#6698 Las heroicas dan lo mismo que una desafiante solo que ahora los exóticos caen en heroico.
Heroic Bosses now drop Exotics
When you play missions on heroic difficulty, the bosses can now drop Exotics. But there are restrictions:
Only exotics that the player is qualified for.
For world drop exotics it requires that the player has the drop previously
For crafted exotics, it requires that the player has the blueprint
Loot Tables
These are the items that you can farm from heroic missions and the specific requirements:
The Eagle Bearer cannot drop from Heroic bosses, even if you already own it. It’s exclusive to the raid.
The player must have the blueprint for the crafted ones before they drop
The Chatterbox
Dodge City Gunslinger’s Holster
The Discovery mode of the Raid will also not drop the Eagle Bearer.
You also have to get the Diamondback Rifle the intended way before it can drop from Heroic Bosses.