playing actively as pro-gamer was beginning to fade and he had a lot to think about his future.

In truth, his decision of transitioning into SC2 was made a long ago, but as the deal between Korean E-sports Association and Gretech got sour, the possible confusion Lim's move to SC2 might cause have worried him and prevented him from making an early move.

Lim emphasized to his fans "I thank my fans for staying truthfully and waiting for me although I have been keeping to myself about SC2 and the decision to enter GSL. It would have been impossible without you."

Lim also spoke of hardships after starting on SC2. The community aspect of SC2 and the friend system felt like a burden on Lim, so Lim had to play the game alone without adding anyone as his friend.

To improve his game it would have been better to communicate with other players, teammates and friends but Lim could not.

On his accounts, Lim said on his suspected ID's "ManofOneway" and "Slayer". "They are both my ID", said Lim. Both the ID's are listed as top players on the thus he is expected to perform well in SC2, almost at the level of his prime.

In closing, Lim wanted to send words on his mindset on entering GSL, and to his fans.

"By entering this GSL Season2, I will be stepping my first step on a new field of challenges. I wish to be one of the pioneers of new era of SC2 which holds infinite possibilities and growth.

As I start my life in SC2, although I will try my great best, but there will be times of disappointment and letdowns. I want you to cheer for me regardless, but not just for me. I want you to cheer for others who also have set their foot on this new starting point. The new field of challenges... The very word "New" have put great strengths in my mind.

I want this fire, strength and excitement to be felt by all the fans and I will try my best for it. This is my ultimate goal as a Pro-gamer in his 30's, different from my goals at 20's. I haven't quit as a Pro-gamer. I'm merely moving onto SC2."

To continue his dream as a Pro-gamer into 30's, Lim concluded the inteview by stating that he is simply returning his pro-gamer license, as opposed to 'not renewing' the license.



Es una buena noticia que vuelva a aparecer, aunque sea la última. A menudo vienen muy bien estas cosas ya que dan otra dimensión al juego y las partidas acaban recordando al sc1.

¿Su nick era ManofOneway no? Acabo de ver una replay suya en Delta Cuadrant (TvsT) y va arrasando con los tanques, menudo micro.


#2 Si, ese es su nick, y ya van saliendo vods frente a gente de la scene

Va a ser grande verle proximamente en los clasificatorios. Ojala llegue al Ro64


Una traducción hubiese estado muy bien


Terran imba, tienen a Nada y ahora a Boxer...


Me : Lim Yo Hwan by any chance right now can you play a game with me?
BoxeR : I'm practicing for a tournament.
Me : Ah me too, I'm going to do play GSL tomorrow. When do you have your match?
BoxeR : Tomorrow you play ? (not sure about translation)
Me : yes I will play GSL tomorrow at 6pm.
BoxeR : Me too
Me : Oh ~


En cuanto boxer se heche 2 partidas y gane con el p3n3 se oiran cosas como: TeRRaN ImBa ,GaNa SiN MeDivAcS ..NeRf BaLAs De piStOlA dE MaRiNe o NerF CoRdonEs De bOtA De ThOr



grande me cago en la puta


#7 nerf flamehelions!!!!


Estupenda noticia .


Hoy se juega la clasificatoria de la GSL 2 el boxer. VEremos que tal le va.


pero no perdio una partida contra idrA sin apenas hacer presion?


#13 y? acaso una partida significa algo? aparte en ese game se ve q no stan jugando serios del todo.


#12 Era de esperar que perdiera una partida contra alguien que juega el juego desde la beta.

Pero es un puto coreano, entrena seguramente bastante más que Idra, aparte de que seguramente sea innatamente mejor que él.


por cierto boxer ha pasado hoy el clasificatorio offline de la GSL2... July se ha quedado fuera.


#14 Lo de que sea innatamente mejor que el , eso seguro. Ya dijo una vez Shango(ex-jugador de CJ, el antiguo equipo de Idra) en una entrevista que Idra talento no tenia, si no mas bien una mente de impresionante voluntad para entrenar muy duro. Asi que por esa parte tampoco creo que entrene mas que Boxer, ya que creo que Idra entrena unas 14h al dia para los torneos importantes.


#16 Haciendo un símil narutil entonces, Idra es Rock Lee y Boxer es Neji.

Para los que no hayan visto la serie: Idra acaba siendo un tullido y Boxer molando x1000.


#17 jajajaja menuda comparacion haces loko, seguro k antiguamante boxer si se echaba sus 14 horas al dia


Ya está en Ro.64...


#6 eres tu hablandole?
Juegas la GSL? :D

PD: Perdón por mi ignorancia.


alguien tiene las replays de los partidos de gsl de boxer?


Que alguien suba/linkee las replays!!
No mepienso perder ni 1 partida del puto Boxer!!!


Grande xd. Creo que Boxer va a despachar a muchos jugadores que sudan de la fábrica para ir directo a MMM, y él sin marauders (marines + early tanks) se los come. Espero que mejore (hay algunas partidas que las lleva mal, pero está empezando supongo) y se vuelva inganable y nos deje nuevas estrategias y demás para dar un aire fresco al SC 2 con sus partidas de 35 min expandiendo por todo el mapa.


Es el puto amo :D


ill puto sin dudar!

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