The Forest #HO | La bruja de Blair 2.0


Parche de hoy, 150MB:

Version 0.05 Changelog:

-New craftable item added: Bow (Stick plus cloth plus rope)
-New craftable item added : Arrows (Stick plus 5 feathers)
-New craftable item added: Fire torch (Cloth plus Stick)
-New craftable item added : Medicine (Aloe plant plus Marigold flower)
-Fixed staircase built scale being different from ghost scale
-Fixed hunting shelter built scale being different from ghost scale
-Fixed enemies not playing correct death animation
-Enemies no longer get stuck jumping down from trees
-Enemies will dodge around close trees more often, less instances of getting stuck on trunks
-Fixed(removed) weirdly shaped weeds
-Fixed rusty axe duplication bug
-Fixed yellow axe not appearing in inventory
-Lower sound effect tree breaking notification
-Fixed bug where you could throw multiple tennis balls at once
-Added support for more resolutions
-Parry no longer affects burn/poison and other damage to player
-Carry log animation added to player
-Improved enemy collision detection with built walls and structures
-Enemy vision is now properly blocked by player built structures
-‘check bloody arms’ animation can be cancelled by other actions more reliably

-Fixed enemies sometimes getting stuck and walking backwards forever
-New 3d models added, first class passengers * 2
-Fixed rope not appearing in inventory when collected
-Added new female texture and hair variations
-Fixed glitch in cave where players could fall through ground
-New cave prop added : Mining hat with light
-Fixed some pathfinding issues in animals and mutants
-Fixed lit fires blocking enemy vision causing weird AI behaviour
-Enemies should set themselves on fire less often
-Fixed an issue where enemies would get stuck on spot while climbing trees
-Fixed counter attacks of cannibals sometimes not registering
-Fixed missing turtles on main beach
-Fixed enemies getting stuck in trees
-Fixed enemies freezing upright after being shot with flare gun or burnt
-Batteries can now be used to restore charge in flashlight and lowered torch battery drain speed to half

-Stick holder now holds 20 sticks!
-New cannibal village art added: Blankets, drying racks
-Rabbits and lizards will navigate around trees and rocks better
-Distorted mutants can now be killed with flare gun/fire
-Improved bloom
-Adaptive photographic tonemapper added
-Fires now drain slightly faster
-Improved sunlight settings
-Motion blur now takes into account HDR
-Improved foliage lighting
-Improved water shader, more refraction as depth increases, more accurate sky reflections
-Raised player fire damage amount
-Rope pick ups added to some cannibal villages
-Pedometer now shows outside temperature
-Logs should no longer fall through rocks
-Fixed plane seats vanishing on loading save game
-Made feathers brighter, made batteries brighter (easier to see in inventory)
-You can now carry 3 dead rabbits and 3 dead lizards (instead of 1 each)
-Fixed plane crash crazy motion blur bug
-Marigold and AloeVera now get stored in backpack when picked up
-Texture resolution option added to options menu (start options menu only) Try lowering this to improve memory on lower ram systems and improve performance on lower end cards.

-Fixed issues with taking bombs from inventory
-Birds now spawn feathers when killed
-Day counter now starts at 0 from when you first wake up in plane
-Improved cave items/layout and lighting
-Fixed lizards & birds vanishing when close to edge of screen
-Rainbow will be forced off now if night time
-Tweaked rain chance settings
-Enemies will now push past bloody table instead of getting stuck
-Fixed dead bodies spawning too many chunks when chopped up
-Fixed some missing sound effects, improved night time sound effects

Note: Some reported bugs may be due to old save games! To ensure your game is fully up to date start a new save game every couple versions.



-New craftable item added: Bow (Stick plus cloth plus rope)
-New craftable item added : Arrows (Stick plus 5 feathers)
-New craftable item added: Fire torch (Cloth plus Stick)
-New craftable item added : Medicine (Aloe plant plus Marigold flower)
-Ahora puede llevar 3 conejos muertos y 3 lagartos muertos (en lugar de 1 cada una)

Si señor!


No si al final tendré que pillarmelo y todo...


Poco a poco va tomando forma...


Alguien a probado ya el arco?


Joder, qué parche más cojonudo la verdad


Buah no puedo mas, me lo compro ahora mismo. Está empezando a coger muy buen color!


No he terminado aun de pulir del todo el nuevo parche y ya estoy muerto de ganas de ver que meteran en el siguiente.

1 respuesta

#729 Una pregunta, cuando pulsas la B para abrir la guía de supervivencia, hay pestañas que no se pueden abrir, ¿cual es la razón? que se desbloquean mientras juegas o que es contenido que meterán en un futuro?

1 respuesta

#730 No estan disponibles aun, eso lo iran metiendo.


Hace ya que no paso por aquí. ¿Han metido ya el coop?

2 respuestas

#732 No.


#732 Aun faltara para el coop.

1 respuesta

#734 Pues,sin saber nada del juego ni de como va de bugs,creo que es lo primordial. Este juego se nota que está hecho para co-op y no tenerlo es un punto en contra bastante grande.

1 1 respuesta


En realidad el juego se nota que está hecho para Single, lo que pasa es que relacionamos supervivencia con más gente, desde el principio querian enfocarlo como un ''naufrago'' y ya.
A lo robinson etc.
Pero sí, todo survival pinta mejor con coop y este no es menos.
(Aunque hay gente que piensa que todo survival deja de serlo una vez no estás solo)

16 días después

Version 0.06 Changelog:

-A.I. - New tribe type added - starving cannibal! Will eat fallen comrades
-A.I. - Different tribes will now interact with each other, hunting, stalking, killing and eating -each other
-Shadows Improved! Fisheye shadow distortion gives higher resolution shadow up close and now uses a single cascade (experimental, maybe cause some glitches)
-2 New cave systems added near geese lake
-Fixed missing light on crafted torch
-Real caustics added to water
-Lighting effigies uses the lighter correctly now
-Fixed issue where cannibals could get stuck after being knocked down
-Creepy mutants and animals no longer get stuck in noose trap spinning forever
-Improved look of noose trap when sprung but empty
-All traps can be reset
-Player will set off traps if he touches trigger
-5x new plant types added
-Fixed (Unity fix) issue where grass would cause slight framerate hicks
-Hint to NVIDIA driver that it should use the discrete GPU in Optimus chipsets. (Unity fix - should help laptop performance)
-Added press space to skip tutorial to opening plane crash
-Fixed bug where arrows could get stuck in sky above fires
-Fixed rockpit floating slightly above terrain
-Moving forward, crouching, jumping or pressing e will make player stand up if sitting on bench
-Better bench model
-Fresnel effect applied to specular and fixed specular leak around backside of objects
-New props added: washed up packages and shipping containers
-New prop added : Orange tent
-New improved opening plane crash sound effects
-Fixed marigold and dead rabbits overlapping in inventory
-Improved plane interior textures and resolution
-Added icon to remove ghost structures, fixed issue where add icon could sometimes stay on screen after removing ghost. Limited ghost removal to only if no resources have been added. -New crunch sound effect for when removing ghost structures
-Wall built can now be destroyed by hitting it with axe, giving you back resources
-Musical sting added to player waking up on plane
-Improved terrain spec and (finally) fixed water accumulation when raining, added new sharp rock terrain texture to under lakes
-Improved pond water distance settings
-Crafting: Fixed issue where you could remove feathers before crafting arrows and still craft the arrows. Fixed issue where you could sometimes not craft items depending on order of items placed. Adding an item to a craft that isn’t needed will stop you from crafting until it’s removed again. Fixed bug where you could lose medicine by crafting the same item multiple times
-Lots of collision issues fixed in caves
-Improved cave lighting! Better looking settings for skull lights and less light popping on/off
-Sped up rabbits
-Lowered brightness of click to place buttons in survival book
-You can now save your game at a shelter without sleeping
-Fixed bug where coins could vanish after adding them to a craftable item
-Fixed bug where day counter wouldn’t increase correctly
-Fixed bug where crickets would continue to play during the day
-Fixed issue where cave sounds would sometimes vanish when walking between connecting caves
-More combat balance and a tweak on weapon settings
-Performance and memory improvements


Esto lo acabo de ver y es vaya...
-A.I. - New tribe type added - starving cannibal! Will eat fallen comrades
-A.I. - Different tribes will now interact with each other, hunting, stalking, killing and eating -each other


Hay fecha aproximada para el coop? La verdad es que tiene muy buena pinta y tengo un par de colegas que están esperando pillarselo. Yo lo tengo pero aun no lo he jugado porque no me corre prisa xD

2 respuestas

#739 Pues os va a tocar esperar, aun le falta para que metan el coop.


que buena pinta esta pillando este juego, lo de las tribus que se matan entre ellas es brutal, yo la verdad que ahora vicio bastante hehe, con ganas de que amplíen el mapa y metan coop, se lo estan currando si señor, así da gusto comprar early acces ojala todas las compañias fueran igual.


#739 pues ya lo puedes jugar tranquilamente, ahora el juego esta en un estado mas que viciable hehe, no te arrepentiras :P

1 respuesta

#742 Nah, prefiero esperarme. Fue un regalo que me hicieron, así que hasta que no salga del todo puedo esperar :D

8 días después


-New spawning system for enemies, better world population, better pacing and progression over time
-A.i has more chance to venture to expected areas (ie cannibal villages)
-Fixed birds getting faster and faster over time
-Optimized sky light occlusion performance
-Fixed fog showing through ocean water
-Improved ssao!
-New camping prop added
-Improved ocean sound effects
-Improved Bow and arrow sound effects
-Fixed yacht lod bug where it would vanish for some players
-Added sound effects to timmy dragged away scene
-New improved cave drips and cave wind sound effects
-Fixed some dynamic objects flying up in air on spawning (boxes, suitcases)
-Fixed bug where skinny enemies would switch to default shading when injured
-Cave ambient track added
-Enemy combat theme/suspense themes added (rough)
lowered (4x) damage and speed of arms and legs when used as weapons
-New first class passenger model added
-Skinny woman made blood less shiny
-Fixed bug with inventory light at night being too bright
-Balance tweaks : Increased fall damage, lowered how much health meds heal you
-Turtles can now be killed by repeatedly hitting shell (although hitting them in head is much quicker)
-Fixed brightness of standing fire (same as regular fire now)
-Fixed fire stick enemy too bright


Bueno a ver si ponen el coop. ¿Hay nueva info? Es que ando un poco perdido desde hace unos meses :(

1 respuesta

#745 Tardaran en ponerlo, hasta que tengan el juego bastante terminado dudo que lo pongan.


De hecho, dudo que lleguen a ponerlo.

1 respuesta

#747 Sí lo pondrán, por lo menos lo dicen en el FAQ.

Will there be co-op?

Co-op is not planned for the initial release. However adding some form of co-op play will be one of our focuses after the initial release of the game.

2 respuestas

#748 after initial realise... De ahi que dude xd


#748 Primero dijeron que en la beta, si no recuerdo mal, ahora dicen que en la release...

No pinta muy bien. Yo ya lo comenté cuando lo compré, que se iban a dar el hostión cuando intentasen sacar todo lo que están haciendo en multiplayer. No puedes hacer un juego que va a ser multiplayer desarrollando un singleplayer, y luego añadiendo más jugadores, si el juego va a ser coop debería de utilizar una arquitectura multijugador y ser diseñado para este fin desde el principio.

Tema cerrado