Star Ocean Saga #HO


Joder que bonito el de SNES, creo que lo voy a jugar.


un buen puñado de screens:


Censura strikes back

In the interview, Star Ocean 5 character designer Akira Yasuda, director Hiroshi Ogawa, and producer Shuichi Kobayashi revealed that not only is the studio aware of western criticism of revealing female character designs, they’ve made changes to the game because of that very same western criticism.

“Recently there’s been a trend in games where if you put out a character that shows a lot of skin, later on you might have to make a lot of revisions, ‘although she’s erotic, there’s not a lot of skin showing’ is the feeling you get,” said Yasuda.

“In fact, it got a rating of C by CERO (Editor’s Note: Cero C is ages 15 or older),” Yasuda continued. He explained why the game’s spellcaster, Fiore, is wearing such a revealing outfit. “Fiore uses a lot of displayed crests on her skin to cast curses. That was part of her setting."

Finally, the developer confirmed they’ve slightly censored the game, in the form of Miki’s panties. You can view a comparison above, with the first image before the change, and the second image after the change.

“Recently, there’s been a lot of flak from overseas countries saying that if you put teens in ‘sexual’ underwear it’s not good,” said Kobayashi. “So we increased the amount of clothing.”

“How distressing (laughs),” Ogawa said in a follow up.


se sabe a que precio saldra?



70 minutos de gameplay de la versión inglesa del juego.


pinta bien.. la cosa es que dicen que es super corto y que no tiene extra stuff


Pues si la verdad es que tiene buena pinta, pero según dicen se puede acabar en 20 horas... que para un juego de este tipo es poquísimo.


Si las 20h son ok y el juego tiene suficiente intensidad, no me importa que sea corto. El problema es que se desinfle. Mi interés lo sigue teniendo desde luego

2 meses después

quedan 2 semanas:

recordad que aquí solo sale para ps4


PC bros esto os interesa

if we can find a solution to our problem with the controls on PC, porting it should be easy enough for us, although I can’t promise that it would be fast.

Es gracioso porque no sabía que en PC en occidente la gente jugaba con pad xDDDDDDD

Kobayashi: “Are people used to playing on PC with a game pad in Europe?”

FFWorld and FFDream: “Yes.”

Kobayashi: “I see. So if you have a game pad, you can play it without problems


chicos chicos que sale esta semana!!

PLS be excited

1 1 respuesta

#42 Joder, yo yo acabo de empezar con Odin Sphere Leifthrasir... No tengo tiempo para todo :(


Yo tengo mono de JRPG y desde que se anunció el juego lo tengo en el punto de mira. Ahora que no tengo otra cosa que jugar quiero pillarlo pero estoy un pelín receloso del contenido extra del juego.

Quiero decir, un JRPG tal cual con sus zonas, equipo e historia como siempre, está bien, pero me estoy esperando a los análisis y tal a ver si tiene cosas secundarias para darle más vidilla.

Ayer me vi el primer gameplay y me gustó mucho visualmente, así que espero que no decepcione.

1 respuesta


Pues vete olvidando, es corto, sin secundarias y sin nada que hacer en el endgame.

1 respuesta

#45 ¿Con corto a qué duración te refieres más o menos? A mi que no haya endgame no me importa demasiado.

2 respuestas

#46 20-30 horas


#46 Según he leído, un jugador se lo pasó en 22 horas haciendo varias misiones secundarias, así que por ahí andará.

A mí me vale, sobretodo si hay cosas que hacer, aunque no sean mil, pero algo.


si que hay misiones secundarias y tal, lo que no hay es un postgame con 1273981273quests de más que hacer.

de 22 a 30h si vas rápido


25 horas me parecen aceptables. Le voy a dar un try seguro. Lo único que no me mola mucho es el contenido de la collector... el libro de arte y la OST están geniales pero el carnet ese y las litografías que no saldrán de la caja dan un poco de cosa... con lo que hubiera molado una figura así to waifu.

1 respuesta


CGMagazine - Cody Orme - 7.5 / 10.0

While Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness pulls together a strong story and great gameplay, it's plauged by technical issues.

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 6 / 10.0

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness is a weird game in that it's a by-the-books RPG one minute, and a completely new feeling the next. Any future iterations after this one will be a tough sell, but if this is where its journey ends, it had a good run.

DualShockers - Giuseppe Nelva - 6.5 / 10.0

The return of Star Ocean could have certainly been better, but if you love the genre (and you’re used to its quirks) and the series, you’ll most probably find plenty to enjoy in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness.

Game Informer - Kimberley Wallace - 5 / 10.0

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness is flat-out disappointing, from its bland cast and story to its problematic battle system and recycled content

GameSpot - Alexa Ray Corriea - 5 / 10

Star Ocean's return is a bumpy ride, with slick combat and smart upgrade systems bogged down by a watery story and some frustrating technical designs.

GamesRadar+ - David Roberts - 2.5 / 5 stars

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness wants to be a grand sci-fi JRPG, but its mediocre production values undercut it at almost every opportunity.

GameZone - James Wynne - 7 / 10.0

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness is a classically made JRPG for the modern day. It's not perfect, and certainly not for everybody, but if you enjoy science fiction and JRPGs, then definitely check this game out. - William Murphy - 7.4 / 10.0

In the end, I’ve enjoyed Star Ocean 5, despite its shortcomings and any old school tendencies. I hope it sells well here, because the last thing I want is for Tri-Ace’s brand of JRPG to stop coming west. There’s promise in Integrity and Faithlessness that Star Ocean’s next incarnation could be really something special. Right now, it’s just not quite there in this edition.

PlayStation LifeStyle - Paulmichael Contreras - 8 / 10.0

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness is a lot of RPG gaming for your money. It will take upwards of 40 hours to run through the game’s campaign, and perhaps up to even 100 hours to fully complete the game and find everything that it has to offer. However, the game’s presentation feels very dated, graphics performance fluctuates, players new to the franchise may feel left out in the cold, and the story is somewhat predictable. Yet, despite these issues, the game is ultimately very fun for RPG fans, both Japanese and Western, thanks to the meaty campaign, countless strategy options, and numerous unlockable and upgradeable skills and roles. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness is a perfect time-sink to game away those lazy summer afternoons on.

PlayStation Universe - Garri Bagdasarov - 7.5 / 10.0

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness excels in areas like combat and crafting but not in narrative or characterization. It has enough gameplay options to bring any JRPG fan to the table, but not everyone will leave content.

Polygon - Philip Kollar - 5 / 10.0

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness has good ideas but never goes anywhere with them

Push Square - Jacob Hull - 7 / 10

Integrity and Faithlessness is a much faster game than previous Star Ocean entries, but it sacrifices narrative and contextual depth for it. There are a few interesting but unsuccessful design choices here which let the game down, but it mostly makes up for its shortcomings with a frenetic battle system, excellent character design, and a standout soundtrack. It's a little bit vague, and it's a little bit shallow, but there's still plenty of fun to be had in tri-Ace's latest, and for newcomers, it's by far the most approachable entry in the series.

RPG Site - Andrea Shearon - 7 / 10

The fifth entry into the series suffers from old habits, but long time fans may still find something special in the mix.

USgamer - Bob Mackey - No Verdict

To be honest, Star Ocean: integrity and Faithlessness is one of those games I could probably score after just a few hours: It's a very familiar, safe experience that's of a much higher quality than you'd see from a developer like Idea Factory. Even so, while they're far from flawless, I love tri-Ace games for their bizarre quirks, and this clearly isn't the business climate for rough-yet-fascinating games like the aforementioned Resonance of Fate and Lightning Returns.


Dios santo menudo blunder, peor de lo que me esperaba.

1 respuesta

#52 Me fiaría más del taste de Shouta que de cualquier review tho:

Anyway está claro que el juego parece flojo. Supongo que el budget no sería para tirar cohetes y el tema PS3/PS4 a estas alturas es también un lastre considerable.


Star Blunder

Y aún así lo voy a disfrutar por mi shittaste

1 respuesta

Mas o menos un poco peores que las puntuaciones de the last hope,yo cuando baje un poco me hare con el.


#54 Tú no tienes shittaste compañero.


como puede ser peor que last hope cuando era mucho peor que till the end of times U____U no me esperaba esto para nada


Pues habrá que jugarlo con unas expectativas bajisimas. No me esperaba mucho después de SO4 la verdad.


una base para la Historia de Star Ocean 5:

Se situa en el tiempo entre The Second Story y Till the End of Time, en el planeta Faykreed.

La historia comienza con el protagonista, Fidel, que vive en un planeta no desarrollado y que se sume en el caos debido al contacto con otra civilización mucho más avanzada, una raza que viaja a través del espacio. Fidel es un protector de su tierra natal, su amiga de la infancia Miki será la protagonista femenina principal junto a Relia una chica que no presenta emociones y tiene amnesia.

La historia tiene múltiples finales, que dependen de nuestras elecciones en el gameplay.







#50 Te cito porque sé que te mola la Hobby Consolas

Juegos como este nuevo Star Ocean son los causantes de la decadencia de los JRPG y de que cada vez resulten menos interesantes para los jugadores de todo el mundo (especialmente fuera de Japón). Haters de los JRPG adelante, este Star Ocean realmente se merece los palos que podáis darle.

/>le damos un 70

3 respuestas