Survarium #hype


#630 (debes logearte para poder ver el enlace)


#628 Respecto al CF como va, me acabo de comprar 2 R9 290x de 8gb por tareas de render y otros menesteres y ya de paso en juegos se que una va bien, pero este juego presenta optimización para CF? Es mejor pregunta decir si lo soporta o no.

1 respuesta

#632 no soporta CF aún.


Se nota que optimizado optimizado no está. Pero va bien, aun no me a bajado de 200 fps, el problema es que tengo demasiado lag.

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#634 Pásame lo que sea que estés fumando. ¿No te baja de 200 fps y dices que optimizado optimizado no está? Qué quieres, ¿que te vaya a 1000?

First of all, we remove (or leave it purely as a visual element) most static anomalies. Anomalies will now appear randomly, blocking routes and changing the topology of the level. The size of the anomalies will be small, about 6-10 meters in diameter, but they will deal very high damage, capable in seconds to kill a player without protection (running through an anomaly will not work). Moreover, the appearance of anomalies will occur in several stages and is closely associated with the artifacts.

Stage 1

Stage 3

¡Y más cosas dentro del enlace!

2 2 respuestas

#635 :O :O :O


¿Qué fps tenéis y con qué equipo? A mí me va a pedales (40fps) con todo en low @ 2560x1080 con una GTX460 y un i5 2500K.


1 respuesta

pues no se prava, pero yo voy a 100 y tengo una basura de pc. un i7 de hace 5 años(630) y una 7970

a tí te gustará, bueno, a cualquier (ex)dodero le gustaría, con la suficiente paciencia para subir el personaje a tope y conocer la dinámica del juego.
bueno, para mí esta a años luz de cualquier otra cosa en el mercado.

1 2 respuestas

#638 Yo estoy igual que tu, con un i7 920 a 3.800 y una 670 sin ocear, jugaba a 60 estables con vsync.


#638 Si hace bastante tiempo que lo tengo, pero es que entre que tengo 100 de ping (me parece bastante con jazztel fastpath), y que cada vez parece que tengo peor rendimiento... ufff.

Y equipo algo tengo, llegué hasta el Sniper xD

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#640 2560x1080 con una GTX460... normal, cómprate esa 670 que venden por 140€ en el foro de compra-venta, que una así cuando la probé me tiraba el juego a 80fps en lobby (los fps en lobby reflejan bastante bien los que vas a tener jugando) xD. A duras penas puedo mantener yo los 60 fps en todos los mapas con una 7950 Vapor-X a 1920x1080...
En la anomalía de gas de Vostok Radar me bajan los fps a 30-40, pero por lo demás lo dicho arriba, bastante bien dentro de lo que cabe. No sé en qué windows estás, pero si no estás en 8.1, pásate, la media de los fps mínimos mejora en 10. También podrías intentar editar el Documentos\Survarium\user.cfg, en el cual hay varios comandos que se pueden poner para bajar aún más la calidad.

Y respecto al ping, si se conecta al servidor de Polonia (que hay veces que lo hace en tres de cada cuatro partidas) yo suelo tener 45 o así, ClO menos aún.


Aqui os dejo un pequeño video mini frag movie que hice con el DemoRecorder para tantearlo un poco. Espero que os guste ;)

pd: Tengo derechos para publicar videos de survarium. Aunque en pocos dias todo el mundo podra supongo yo con el tema de la openbeta.

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#640 la primera atravesada q he encontrado, te suenan estas cosas prava? xD

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#642 menudo troll con las últimas bajas xD
#643 dicen que van a corregir ese bug, porque no es ni normal que las armas atraviesen 1-2m de pared.


#637 Yo también soy bastante lvl, con el i5 2500k a 4.8ghz y la GTX670 a 1306/7400 juego a unos 70-100fps con un par de cosas en medio el resto alto. Hay alguna tontería que apenas se nota si la bajas y sin embargo el rendimiento crece. Ping llevo sobre 40-50.

Claro, a 1920x1200, tu para 2560x1080 necesitas una 280X mínimo, mírate las nuevas 960 cuando salgan.

1 respuesta

#645 Tengo una GTX760 por casa que no tengo pinchada porque estaba haciendo pruebas con mi pc (finalmente era la fuente y no la placa, así que ahora lo tengo todo enchufado "de aquella manera" :S ).

En cualquier caso, el presupuesto no está como para gastar en pc, al menos no de momento :)


No empieza hoy la OB de esto?

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#647 si, hoy dia 5 abririan nuevos servidores e iniciarian la OBT, ya hay trailer de ello anunciandolo, estarán preparandolo todo.

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#648 parece que no habrá servidor nuevo. Seguiremos conectándonos al ruso o polaco según lo decida el juego hasta que les dé la gana dejar de testearlo.


el video es una basura xd


Q9550 a 3.2+280X+6Gb DDR2 algo oceada
todo en high, Vsync ON

para ser una beta, de lujo. Ni una sola ralentizacion, FPS entre 70-100.
Pura gloria!
Me estan gustando los mapas y el hecho que hacen falta mas bien pocas balas para dejar a alguien seco.

algo que no me gusta tanto es el una partida a otra la cosa puede ir de 70 a 140 con alegria. (10Mb FTTH Movistar)

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#651 10mb en 2015? lol ClO juega desde barcelona con movistar y tiene 40-75, según el servidor.

1 respuesta

#651 ¿Qué monitor tienes? Porque con vsync on eso de tener 70-100 fps me parece bastante curioso.


corrijo, tenia la Vsync sin activar (si en el menu, no ingame)
Una vez corregido esto me posiciono 30 frames mas abajo de lo dicho.
Tengo unos 60 - 70 estables y YA.
Seran cosas de la beta o algo, he tenido que desmarcar / marcar de nuevo el checkbox de Vsync para que de verdad este ON.
Tengo un Dell IPS 23' no recuerdo que modelo, recomendado en su momento en el foro de HW (que me va DPM).

#652 , si tio, 10 megas de FTTH que me van muuucho mejor que el doble en cobre, por ejemplo (el edificio donde vivo es de 1842 y el cobre lo debieron poner poco mas tarde :D ). Tenia los 100 de movistar pero entre en Eco round y ahi sigo.
PD: no se si sera por la hora o que, pero me he marcado 3 partidas con 45-50 de ping seguidas..a ver si dura!


Yo no consigo instalarlo, me da error cada vez que lo intento y lo que ponen en la pagina no me lo soluciona. Creo que le van a dar por ahi hasta que lo pongan en steam o algo por el estilo

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#655 busca el mismo error en el foro, más o menos como lo que puse en #631, aunque no sé qué error te sale a ti.

1 respuesta

#656 Después de estar media hora larga mirando por google solo he visto cosas en ruso, y ahora busco lo mismo que estaba buscando en google pero en el buscador de ese foro y el primer post macho xD.

Por lo visto era una incompatibilidad con Windows 8 (8.1 parece funcionar bien por lo visto), modo compatibilidad con 7 y ha funcionado

1 respuesta

#657 Pues menos mal que lo has encontrado porque han hecho una limpieza impresionante de posts antes de la open beta xD.

We have provided an English transcription of the interview below:
1) Firstly, we would like some clarifications regarding the fate of S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2. Have you used any ideas or concepts from this game, while you were working on Survarium?
A) When it comes to using assets from the development of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, we obviously can't as those belong to GSC Game World. However, many of our ideas, during the development of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.2, simply did not fit with the games universe and lore. We expanded on our ideas and used them as inspiration for what is now Survarium.
2) What is current development status of Survarium and when can we expect the final version of the game.
A) Currently, things are going well. We did have a few tough periods through the year and, of course, development never goes as smoothly or as quickly as you would like. So as things stand, we are in Open-Beta of the first of 3 game modes, PvP. We have a prototype of the next game mode, Freeplay (PvE) which we hope to release to testers sometime next year (there's not set date on that as it all depends on development) and lastly the Co-Op (Story Mode) which we have yet to start developing. Right now it is in the conceptual stage of development. In terms of a final release date where the game is "complete"? Unfortunately, we cannot say at this time.
3) Do you believe that Survarium is the spiritual successor of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series?
A) Well, in truth, there are a few. The Metro series, Survarium and then of course the various S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mods that the community have spent years working on. Of course, our team were the core majority that were working on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 as well as many key individuals that were working on Shadow of Chernobyl. So, in that way, we like to think of Survarium as a spiritual successor.
4) Please tell us some things about the current setting and the factions that are fighting for global dominance on Survarium.
A) Survarium is set in the near future, after the world has been overrun by nature, which causes mass ecological and other deadly events. Currently we have 4 factions in the game. The Renaissance Army, The Fringe Settlers, The Black Marker and Scavengers. Each fighting for their own survival. So far, all locations have been set in the former USSR which one even being located in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, by the name of Rudnya. This year, at Gamescom, in Cologne, Germany, we revealed our first location outside Eastern Europe, the location is based on the Cologne Bride. As Survarium is a global based event and story, locations from anywhere on earth can be implemented into the game.
5) On Survarium we see your own in-house engine. Why you chose this engine; Are you satisfied by the result on terms of graphics?
A) We spent many months assessing various different engine technologies and potential development kits. In the end, we felt, as we are developing a somewhat unique project that it would be best served to have an engine we can build alongside our game. As far as graphics go, we are pleased so far, but we still have much to do. We want our game to look beautiful, although it does at this point, we are always striving to improve it on a daily basis.
6) Personally i found the soundtrack a little bit minimal. Will this carry on in the final product of the game?
A) The Soundtrack you are referring to was simply the first volume of the official game OST. There is a lot of in-game sound, music and audio currently missing from the build and of course, this includes the rest of the OST. Stay tuned for more news on that!
7) What are the game modes that we will see on Survarium?
A) We plan (at the moment) a total of 3 different game modes. PvP, PvE and Co-Op. Each mode will offer different challenges as well as interaction with the environment and factions in many different ways. For example, PvP, is split in two. One mode, the traditional TDM and the other is a Battery mode. The goal of the battery mode is for your team to locate and replace batteries which are dispersed throughout the game world. These allow you to place them in a protective device that will ultimately help shield you and your team from a huge cataclysm we are calling Storm. While you can also take the time to complete various missions given to you by whichever faction you are working for at the time. PvE (or Freeplay) is an open-world mode. Based purely on Survival. The player is alone, fighting against the world, mutants and the environment. This mode is a one-life game. The locations will be randomly generated as you progress through the world. It's the mode most players are excited about. Lastly we have Co-Op. This mode will be you and 3 or 4 of your friends. Each player will need different skills in order to progress through the story and complete missions together and alone. It is also the main "Story" mode of the game.
8) Please enlighten us about the free-to-play model of Survarium. Will there be any microtransactions in the final version?
A) There are already microtransactions in the game. Having said that, I would just like to make it 100% clear that we are completely against anything remotely Pay2Win. We believe that all players should have an equal chance and that their skill should be the determining factor of success and not how much money they spend. The items currently on offer are things like, decals, coats of arms, and the ability to unlock specific weapon packs. However, these can be earned for free by simply working for factions. It is basically a feature for players who have less time to play and want to experience all the game has to offer. You can also activate a premium account for anything from 1 day up to a year. This benefit is simply 50% more XP, in-game money and faction reputation earned. This feature will not lead to over-powered players being able to dominate new players as the Matchmaking system won't put players with high level gear and experience against those who have the opposite.
9) Will there be any story mode in Survarium or strictly single-player content?
A) Absolutely! Each game mode will feature story elements. However, it will be the Co-Op mode that has the main story adventure. As far as single-player... in Freeplay (PvE) the player will be alone in the game world. Sort of a "lone wolf". He will face mutants, anomalies, radiation, mutants and much, much more!
10) Is there any plans for releasing it on consoles (PS4 or Xbox One)?
A) At present we are focusing 100% on PC as that is the platform we love the most and have experience with. However, if there is enough support, we will look at the possibility of a console release.
11) Thank you for your time and good luck with your project. Do you want to say something to the readers of
A) Thank you for taking the time to feature us on your website. The support and interest is appreciate more than you know! As for a message; Thank you gamers for supporting the gaming industry. Without you, none of us would be here! Check out and join the other Survivors of the catastrophe!


A la segunda partida lo he desinstalado. Me ha parecido una basura enorme, no le veo atractivo por ningún lado, y en la mayoría de partidas tienes un tío agazapao detrás de una pared esperando a que pases.

Jugabilidad nula, lento de cojones.


He jugado mi primera partida, hemos ganao y nada mas terminar ha crasheado xdd, esta bien lo unico que no me gusta es el movimiento del personaje, parece como que vaya lageado, no se, es un poco paralitico.

1 respuesta